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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Nathan looked sadly over at Latios. She felt that he needed to eat, but she wasn't going to force him to. She sighed and looked over at Emlas when she spoke. "Yup. It's a pretty cheap brand that I buy for my Pokemon. I don't make the money to buy the good ones." A Zigzagoon could be seen eating in a food bowl across the room. "It won't taste very good to you guys, since you're so used to eating fresh berries, but it's fairly healthy. Certainly not bad for you. It'll fill your stomachs." Nathan smiled, trying to brighten the mood in any way she can.
Emlas picked up one of the pieces. She slowly observed it before throwing it in her mouth. She chewed for but befriend coming to a decision. "Meh, it's ok. Your right though, berries are better." She told her. "Hey brother, you should come over and eat. It won't be good for tomorrow if you starve tonight."  

"No thanks, I've had enough of that stuff to know I hate it." Emals just hesitantly looked back and continued eating. She knew she wouldn't be able to change his mind about this but that didn't mean she thought his decision was right.
Delta moved up to the house before stopping at the door he turned and sat down at the entryway. The others needed rest and the enemy knew that. Delta was going to guard the house for now while the others took a break.
Max sensed Delta's presence outside the door. He walked over and opened the door. "Would you like to come in? I'm sure Nathan wouldn't mind." A quick telepathic message to her confirmed it.
Draka had been in the living room playing with the children. It was during this time that she began to think to herself. This journey was no place for kids. That single battle alone could have taken their lives. It had already took one. The thought was sad but it was the truth. They needed to stay somewhere safe. They could no longer travel with them. But what Draka didn't know where to leave them. 

(Seeing as Beebe, Legolad, and Phadia haven't posted at all anymore anywhere, I think it's time to drop them off.)

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
Nathan walked over to the couch and plopped down with a sigh. She rubbed her face in exhaustion, but gave a chuckle when she saw the children playing. She then became concerned. "You aren't... going to bring them with you... right?"
"No," She said, she didn't have telepathy like the other so it just came of in growls. "I can't bring them. It's not safe. But I don't know where I should leave them." 

Nathan frowned. "Right... Pokemon speech." Max translated for her. "Hmm... I have some friends that have always wanted Pokemon. We could give them to her and say they're... foster pets. When the battle's done, we can say that someone adopted them and pick them up."
Draka perked up at the offer. "Really, you'd do that for them." It was a great offer, this way they could still be free if they wanted to. 

By then Emlas had finished eating. She had enjoyed the meal that had been provided. She began to look around the house with interest. She had never been in a human house in her entire life. While it didn't have the normal feel of home that she was used to it was definitely very comfy. 

Nathan smiled as Max translated the statement. "Yeah. It'll help a lot of people. Besides, after the events of tonight... the best treatment for sorrow is babies!"
"I guess after all. Alright, after tonight I'll leave them in your care. But please make sure no harm comes to them. I would be very upset if it did." 

Emlas had just finished her tour of the place. She was fascinated by it. It was so much larger than their cave. Why would humans need so much space. She came back down to she Nathan, Max, and Draka in a conversation."What are you guys talking about." She asked.  
"Oh, I do hope that they we be safe what ever we decide." Emlas said. She looked over to her brother who seemed to be sleeping in the couch. She was a little saddened the he was being so quiet today. Normally after such an endeavor he would have been there to help comport her. But today he was being very distant. Something must be up but she was to afraid to ask. Emals most likely knew the answer involved his past and that was something he never wanted to speak about.

Max approached Emlas. "Are you alright?" He asked her, concerned for her well being.
"What, yeah, I'm ok. I'm just worried about my brother. He's been very distant after the battle. I just don't know why." She told him. 

"I know but just not like this. It's different. I'm just worried. Wouldn't you be worried if someone acted differently than you know."

Max hugged Emlas supportively. "I'm sorry," he whispered. He still couldn't shake the feelings of guilt.
Emlas accepted the hug. She slow put her arms as well around Max. Laying her head down on him as well, some tears could be seen Slowy coming from her eyes. She hated this, every moment. "Why can't things go back to normal. I miss being at the cave already. I hate what's going on. Why can't we just go back to when my friends weren't being hurt. I don't want to lose anyone else."

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Max squeezed gently, hoping to reassure her. Her pain became his pain as he sensed the emotions coming off of her. "With salvation comes sacrifice," he said wisely. "An awful and unfortunate truth. But... I won't let anyone get hurt again. By my dying breath, I swear that much."
Emlas continued to silently cry. She took into account Max's words though. She could have lost her brother today but she didn't, and for that she was thankful. "I hope we can go home soon."

Max grit his teeth. Their pain compounded on him. He was overwhelmed, he wanted to cry as well. But he had to remain strong. For Emlas. "I'm getting you home," he said sternly. "I'm getting you home... and Latios home... and Draka home... and anyone else we may meet along the way."
"-sniff- thanks Max, it means a lot that you'd go through so much just for us." She backed away and wiped a few straggling tears away. "Now, I think we should rest. We're gonna definitely need out strength for tomorrow. Especially after that fight."

Max looked at her with a smile. When he looked at her, he felt his worries melt away. Well... he supposed that wasn't true. They were repressed. He felt an overwhelming need to protect her. I wonder if this is how Latios feels? He wondered in his head. Despite that, his emotional sensing knew that wasn't true. Something was different, though he wasn't quite sure 

Max nodded to her. "Yes, that is a good idea."
To Latios, he was listening to thier conversation. He wasn't accually asleep. He was very good at pretending he was. After all, he had to do it for an entire year in order to stay alive. Latios had conflicting feelings right now. He knew it was hurting his sister by not talking but right now he was very torn up by the things Eclipse said.

Did his father really commit suicide. He didn't want to think of the possibility but there was no answer to what had happened to him. His older brother. He never knew what happened to him. His body was never found. His mother. He knew that story all to well for he had been there to witness it. 

On another note, he was concerned about Max. The way he acted around Emlas. It felt as if they were forming a bond. Normally this wouldn't be a problem as friends are a great thing, but this was more than that. It almost made his want to lads out at Max, to keep him away from his sister. But he could never do that. Max was a friend. And doing so would torment Emlas. She had been through enough already, and there was no way he wanted to drive her away from his life. 

He he needed to get those thoughts out of his head. He focused more on what Eclipse had said. He friends from the forest, they had been taken. It seemed only one had made it out. Argabor, a mighty Aggron that he used to play with as a child. As an Aron he had moved with them to escape the storm of Whirlwind. Lots of Pokémon were doing it. With the three teams roaming around Hoenn wasn't safe anymore. And the attack on the nest of the Lati made it clear.

Argabor's entire family had moved with them to Sinnoh. Including a few others. His friends Parents were great friends of his own. Draka however was special. She had alway been there to help them out. She was more than a friend in thier book, she was family. But now he was being to lose his friends. This upset him dearly. He knew it was paramount to kept his family safe, and to stop this crisis.


(wowsers, this was a big post, enjoy)

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