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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows


The larger-than-average Haunter was wandering through the streets cluelessly, trying to find her group. "Dang it... I knew I shouldn't have stopped to look at that cool-looking merchandise they had in that window....". She sighed at herself, her teeth gritted together. She rued the moment that the display of another store had caught her eye.
Upon Latios's search for Emlas he came across Umbra. 'Well that's one less person to find.' He quickly ran up to her. "Hey Umbra, we've been looking for you. We're about to take off. Any idea where Emlas is." 

(Just tagging everyone because we've been haveing notification problems)

@Assailant @Daisie @LegoLad659 @BeebeTheWarrior
"Ah, thank heavens I found you. Haha!" Umbra laughed, trying not to take the situation too seriously. "And ah, no. I haven't seen her in a little while. At least, I don't think I have. We should find her soon, dude."

@Assailant @Latios @LegoLad659 @BeebeTheWarrior

(Same here.

Even if I don't need to, lol.)
"I know, she's got to be around one of these stalls. There's no way she wouldn't be looking at all this stuff." He said. 
"Hm.. Yeah, she can't be too far from here. How are we going to find her though? Can you like, call her with some weird telepathic stuff?" Umbra asked him, a little clueless.
"Telepathy, yeah I didn't think about that. Let's see" Latios closed his eye and was still for a moment. A glow could be seen from his eyes. He sooner opened them. "She's this way." Latios said while already heading off to that direction 
Umbra followed him closely, being sure not to be lost in the crowds. "Haha, that's cool! Hopefully she's alright, right? I'm not afraid of these Humans. I'm not afraid of anything!", she told him, with a gleam of determination in her eye, and with a big proud grin.
(Grr, I hate school, it makes me late for replies)

Weaving through the crowd, Latios soon came upon Emlas. She was looking at some 'Items' ranging from charcoal to M-stones. T-Bone was in her arms as well. 'Good, another person I don't need to find.' "Hey Emlas."

Emlas looked up from from the stuff she was looking at. It was all very cool. Maybe they could get something before they leave. "Hey Latios, what is it."

"We are leaveing soon. Gotta head back to the group." He told her. 

Emlas frowned at this, she really wanted to get something. "Aww, why so soon. There's so much cool stuff here."

"Because, if we don't get back in schedule the shadows will over take us." 

"Fine, but could we please get something for our journey." She pleaded with the best growlite eyes she could muster. (YES, more Pokémon puns)

"We would have to talk to Max, he's got all the money right now."

  @Daisie @Assailant @BeebeTheWarrior
"Ah, I know the feelin'. You shoulda seen some of the cool and creepy masks they were selling back there!" Umbra exclaimed, laughing a little bit. "C'mon, L! It's not like the Shadows could hurt any of us! Not while I'm here, at least!". She once again looked proud of herself.

They stared to head back to the others. They really needed to leave soon. It was getting more dangerous by the second the longer they stayed"Why did you call me L, and those shadows can do more than just hurt us. We barely got away from two drones. Imagine if we came across the big boy himself." 

@Assailant @Daisie @LegoLad659 @BeebeTheWarrior
"L! You know, like a nickname! It's catchy." Umbra chuckled a little bit, not taking him seriously. "And meh, I'm sure we could take 'em on! Don't be so pessimistic. Look at life in a brighter view, dude! Haha!". She relaxed a little, leaning back as they walked. She winked at him. "No sweat."

Latios grumbled at the nickname. Technically Latios wasn't his real name. But he had long since rid of that name ever since whirlwind. "There won't be a bright view anymore if we don't find the legendaries." He said. They soon reached the others. Draka was playing with the new Eevee. Amy was too. Ahcoo was sneezing as always. And Max was just standing and waiting. "Alright guys. We ready to leave."
Max nodded and leaned off of the wall which he had been propped upon. "Very well." He paid for the items quickly before moving to join the group.

Emlas went to Max straight away. "Max, Max, Max, there this really cool stuff that I saw. I wanted to know if we could get it." She said jumping up and down. 

"Come on Emlas, is it really that important. We need to leave like right know." 

"It's this necklace that has this cool little thing that hangs in it." She said while pointing in the direction of the stall and piling on him arm.

"Let's make this quick. I got a bad feeling about this. We shouldn't stay any longer." Said Latios

@Assailant @Daisie
"Yipee, it's this way." She said. She ran through the crowd of humans as fast as she could. Latios almost lost sight of her. 

"She sure is exited about this. It's a shame we can't come into town more often. The risks are to high."
Emals was sanding in front of the stall that had the desired item. It was a gold colored necklace that had a pendent in the bottom. "If you look at it right, it looks very much like a Lati." She told max. 

"Your right. It does." Said Latios

Max looked at the pendant. "I can see it." Max picked it up and went over to the vendor. He quickly exchanged coins before heading back to Emlas. "Here you go," he said as he placed it over her neck.
"Yay, thanks Max." She said before jumping over and hugging him, while avoiding the spike on his chest. 

"Alright let's head off. We need to get out side of town first. That way we can drop our illusions without dete-." He was cut off when many screams could be herd far away. Followed by a big explosion. "I knew it. This was to good to be true." Latios quickly started to turn in the other direction.

Max blushed slightly as Emlas hugged him before gasping and turning to the explosion. He growled and ran off in that direction.


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