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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Yes right. Lead the way." He said. He changed into his human form before stepping outside. Emlas also changed her form as well and followed. 

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As the group past the Dewott stood stretching a bit as he had finally moved from the position he had taken the night before to guard. He motioned a nod to Nathan as if saying good morning and raised his whiskers at the other two humans who smelled familiar.

@Assailant @latios
As they continued to follow Nathan. Latios's mind kept wandering back to the events of yesterday. He just couldn't stop thinking about those words. It was almost maddening for him. He kept silent though as he didn't want to talk about it.
Eventually, the group made their way to a few houses. Nathan talked to the owners for a bit, and eventually, all of the children were dropped off. Nathan smiled as she looked at the job well done before hitching her bag up on her back and looking around. "Well then, that's that taken care of. You guys know what you're doing, right?"
"Yes, and I hope your not afraid of heights because there's going to be a lot of flying in our future." Latios said. He began to head toward the outskirts of town. They would need to go there to change their form and take off.

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
Nathan shook her head. "Nope, I'm all good with heights!" Nathan suddenly realised something. "Hey, wait, Max. Is your trainer cool with you going like thi-"

"I don't have a trainer," Max said. "I've been living in the wild for years." 

"It's why I mascaraed as one instead, as well for the sake of the others not drawing attention and getting captured." He said. It wouldn't be much longer untill they were outside the town. 
Nathan nodded in understanding. As she began to walk further and further from the center of town, it just began to dawn on her exactly what she'd agreed to. She was easily weaker than anyone else in the party, and her pokemon weren't very strong either. She couldn't help but feel a little scared. However, in the end, she decided that it was worth it. She would stick to her guns.
Once they were away from any preying eyes Latios and Emlas dropped their illusions. "So what's the arrangement going to be. We have 3 flyers, and 3 passengers. Who's going with who." Latios asked them. The more comfortable everyone was the better this trip would be. 

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
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Nathan smiled and leaned against a tree. "My Pidgeotto can fly me, so no need to worry about me." 

Max shrugged. "Whoever would be the most comfortable having me with them."
"Well outlet Dewott friend can ride with me." Said Draka. "I do have a few questions I would like to speak with him." 

"Alright, seeing as Max is most like to heavy for Emlas I guess he'll ride with me." Spoke Latios. 

Once they were ready, Latios toon to the skies awhile the rest followed. He began heading east to the Orange Islands. There would be their first target. Hopefully there would be no more complications, but it was unlikely. However, this would be a long flight either way. T was a 3 day Freud by the Honchcrow flies. 

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
As Max flew on Latios, he looked down. "Last night, I sensed you were in emotional turmoil. Is it anything you'd like to talk about?'
"What do you mean. I was sleeping that night. I didn't speak about anything." He said. In truth he didn't even expect for Max to know that he was troubled. Unless, "You haven't been poking around my head, have you."

Max shook his head, only to remember that Latios couldn't see him. "No. I can sense emotions passively: it isn't something I can control. I sensed your distress."
Latios mumbled something about blocking a his mind again. "Yes, I'm concerned. About yesterday, there are somethings I just can't stop thinking about."

Max was silent for a few moments. "Anything you'd like to talk about? Speaking can be therapeutic."
"My family. We have always had a troubled past. But is it worse then I know. My mother, she die from a human who stabbed her with one of their capturing tools. My Brother, his body was never found. My father, his death was uncertain. What Eclipse said, I can not trust. But what if it's right. Did my father take his life. For my brother, what happened to him. The last I saw him was the raid of Whirlwind. It leaves me with uncertainty about my families past. And it seems that it just keeps comeing up again."

Max thought for a few moments on how to respond to that. "What made you so sure they were dead in the first place?" He finally responded.
"I watched my mother die, and I visited my fathers grave. Only Emlas knew of my fathers death at the time. I was still separated from them." He said

"Well, it's immensely uncommon in the Pokemon world... but amongst humans, faking ones death is not unheard of. Your father may have faked his death to avoid further pursuit... as for your brother, he might still be alive too if his fate is uncertain. The only one that seems guaranteed is your mother..." Max sighed. "I apologize if that sounded cold or tactless."
"No, my father is definitely dead. His body is still at the grave to this day. And one dose not simply fake what had happened that day. Even so, we were no longer being pursued, why whould he take his life. As for my brother. You may be right." 

Some part of Max wanted to continue to question Latios over the exact nature of his father's demise and subsequent burial, but he decided that would be cold and rude. He opted not to, in the end.


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