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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

The claw struck Umbra, but she was to weak. It stabbed right through her, piecing her body.. Latios looked up in horror. The Garchomp just cackled. Emlas also looked in Shocked.  The Garchomp slowly removed his claw as Umbra fell to the ground. The corruption may have not been completed but at lest a member was down for good. 

Latios roared in anger. A massive orb appeared at his mouth as he lunches a huge Luster Purge up at the stomach of the Garchomp. He flew straight into the wall of a nearby building. Latios went even farther as to immediately tackle him with a Giga Impact. The two massive blows knock out the Garchomp. He was defeated.


Laughter, the most horrible laughter could be herd coming from the lord of Shadows. Eclipse was cackling his head off at what he just saw from his shadows. His Garchomp had just kill one of Ahlmos's friends. This made his day after having lost the two Lati.
Max looked at him. He hadn't been fast enough. Max fell to his knees and looked down, his eyes wide.
The confusion had woren off of the Exploud. He looked around for an opponent. His eyes locked into Max. He began charging in with a Take Down... But then stopped. So did the steelix. They both spoke. "Oh how pitiful, she's dead. It would have been perfect if she hadn't been so weak from the battle. She had just enough energy to save you." The chuckled. "I must say my old friend, you looking quite ragged. Care to take a drink to death."

"Shut up, Eclipse." Grumbled Latios. 

"Oh, that's no way to great someone. Your too kind. You should know Ahlmos, your friends have made a great addition to my groups. Cinder has already given me so many soldiers."

"Let... Them... Go..." Latios said getting angrier and angrier with each word. 

"Oh, have a struck a nerve, I know the Garchomp did. Fine, if you want good news I'll give you some. Argabor escaped. Such a shame. That Aggron would have been a great puppet."

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
Max walked over to Umbra's corpse. My vow was broken. I couldn't save someone... Max stood up as his eyes glowed a deep blue. He walked over to the Steelix before yelling and using Close Combat.
The Exploud quickly uses a Take Down to stop Max. The blow knocked him back to were Latios and Umbra was. "How rude, you shouldn't interrupt a conversation between friends."

"We are no friends. How could I be friends with you."

"You created me, you actions at the base of the storm cause the death of your kin. If you had done nothing the humans wouldn't have started the extermination program and this I wouldn't be here. In a way, you like my father, I've watched you from that day on. My your sister is lovely. She will make a great sacrifice. To bad your father committed suicide. He was getting old anyways." 

"SHUT UP." Latios screamed before fireing another Luster Purge at the Steelix. The attack his dead on to its face. He was staggered for a moment but got back up. 

"Fine, if that's how you want it, so be it. Good luck with you journey, you'll need it." With that the two Pokémon left back into the forest. 
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As the darkness sunk into her skin, her breath sputtered a little bit. Time seemed to stop as her mask fell off in front of Latios. "Agh......I....I-..... I'm sorry....Hah, I'm so weak...". She turned around and looked Latios in the eyed. "I-... I guess.... I really won't ever get to s-scare you.... Will I...?". She teared up a little bit as she fell to the ground and shriveled. Part in pain, and part in fear. She was so afraid. More than she had ever been before. Her blue glow left her face as the Shadows took over. But nonetheless..

She smiled.

@Latios @Assailant @VeiledPariah @LegoLad659
"I'm sorry. As speed as I am I was to slow." Latios said softly to her. A tear leaked from his eye as she watched her die. When they looked around the toll of batte could be seen in its fullest. Buildings were smashed everwhere. Fainted Pokémon wear everwhere. They soon began to awake though and ran back into the forest that they called home. Latios was beaten and bruised, some blood could be seen dripping from his mouth. His feathers were very matted and out of place leaveing him not looking as sleek as he had before. Emals was about the same. 

Draka had appeared with the children. She was horrified by what had taken place. Even more when she saw Umbra's death. She began rumaging through thier new supplies looking for the medical kit hoping to help with their wounds. She went to Latios first for he looked the worst, but he told her to help Emlas more and that he was fine. Not arguing she went to Emlas and helped with her injuries. 

