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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max looked over to Latios. Latios seemed to forget sometimes that Max could sense emotions and read minds. He wasn't reading his mind, telepaths were not supposed to do that without permission or need, but he could still sense his emotional turmoil. That was a passive ability of his that he couldn't turn off. Max could guess the turmoil that was going on within him. Max wanted to say something to Latios, but he got the feeling that Latios didn't want to talk right now. Maybe in the morning? Max sighed and said goodnight to Emlas. Nathan set them all up with sleeping areas as they got ready for bed.
(BEHOLD, THE EPIC POWER OF A TIME SKIP, we RPers have more power than Dialga lol.)

-Fast forward to the morning-

Morrning, a great time of the day. It represented the renewal of events of the past. The sun shown upon the small town. By then the smoke had gone away from the earlier battle. People were already working on reconstruction.

Draka was one of the first to get up. She was always and early bird. But this time she had nothing to do. Normally she would go pick berries for the day but there was no were to go. Instead she just hung out near the window just watch the humans go by.

Max approached Draka by the window. He was silent for a bit as he gauged her emotional state. He looked out the window. "How are you faring, Draka?"
"Oh, nothing much. I'm just hanging in there. Yesterday was a mess. I wish I could have done more. The humans are already busy on fixing the place. I'll give it to them. They are efficient at building things." She told him. 

Emlas had woken up as well. It was around that time. As she came down stairs you could see her tiredness from just waking up. Her flight was very wobbly and she looked very drowsy. "Mor -yawn- Morning everyone."  
Max looked back and smiled at her. "Hello Emlas. I hope your sleep was restful?"
"Yeah, much more comfy than the rock floor of our cave." She said she flew over and set herself down next to them near the window and just enjoyed the suns rays. 

Max looked over at Emlas flying over to them. He couldn't help but admire the way the sunlight shined on her. It had been very long since he'd had true companionship. He had seen Pokemon in his cave before, but they had been unintelligent. Like children. He was very happy to have companionship, especially in such troubling times. He smiled at Emlas. "Sleep makes one feel so much better."
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(Dang it, I fell asleep)

"You can say that again." Said a different voice. Emlas looked behind her to see Latios passing by. "As comfortable human bedding is we shouldn't get to used to it. This is only temporary after all."

"Yeah." Emlas looked back with a solemn face. "We're leaveing today aren't we." 

Delta thought back on the events of before his mind wishing he had been faster or reacted sooner. He shook the thought away it was not his place to determine fates. He continued to watch the horizon for any shadows.

@Assailant @Latios
Max nodded. "It seems that we must. We should stay here to see Nathan off. For everything she's done for us, she deserves that dignity."
"Alright, I'll wait, but we mustn't linger long. The earlier we leave the better. We've already stayed in one place for too long and look what happened." He said. He flew away from the others and took his spot back on the couch. Might as well rest a little longer if they were going to wait. 

Nathan woke up not much later. She passed around the food, for those who would eat it, and spoke a bit with Max. Soon, the time came to leave. Before Nathan let them go, she sat all of them down. She looked at them and took a deep breath.

"I want to come with you," she finally said.
Latios was a bit taken back. A human with them. This didn't go well in his book, but this Junius's been the nicest he'd meet. Although he still didn't fully trust her. 

Emlas however thought it was a great Idea. She had done so much from them. And not only that but a human could do so much for them in their travels that they couldn't do. For instance, being able to talk with other humans without suspicion.
Max was concerned. Of course he trusted Nathan wholeheartedly, but she didn't have the ability to defend herself that any of them did. Nathan didn't need empathic powers to know what they were all thinking.

"I understand your... trepidation, but..." she sighed. "In that attack, a lot of people died. Some were friends... people I know... friends OF people I knew... now, I know there's a way to stop them. How could I just sit back and... do nothing when I know that?"
"I understand your concern, I've lost people I've known as well. Too many to count actually. But you must understand that if you come your safety is not guaranteed. You would not only have to worry about the shadows but the other dangers of the world. Many of the othe Pokémon we will be encountering also don't take kindly to humans." Spooke Latios.
Nathan nodded. "If I die fighting to protect the world, then at least I'll have lived a worthwhile life."
Latios put a claw up to his head in frustration. He had more or less as mutual decision on this matter but there was no sure fire way to make sure she was safe. Unless... "Nathan, while I don't have my mind set on this if your going to come tell me this. Do you have anyway to protect yourself."

Nathan smiled. "I have Pokemon!" Her smile faded. "Although something tells me you wouldn't appreciate that. Umm..." she thought for a few moments before holding a finger up to tell them to wait before running off. A few moments later, she returned with a baseball bat. "You'd be surprised how much damage this thing can do. I also took martial arts lessons for a long time. My parents were absolutely paranoid. Some of that training included how to fend off Pokemon."
"No, captured Pokémon are fine. For two reasons actually. One, I actually prefer to be around owned Pokémon more that Humans, as long as they aren't attacking me. Two, those things tend to kill. Do keep in mind that underneath all the corruption they are still Pokémon and when freed they returned to normal. Our aim is to release them from this spell, not kill. The only shadow that will die is the original one."
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Nathan smiled and began rounding up her Pokemon. As it turned out, all of her household Pokemon were once Pokemon she caught as a trainer long ago. Soon, she had a team of four rounded up. She then grabbed a backpack from upstairs. "I packed last night for the road," she explained.
Latinos shook his head a little. "You seemed awfully sure that it was going to be a yes." He still was a little hesitant on letting her join.  

Emlas flew around in joy. They had another team members that she could hang out with. "Yay," she squealed. "Glad to have you aboard. As you already know, my name is Emlas. I'm so glad that your coming. We can be buddies!" Emlas said while rubbing her head against her in affection. 

Nathan smiled at Latios. "Well... I wasn't taking no for an answer," she said with a little chuckle before Emlas had her episode. Nathan laughed and stroked Emlas gently with her hand ((which sounds SUPER creepy when talking about an intelligent creature, by the way)) "Yep! We'll all be buddies!"
Latios rolled his eyes at Emlas's reaction. But a small smile could be seen on his face. "Now, if we all would get going. The faster we start this journey the more time we will have to stop this." He said.


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