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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Nathan, while I like you for you respect for our values. Your, oh how can I put this lightly. Your lack of the ability to understand our tung puts you in a disadvantage when it comes to the understanding of us without other forms of communication like I have. While you may see April as sweet and kind, she hasn't. She has taken advantage of your lack of said ability and taken advantage of our patience. There was no apology that came from her mouth. Only another insult. Now I suggest that she kept quiet for I am very close to having her for Thanksgiving as the main course." Latios told her

Nathan appeared hesitant for a moment. Despite her like and trust of her new group of friends, she had been with April for so many years that she innately wanted to side with her. She looked to Max, who simply nodded in response. Nathan sighed and looked down to April. "April, just don't say anything until we reach our destination, alright?" April harrumphed.


"That better have been an apology." Nathan sighed and looked over to the group. "Sorry guys. I... didn't know." As she was apologizing, Max was thinking silently to himself.
"Thank you." He said politely. "I just hope her other Pokémon aren't all like this. Arceus knows who else she brought with her." Latios told Max.

By now Emlas had lost interest in their race, she was too upset to continue. Instead she flew close to Latios for protection against April. Emlas didn't like her at all, she hadn't even done a single thing wroung to her to deserve to be treated like this. They had only just meet as well. She was worried what might Nathan's other Pokémon be like if this was how her first Pokémon acted.

Max frowned. "I've never met her other Pokemon, myself. I'm... nervously intrigued if they'll behave similarly." Max looked over to see Nathan talking to April. There had been some sour Pokemon in Felix's group, but none were nearly as bad as April. In fact, Max was typically the buzzkill of the group during that time.
"Well I wonder what exactly we signed up for by bringing her along." After that he was quite. No longer in the mood for talking from the feud. Latio flew a little close to Emlas, holding onto her a slightly as they flew trying to comport her.

The rest of the flight was rather quiet from there on. April had done quite a number on their emotional state. Emlas who had been looking forward to being friends with Nathan and all of her Pokémon was now hesitant. It became closer to dusk, the shore line was in sight. Latios landed at the beach. "There no other land from this point on so we will have to rest here for the night. Other wise we would just crash into the ocean if we tried to fly all night. There's still a few hours left untill night so we can get ready for tomorrow in that time. I'll gather some fire wood whirl there's still light." Latios said as he flew off into the forest.

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
Nathan hopped off April and nodded to her.

"Bye bitches!" April yelled before flying off to go enjoy herself. Nathan sighed and released the rest of her Pokemon: a Zigzagoon, Gardevoir, and Eevee. The Gardevoir began to look around, observing her surroundings, while the Zigzagoon ran in circles quickly. The Eevee, on the other hand, approached Emlas and looked up at her. He simply stared at her for a few seconds before cocking his head.
Emlas looked down at the Eevee. All her worries about Nathan's other Pokémon vanished from there. "Eeeeeee, an Eevee, its so adorable." She squealed. Emlas immediately rushed at it pulling the small evolution Pokémon into a massive hug. 

Eevee squealed and laughed as Emlas grabbed him. He nuzzled Emlas affectionatly as the Gardevoir chuckled and looked over at the group.

Emlas stopped snuggling him for a moment. "And what would your name be little cutie." She said before bopping him on the nose. 

Latios was having trouble finding enough dry wood. Most of it was still damp. He had at least rummaged up a few pieces, but it wasn't enough. "There has to be a better way to go about doing this." He picked up one of the damp pieces and examined it closely. "Let's se if this works." He focused his Psychic on the stick, feeling every part of if with his mind. Slowly little droplets of water rose to the surface. I'm a matter of moments it was dry and all the water had been pushed out. "Well there we go. Just a lot more to do it to."

Three inky forms glided among the trees, starkly contrasting with the verdant paradise they were trespassing in. They were what was left of a houndour, a stantler and sviper, and moved generally as a normal creature would save for the eerie way they so carelessly padded past tree and shrub. It was as if they did not truely see what was before them or elsewise held little concern towards stealth. It mattered not for the three hunters would not end their day as they had planned, for this time they would become the hunted. 

Two crimson eyes glittered from the growing shadows wrought by the setting sun, burning with anger. Nari knew the truth behind these creatures, how they were normal pokemon merely turned into the pawns before her, yet she did not care. Their kind had taken her child and for that they would receive no mercy. 

