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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max sighed and focused his aura before sending a telepathic message to all the trainers. "All of your Pokemon who were his by that strange move were corrupted. In time, they will become like these. Unless you knock them out, this is their fate." Many trainers were surprised, though many reluctantly followed through. With that, Max kneeled to take a breather. It seems I have grown weaker with age. 

@Latios @
"We need to end this fight now, if we don't their numbers will consume us. While I'm glad nothing too big has come up but the first few waves have been cannon fodder. This isn't going well." Latios told Max. He had switch to his more powerful Dragon claw attack to keep up with the more powerful foes.
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(@Assailant Yeah, I'm here. I just don't see anything Amy can do at the moment XD)

Amy was hiding behind Draka, knowing she'd be safe with the Dragonite. She was a pet, not a fighter... Battles scared her.
Umbra put her mask on for at least a little bit of protection. She punched and licked her way through some of the Shadow Pokemon, but her energy was running short quite quickly. "I-I need b-backup here!!", she shouted out into the crowds.

@Assailant @Latios
(Opps, I actually forgot about Draka in the heat of the moment :P )

Latios tried to get over to Umbra to help her but he was cut off by the Shadows. It was looking bleak for the remaining Pokémon. Many have been knock out or to tired to go on. The numbers of the Shadows had pushed them father back into town. Latios and Emals were doing their best but even so they were getting worn out. Who know if this would be the last wave either. 

@Assailant @Daisie @VeiledPariah

Draka was was cuaght in the mess as well. Using Flamethrowers, Thunderbolts, and Ice Beams she was holding her own. She was doing her best to protect the children but there was just to many. 

@LegoLad659 @BeebeTheWarrior @YourLittleSylveon
Max sighed as he finished his very brief respite, standing back up. He could feel the emotions of others in his head. The fear as the shadows began to overwhelm everyone. The fear and pain of so many echoed in his head. He quickly rushed over to Draka, taking out one of the shadows attacking her. "Draka, get the children to safety! I'll cover you."
Delta nodded an affirmation as he too began knocking out afflicted pokemon and squaring off against the mountain pokemon. Everyone was starting to waiver himself included. Dodging mud shots and earthquakes the dewott jumped high flipping back over himself. His palms came together clapping loudly before extending them outward toward the horde of mountain shadow pokemon. " Whirlpool!" he yelled out his strongest move as water began to form from his paws and spiral out a massive tornado of waves crashing into the rock types. The super effective move would drop them and knock them unconscious. As it tore through the enemy lines freeing up space for Umbra. Delta moved back the move costing a bit much of his energy at that expanse. " We need to move were too exposed here!" he called to the others.

@Latios @Assailant @Daisie @LegoLad659 @BeebeTheWarrior

The Whirlpool landed a devastating blow to the shadows. Many were now gone, to toll of the battle could be seen everywhere. Thousands, if not more, fainted Pokémon could be seen across the area. The battle seemed over, there were still a few stragglers but they were quickly done away with. All of the trainers had been defeated and it was only them group that was left. "I think... I think that's it..." Latios said panting. A loud ear piercing roar came from the forest. "Ugh, curse my luck. What now." Revealing themselves from the tree were three Pokémon. An Exploud, a Steelix, and a Garchomp. "Can this day get any better. I got the Garchomp, my Type is better suited." Latios said before charging one last Dragon Claw


Draka had backed away with everyone deep into town. She wanted to help the rest of them but she knew she was needed more protecting the little ones
Umbra was shaking from the adrenaline. She was getting weaker. Luckily, Delta had used a strong attack to rid most of them. But still, she was weak. "I-I need to fall b-back, guys..", she informed them, looking back with her skull mask on.

@Latios @Assailant @VeiledPariah
Max grit his teeth. He could just barely force himself through the noise as he shot off an Aura Sphere at the Exploud.
Umbra grit her teeth, covering her ears. She let out a yelp and retreated slightly. She still stayed at the front of the battle field though. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt before her.

@Latios @Assailant
Delta was mid dodge when the exploud let out its deafening sound. Both paws to his ears as his legs buckled to a knee the rhyhorn he was fighting charged toward the defenseless dewott.

