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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Latios turned around when Max went taword the explosion. What was he doing, they needed to get away form the shadows. "Max, where are you going." He yelled back.

(sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but I must leave, see you tomorrow)

Latios turned around when Max went taword the explosion. What was he doing, they needed to get away form the shadows. "Max, where are you going." He yelled back.

(sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but I must leave, see you tomorrow)

Max stopped and turned. "W-we need to help those people!"

(( @Latios I actually thought you were running towards the shadows, but it's probably more in-character for Max to run towards them anyways. Also, I have begun to ship Max and Emlas. Fair warning.))
The Haunter jumped a little bit in surprise as the ground shook. A shiver went down her spine as the shockwave hit her. She kept a cool and collected face, and she followed wordlessly, focused on the situation. She also had a really bad feeling.

@Assailant @Latios 
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Latios grumbled at what Max was doing. They needed to leave this place. There was no way they could hold off the spreading virus coming into town. The humans can't be infected but they would still be killed most likely. "Max, we can't defend them. I know you have compassion for these humans but do you really think that we could stop them from coming. The army has double in size most likely after last nights attack. We cant stop them all."
Max growled and turned back to Latios. "T-The humans have weapons! Pokemon, defenses... We won't be fighting alone."
Another explosion happened even closer than the last. The shadows were push forward fast. Latios was torn. He wanted to leave now but he needed Max to come along. "Gah, fine. But if we die, I'm not making it easy on you in the afterlife." He said. He dropped his illusion. Many of the towns people gasped when they saw the legendary. Latios ignored them and began to fly to the new battle.
Max smiled and nodded before rushing into battle. He had rested after yesterday, and with yesterday having been his warm up, he was now more combat capable than before.

Already, trainers and police officers were throwing out their Pokemon and responding themselves.
Many of the Pokémon were simply weak (low level) Pokémon ranging from Ratatas to Pidgy. But for what they lacked in strength they made up for in numbers. It looked like a black wave of water as gushing trough. Latios fired of volleys of Shadow Balls to easily know out a many of them. He just hoped that nothing two big came
The trainers and police's pokemon were facing the exact opposite problem. All were decently powered pokemon, with the occasionally highly powerful pokemon mixed in, but they simply didn't have the numbers to compare. For right now, this caused a stalemate. Max knew that, one way or another, that wouldn't last long. So he too swiftly joined the fight. Many were weak enough that they could easily be defeated with one hit, so he used Quick Attack to dash around and deal swift knockouts.
(You don't have to any more, its fixed. For now)

(PS, I'm typing on a computer for this one and I'm jealous now, so many options I don't have on IPod. LIKE THE COLOR TEXT I'VE MISSED)

Latios kept up the onslaught of Shadow Balls on the invading side. For a while its seemed the numbers were dwindling. Emlas was also helping by firing Mist Balls in strategic locations to help wipe them out. But the forest is always filled with Pokémon and with he recent corruption the shadows had a few more additions to their side. A Beedrill hive had been in the forest, and it was now making an attack. Several corrupted Poison Bee Pokémon were now swarming the defending Pokémon.
Max continued fighting as trainers returned with Pokemon healed and ready to fight again. Out of the corner of his eye, Max noticed a human about to attack Latios. He quickly jumped in and stopped her.

"...Max?" Nathan asked. Max sighed. "Why are you defending the Latios, you said to beware black tinted Pokemon?" Max nodded.

"He's an exception. Just trust me on this one. In fact, you talked to him earlier." Nathan seems confused before making a comprehending expression.

"Alright... Well I'm gonna keep trusting you." Nathan waved and ran off. Max turned back to fight, and as he did so he noticed her giving berries to wounded Pokemon to heal them up before returning to combat.

Max went back to fighting.
Umbra used a Shadow Punch on many of the Rattatas and the Pidgys. And after a few moments, she hurled a Shadow Ball into the crowds to try and do some damage. She was getting a little overwhelmed, but she kept calm and on top of things.

If Nathan had gotten any closer Latios would have pounced. He could feel her coming up with his mind but was busy otherwise. 

The many Beedrill swarming be an to coat thier drills in the black fire that had been with the Salamance. They were planing to creat new shadows. They lunched  themselves at many Pokémon. The stingers hitting lots of standing Pokémon. They mainly went for the strongest of the group seeing that they would be most efficient. One of witch was heading straight for Max.
Delta's eyes watched the fields ahead as a swarm of black crashed into the town he was passing by. He tried to walk away but.... He thought back to his family and their ways. His honor wouldnt allow it. Though this might be the end of his journey it would be in defence of others. Delta raced down the hill as a flurry of shadow balls ripped through the sky and arced into the shades. He pressed hard to moved faster as his clothing and scarf flapped in the wind. A few beedrill had reached some trainers their drills poised to kill. The Dewott jumped forward his paws gripping the two shells at his hips. A flash of blue light and the beedrill dropped to the ground. As the trainers uncovered their eyes Delta gave them a wink before diving into the fray his razor shell ability active the blazing blue light brilliantly flashing as he made contact with each enemy.
Max had been the primary target of many attacks, being recognized as one of the larger threats. He's held out, but he was becoming exhausted.. As the Beedrill rushed, Max began protecting their targets. However, in doing so, he became the target of multiple. Soon, he was caught by surprise and hit by one of the attacks.
(Umm, @Assailant the Beedrill were stopped, and notifications are glitching again, grr)

Latios was surprise by the appearance of the Dewott. It somehow managed to stop the Beedrills attack. For the most part. Many still landed their hits upon the allies. They fell to the ground withering in pain. It wouldn't be long until they would turn. That is of course if they could be knocked out. "Max, we need to knock out the Pokémon that have been hit. Other wise they will turn on us."

@Assailant @VeiledPariah 
Delta stood holding a wide stance as a few weaker shadow pokemon stalked toward him. He replaced the shells to his hips, and took a deep breath. "Water Gun!" he exclaimed as a jetstream burst forth knocking down each as he curved the stream to hit them all. 

The Dewott jumped back taking another breath before looking to the latios above him. " I am assuming you have some idea what is going on here?, and what do you need me to do?" he communicated to the legendary.


"Yes, don't let them hit you with there black fire attack. If you are hit you will become like them. Knock out as many as you can. Doing so frees them from the control they are under." He said. A persion jumped at Latios in which he knocked away with a swift dragon claw.  
Max sighed in relief as the Beedrills went down before knocking out those who had been hit.
Various trainers questioned the methods that were used to there injured Pokémon from the attack. Wasn't this Lucario helping them. Why did he knock out thier Pokémon. Either way they returned their Pokémon and retreated. Just when thing were beginning to cool down again another wave appeared. "Dear Arceus, these things don't end." Their next opponents were stronger then the last. This time being a stage up. Many mountain Pokémon ranging from Lairon to Gravelar.
The stressed haunter let out a bit of a wheeze as the larger wave crawled into her gaze. She was fighting for a while, now there was a wave even stronger? She was running short on breath, and was getting overwhelmed. These weren't Pokemon you could just scare away. This was getting serious. So she tried to stay on top of things, still.

@Latios @Assailant 

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