There was a sudden rustle of leaves as the silver furred beast rushed from her cover before it was replaced by a soft crack as blue flames erupted to life. A howl disturbed the birds roosting upon the trees which caused them to dart into the air to linger with the growing column of smoke.
"Well hi Darin, my names Emlas." She said smiling. She placed him back down on the ground again. "Hey, you want to play a game. I'm a little bored right now."

A loud sound interrupted Latios's stick collecting. He looked up to see smoke riseing from the tree tops. "That's not normal." He went to the disturbence to see what it might be. Hopefully it wasn't more shadows. They had no where to go from here.  He came across some blue fire buning the area around him. Along with 3 shadows. "Ah crap." He luanched a couple of shadow balls at the shadows before diving into the trees. T was there he bumped into a silver Ninetails. "Um, hello."


Nari's assault on the three shadows was somewhat halted while she watched orbs of dark matter crash into her opponents, seemingly out of nowhere. A flash of movement out of the corner of her eye brought her attention to a black form suddenly hurtling towards her. Nari barely had enough time to utter a snarl before she was bowled over from the impact.

She rolled for no more and a heartbeat before she regained her bearings and shot up into a crouching position. Instinctively a flash of blue light illuminated the surrounding brush after a slash of flame hurtled downward at the Latios. Everything was happening so fast that Nari didn't even register the other pokemon's greeting or the fact that he was not the typical coloration of a shadow. 

With a hastily Protect, Latios narrowly escaped the fire attack. "HEY, What are you trying to do." He didn't get time to say much esle for the Seviper came through with a Poison tail. Latios immediately step out of they way and as it passed he landed a dragon claw on it. The Seviper spiraled in air from the earlier momentum and crashed into a tree and was knocked out. "That's one down. Now are you going to help out or are you going to try to turn me into roasted dragon again."


 "How about we play tag. That would be fun. Maybe even your other friends over there could join." She said.

Darin smiled widely and turned to the Gardevoir and Zigzagoon. "Hey hey! You guys want to play tag?" The Zigzagoon nodded vehemently, but the Gardevoir simply laughed a tad and smiled.

"No thank you. I'll watch though."
"Alright, tag, your it." She giggled while tapping Darin. She zoomed around at a slow pace as to be fair to the others who couldn't match her speed.

Darin stared for a moment before going in a feral position. "No fair, you surprised me!" He yelled before chasing after Emlas as fast as he could, which was admittedly not very fast.
Nari's head tilted in bewilderment for a heartbeat before she gathered that this one was indeed not a shadow and that she and the Latios shared a common foe. An impatient growl escaped her fangs as she turned back towards the battle, no longer paying the other pokemon any heed even after he defeated the sviper. 

The brief pause in her attack had allowed the shadowy houndour to draw closer and eventually charge towards the ninetails, the stantler in close pursuit.  Crimson eyes quickly flickered to the two while tails began to lash rapidly behind the snarling ninetails. A cracking sound split the air and from the space between Nari's head and many tail tips spawned an orb of flame. It hovered there for a moment before hurtling towards the approaching shadows in a flickering arc. Upon contact with the houndour it split into a second flame that leapt to strike the stantler beside it. 

The attack caused the houndour to fall behind but the stantler stayed on its collision course for Nari, the beast lowering its head and building up speed.

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Emlas laughed the whole time staying just ahead of Darin. She flew backwards to keep an eye on him as to avoid him as long as possible. But by Doing so she accidentally crashed into the Gardevoir. "Opps, I'm sorry. Are you ok." She apologized a bit nervously


Latios ended the Stantler's charge with a swift Shadow Claw. The super-effective move making a heavy blow to the shadow. However the Stantler was not down yet and began another take down attack at Latios this time. The houndour also got back into the fight with a fire fang. 

Delta sighed "That is why we are here along with their friends, to guide and protect them whatever may happen" the dewott smiled a bit before letting it fade. " They are no longer novices to the ways of the world but they have much to learn"

The Gardevoir smiled and chuckled. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you. You are Emlas, right?"
"Yes, that's me, and what's your name." She asked. Being a bit distracted by the conversation she stopped running away from Darin. 


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