@Assailant @VeiledPariah @LegoLad659 @BeebeTheWarrior
Max ran over and used Heal Pulse repeatedly to no avail. He sat back and put his paws on his head. "Grrr..." He growled angrily. His eyes glowed a bright blue.

"Grah!" He shot an aura sphere at a tree before Close Combating another one down.
"Max, stop, there's nothing we can do. Save your anger for the true reason for this mess." Latios told him. 

(You want to bring Nathan around, after all I'm sure she would have questions)

((Good point.)) 

Max seethed in anger before performing some breathing exercises. Most Pokemon around there were simply fainted, thank Arceus, but quite a few were unlucky enough to meet Umbra's fate. Trainers came back slowly, ready to fight, only to see the battle over. They gathered their Pokemon, and in some cases mourned. Many stared at the Latios, but wisely kept their distance. Nathan was the only exception: she boldly approached the group. She looked at the Haunter, who only an hour or so ago had made her scream and laugh. She looked up at the group.

"W-what?" She asked softly. Max looked down in sorrow.

"This is the second time I've failed to save innocents," Max muttered. Nathan seemed confused by that statement.
Latios looked to Nathan, this was the first time he didn't show anger towards a human. "You there, your the humans from before. Tell me, why are you different from the rest." He said with telepathy. 
"Most humans would rather try to harm me. Some in particular killed my family. Out of all the humans I've seen, your the only one who's shown compassion to me. You didn't try to capture me or show yourself as a threat. Why?"  He asked looking at her

Nathan frowned. "Why would I try to hurt you? I'd like to think the human thing to do is not attack creatures for no reason. If I'm really the only human who's ever shown compassion to you." She lowered her head. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, your not to blame for the actions of others. The ones who have tried to harm me got harsh punishment. I'm sure you've seen the many trainers come down from the forest wounded. This town is close to my home. So all the trainers that have faced me would have come here." 
Nathan frowned. She was trying to decide whether the trainers had been truly cruel, or whether Latios was simply being an overly defensive wild Pokemon. Max sensed her emotions of turmoil.

He has had a rough time with humans, in truth. Be understanding with him. 

Nathan smiled. She looked out over the field of battle. "This is a tragedy..."
"In truth I did not want to help in this fight. I wanted to leave and avoid the shadows as much as possible. But your friend convinced me otherwise." He told her. 

Nathan turned to Max, who simply nodded. Max looked down solemnly as Nathan hugged Latios. "Thank you for staying. I don't know that I'd be alive to thank you had you not."
Latios was quite shocked, he never expected this. He just looked back at her wide eyed. This human was very different from all the rest. "Y-your Welcome." He stuttered slowly. This was a was the first time a human had hugged him.

Nathan stepped back with a smile before hugging Max as well for his help. Max didn't return the hug, which was strange. "Are you okay, Max?" Nathan asked as she stepped back. Max grit his teeth.

"I convinced you guys to stay. Umbra... She wouldn't have died if..."

"One death next to a thousand. Her death was not in vain. Half of Eclipse's army is gone. The town and its inhabitants are safe. Would you rather she lived and the town die. I think not, yes her death is sad, but that doesn't mean this was a lose. She did what she needed to save us." Latios told both of them. 

Max nodded. He knew that deep down, but even one loss was still tragic. Nathan frowned. "I know you guys will make the people who did this pay."
Delta stood as the wind picked up ruffling his bloodied coat. His eyes moved to Umbra as she lay lifeless. Other pokemon reacted as necessary, some cried, some with shock and others with anger. The darkness had dissipated....for now. Delta walked over to her and knelt down. Mouthing a prayer of sorts he placed a paw on her head before standing up. Readjusting his gear the Dewott began to walk back toward the group of pokemon. "Was she a friend?" he asked calmly as his eyes reached Draka's and scanned to Max.

@Latios @Assailant
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Max nodded. "I brought her here. It's my fault she died." He knew deep down that it was better that they came. Lucarios are notorious for their unwavering loyalty to those they consider dear, and Max was no exception. Despite knowing that it was better this way, he still couldn't help but blame himself.
"Actually, the humans to created this mess are dead. I killed them. But it was too late. The damage has been done, now they've ripped a hole in the balance of power and from that hole came a monster." He told Nathan


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