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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"No, it wasn't. They were just puppets. The leader of this mess is still out there. Probably sitting at the top of Mt. Coronet."

By now Emlas had come up to Latios. "Brother, we can't travel in this condition. It hurts to simply move. What are we going to do."

"I don't know, we need to find a place to rest. But where can we here with all these humans." He told her
Nathan stepped forward. "You can all rest at my house. I don't live with anyone, so you'll all be fine there."
Latios wasn't sure, sleeping at a humans place. Emlas saw his hesitance. "Aw, come on brother. She's been really nice. I'm sure she won't harm us. After all, Max trusts her."

"Alright, fine. One night." Latios told Emlas "We will come." He said to Nathan.

(Tip, when I use Italics it means telepathy)

Nathan smiled. "Great. I'll go on ahead and ready the place. Max knows where I live. You guys..." she looked down at Umbra. "Take your time," she finished softly before walking away.
Latios looked down at the Pokémon in question. Her lifeless body still laying there. When Emlas looked it also brought a saddened face to her. "Should we bury her. It's the lest we could do." Latios said.
"I don't know. Not here though. Let's do it in the forest." Latios picked up Umbra's body. He looked down at her cracked mask and picked that up as well. 

They soon found an open area in the forest. Useing a psychic, Latios easily made a hole by lifting the dirt up. He place her down in it along with her mask. "We need a stone."
"Here" the Dewott called as he carried over a slab of marbled stone from one of the destroyed buildings. Placing it at the edge of the grave he stepped back. This was a moment for friends so he stood in silence.

@Latios @Assailant
Max nodded his thanks to the Dewott before continuing his mourning in silence.
Latinos took the stone and used his claw to carve her name in. He placed the stone in front of the hole. Afterwards he used the dirt from the hole he mad to stabilize it and cover Umbra's body. He backed away when he was done.

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
Delta watched as they mourned their friend he looked back at the destruction of the town. These shadows had done so much harm. This was not right, not honorable and soon he nodded to hus affirnation. " My sword is yours for as long as you need but we should not linger"

@Latios @Assailant
"I would like to get back on corse for the journey ahead, but my sister and I can not fly as far as we need with these injuries." He said. "Luckily Max's friend has offered a place to rest. We'll be back on corse tomorrow. But for now we must recover." 
Max kneeled down over Umbra's grave and placed his hand on the land. He wanted to say that he'd avenge Umbra... but he knew from experience with Felix that he wasn't the killing type. He tried to figure out what to say, but he ended up just sitting in silence.
Latios approached Max. He had an idea on what was on his mind, but he dared not intrude with his own, the peering into ones mind was considered rude. "Don't worry. We'll stop Eclipse. We have to. While the world doesn't know it, they depend on it. Now lets go, we must rest and recover for tomorrow. There is much flying in our future."

@Assailant @VeiledPariah 
Max grit his fangs and nodded slowly, standing up. He took a shaky breath in and out. "Let us go. I will lead you to Nathan's house."
"Thanks. I'm glad your here for us. Just don't lose hope yet. We got a long ways to go from here." He said as he followed Max.
Delta followed silently his eyes scanning the horizon rather than intrude on the conversation. His mind wandered hoping his family was out there safe from harm. The Dewott continued moving matching Latios' pace as the group headed for nathans house.

@Latios @Assailant @Daisie
Soon they arrived at a small house. It was what the humans would call "quaint," however, after having lived in a cave for years, the house was a welcome sight to Max. He'd been here a few times to help Nathan out, but it certainly wasn't a common occurrence. Max knocked on the door, and it soon opened. Nathan opened it with a solemn smile and welcomed the wandering Pokemon inside.

"I got some food," Nathan said, "but unfortunately the only Pokemon food I have is the crappy store stuff. I would give you guys some of my berries, but I used so much up healing Pokemon during the battles, I hardly have any left to sell." She pulled out some bowls full of kibble. "Unfortunately, all I have to serve it in is a bowl." She hissed a bit as she rubbed the back of her head. "I hope that doesn't feel too... demeaning. It's the best I have."
Latios followed max into the building. It was nice, much comfier that their cave that they lived in. He looked at the pokefood that had been provided. There was no way he was going to eat that stuff. He hated it, and preferred anything he could find out in the wild more. Meat, fruit, etcetera.   He stayed silent though, took a spot on the couch and laid down. 

Emlas, how ever, was looking at the food with curiosity. She poked it with a claw first, not really knowing what it is. "So, this is Pokefood?" She asked Nathan. 

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