Utilizing a quick attack he dispatched it and  rolled from the onslaught before succumbing to the sound again as his face was wrought with pain

@Latios @Assailant @Daisie
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(Rhyhorn? The Pokémon that are fighting is now are Exploud, Steelix, and Garchomp)

The sound had seized when the aura sphere here. The Steelix took advantage of Max's attack on the Exploud and charged at him with a Take Down.

Latios had recovered quickly once it had stopped. He looked around for his opponent to find that the Garchomp was nowhere to be found. A glint caught his eye and found the Garchomp above with an impending Dragon Rush attack. There was no time to make a move and Latios was smashed into the ground by super-effective hit. Emlas was furious at this attack on her brother and rushed at the Garchomp with a Dragon Claw of her own. 

The Exploud was stunned by the attack upon him. He looked around for a target to attack. His eyes locked onto a Dewott nearby. A huge sphere of light appeared in his mouth as he readied a Hyper Beam.

@Assailant @Daisie @VeiledPariah
Umbra almost fell over as her ears rang into her skull. She couldn't hear a thing. She was entirely disoriented, but she refused to let the dizziness take her over. She shook her head and looked at the battles around her, as she couldn't hear what was happening anymore.

The first thing that caught her eye was the Exploud getting ready to fire a Hyper Beam at a poor Dewott. So she rushed at the Exploud with all of her might, and she rammed him with her large body, landing a Lick on it, as well. Her HP had dropped so much, she felt dizzy. But she refused to let that change her actions.

@Latios @Assailant @VeiledPariah
The unfinished Hyper Beam exploded when the Huantar disrupted the Exploud. This hurt both Exploud and Umbra. The Exploud roared in anger. Turing to the Huantar he jumped up with a Ice Fang attack hoping to end this pest. 
(My B losing my head today)

Delta stood shaking the noise away now that exploud had stopped. Then an explosion. He turned to see the Exploud bearing an Ice fang attack onto Umbra. The dewott ran quickly sliding to make it in time "Razor Shell!" he called out as he drew the shells from his hips blocking the fangs of Exploud. Not wanting to give the enemy a chance to recover Delta forced it back and fired a water gun move at it the jetstream moving quick. "Are you alright?" he called back to Umbra as he stood his ground.

@Daisie @Latios 
Umbra grit her teeth through the pain, nodding. "I-I'm alright.". This was a flat-out lie, of course, but they needed her right now. She couldn't just turn her back on them. She once again got into a fighting position, and stood strong(ish). She readjusted her mask and prepared a Confuse Ray. That would help a lot.

@Latios @Assailant @VeiledPariah
Max performed a Detect, followed by a Close Combat. The fighting move would be super effective against Steelix. But Detect was becoming draining. He didn't know that he could do it much more.
The blinding flash of the Confuse Ray left the Exploud unable to see for the moment. Exploud was getting furious that the battle wasn't going his way. In his anger he proceeded to use a Boombust (yes, this is a move, a newer generation one but still). A huge 'blast' of sound erupted from his mouth damaging everything in the area. The Dual with Garchomp and Emlas was interrupted when the blast hit. Latios who was still trying to recover was hit again as well. He was flown across the ground as the wave hit hit.The Steelix roared in pain from being hit by the super-effective hit followed straight by the blast.
Umbra was knocked back by the blast quite a bit. She let out another loud yell, not able to do anything against the attacks. She was knocked back, and she landed next to Latios. She looked like she was reaching her limits, she couldn't hide the pain now. Her mask had been fractured in several places, and she gave the phrase 'bad condition' a new meaning. She struggled to keep her eyes open as she stood.
The Garchomp looked to the Latios who was badly beaten. He was very weak. Garchomp made a rush from the Latios. His claw ignited in black flames. Emlas was still recovering from the blast, there was nothing she could do. Garchomp leaped into the air with his claw extended. Landing this would make a great addition for Eclipse. 

Umbra gasped in shock as the Garchomp moved so quickly. As the black flames came across his claws.... She knew exactly what she needed to do, there was no time to think.

She moved to the side, shielding the Latios with her big body. She let out a roar, ready for the consequences.

@Latios @Assailant @VeiledPariah

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