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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"It's just something that I'll probably never find out. It's been years since its happened. The one event that tore us apart. I'm not even sure there are still remnants of the nest. How would I be able to find out with out a starting point."

Max thought for a few moments. "Perhaps Eclipse knows something. We plan to find him anyway, if I understand correctly, so maybe we can force it out of him."
Delta nodded and let draka take him as they flew he questioned. " So what is it you wanted to ask me?" he seemingly had to yell over the wind.

Max chuckled. "You say that like there's no hope of defeating him. We'll beat him eventually. When that time comes..."

Max hesitated. Already he had grown so fond of this group. Should any of them perish... 

"No," Max said with a determined voice. "I promised Emlas that I wouldn't let anyone else die, and I'll say it again. As long as I breathe, no one else among us shall die."

Max looked over to Natha, who was soaring happily on her Pidgeotto. She let out the occasional whoop and flip, before grabbing on in a panic to her Pidgeotto before laughing. Max looked back over to Latios. "She's very passionate. When she goes after something, she does it full force. When she cares about something, it is with all her heart that she does. She was hurt deeply by the battle and wants to stop the suffering."
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"I see. Well, we got a long trip ahead of us untill we get there. Anything esle you want to ask me?" He said.

Emlas was watching Nathan do her swoops and dives. She thought it was fun. "Hey Nathan, you wanna have a race." She said feeling giddy.

Nathan leveled with Emlas and grinned. "What do you say, April? You up for this?" She asked as she looked down at her Pidgeotto, who cawed. Nathan nodded, "Sounds like she's down."
"Alright, I'll race ya to that lake." She said pointing at the large body of water a ways away in the forest. "Whenever you're ready." She giggled. She was expecteing this to be easy because of her species natural speed.

Nathan didn't really expect to win either, but she was ready to give it her all.

"You ready, April?!"

"Yeah, let's beat that slut!" April yelled in response. Max stared in shock, but of course Nathan had no clue what she was saying, so she just smiled.

"All right, let's go!" With that, April zoomed off.

Emlas was a bit startled as well. This caused Nathan to get a head start. Emlas's face churned in anger. She was not about to let some foul mouth Pokémon bet the best of her. Emlas swooped down and rocketed towards the lake.

" I have been looking for my family. They were taken by humans, to be placed with trainers as starting pokemon." Delta explained as he instinctively moved his paw to the sword on his back. " Three winters have past now..... I just happened by the fight and you all seemed to be in trouble so i chose to help"

Nathan laughed, enjoying the high speeds even as Emlas rapidly caught up. April looked back at Emlas and smiled.

"ooh, looks like I touched a nerve there!" April yelled back. "But that's no fair. Your flying has to be stronger... You know, because it's carrying all that... Weight," April said with a wink.
"I am not fat!" Emlas roared back. She was getting very ticked off by this other Pokémon. Why didn't Nathan do anything about this. But she remembered also that Nathan couldn't understand her. 

"I see," said Draka. "If seems that many of this groups parents have been lost. The Lati children lost thier parents to humans as well."

@Assailant @VeiledPariah
"Still, these shadows whatever they are pose a threat to us all" Delta stated as he looked across the expanse before them. " That is why I will see this journey complete before i resume my own"

"Well I'm glad others would want to help. Most would have run away in fear of the situation, and we could use all the help we can get. My only concern for this ordeal is the dangers that will come to those two kids. They are still young and can get easily hurt. Latios may act older than he is but that dosen't mean he's still a child." 

April rolled her eyes as she looked back at Emlas. "Hmm... you know, they say the eyes are the windows to the soul. If that's true, your soul must be REALLY ugly... well, I guess it would match the rest of you then."
Emlas wanted to tackle April right then if it didn't mean knocking Nathan out of the air. She was so furious with her that it took all her might not to do it. Instead she kept on flying past them so she could beat her, it was the lest she could do against her insults.

Latios too was made at April. To insult his sister was to insult him, but with his own cargo and hers, attacking was impossible. "That bird is going to become my next meal if she doesn't shut her beak." He said to Max. "Either that or I'll pluck every one of her feathers."

Even Max was getting tired of her. "Admittedly, she is frustrating as well." Max frowned. 

"Cease your insults at once,"  He said telepathically to April. April frowned.

"Huh? Who's that in my head? Is that Latios? I suppose you're jealous someone's getting more of Emlas's attention than you... or... this wouldn't happen to be Max, would it? Coming to your girlfriend's defence, huh? What a knight in dirty blue armor." Max growled.

"I don't like you hurting any of my friends." April laughed.

"Bite me. Although, I bet you're saving that for Emmy, huh?" Max didn't respond, opting instead to simply facepalm and growl more. 

Nathan took notice of Emlas's anger and frowned. "Hey... Emlas... why are you getting so worked up? We're just having fun here."
"Your stupid Pidgeotto keeps insulting me. First she called me a slut, then she said I was fat, and now ugly. If she wasn't carrying you at the moment I would tackle her right out of the sky, and I'm pretty sure Latios would beat her half to death right now if it wasn't for the same reason." She told Nathan. Useing telepathy for two reasons. So April wouldn't hear and Nathan could understand her. 

"Yeah, but I may very well lose my temper if she gose any further. And I don't think the results will be as pretty as she is now." Said Latios.

"Oooh, I'm pretty? Thanks Lati dearest!" April cooed. Nathan looked down at April.

"Huh? That doesn't make sense. April's always been... pretty nice. I don't know why she'd be acting like that." April giggled.

"Isn't it cute how they just assume our personalities? Really close-minded, huh? Though I guess it says something about her that she assumed the best in me."

"Well... I don't want to think either of you are lying," Nathan said. "But... April, if you are being mean, cut it out. Not saying you are! If you are though, don't." April sighed.

"It's her fault she's such a trashy bitch," April said in a sad tone. However, due to the tone, Nathan misinterpreted it as an apology.

"There we go, all better!" Max sighed.

"For how much I love Nathan," Max spoke in the Pokemon tongue, "She certainly can be clueless at times."

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