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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"......No." Arcanus responded after thinking for a couple of moments, getting straight to the point. He continued eating.

Definitely not a glorious conversationalist.

@Latios @Assailant
"Huh, well. Today's been quite." He mumbled to himself. "So before we get done with breakfast, we should discuss who's flying with who. I already know that Nathan is flying with April, but who else."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Well seeing as Arcanus is heavier than Max. He'll be riding with Draka. Max will ride with me. And Emlas will be going solo again."

(I actually looked up the weight of both Pokémon. Hypno is heavier)

@Assailant @Daisie
( :D  I guessed so.)

Arcanus nodded in agreement, and made eye contact with Draka for a brief moment or two. He finished off the rest of his okay-tasting Pokemon food.

@Assailant @Latios
"That sounds fair," Max said with a nod as he finished off his food. Such nostalgia this food carried. It may not be as tasty as berries, but it carried a heavy emotional weight for him.

@Latios @Daisie
Max nodded. "I am prepared as well." 

((I'm gonna be inactive for the next two days. Just a heads up.))
They all got on thier respectivepartners and took off. The sight of land soon departed and all that could be seen was water. It was certainly going to be a long trip. 

(Aww, ok @Assailant. See ya around)

Arcanus closed his eyes for a few moments, tired. "Are you positive that your wings can take this long of a flight?", he asked Draka.

"Yes, I'm very capable of flying such distances." She said. "These short flights are nothing near what I had to fly at a time when I was traveling from Hoenn to Sinnoh."

A spark of curiosity hit Arcanus, he really couldn't help it. "What would cause you to travel such a distance?"

Draka paused for a moment before speaking up again. "Well, it's quite a long story. You see, you've already meet the two Lati siblings, but what you don't know is that I was the best of friends with thier parents. When they died, I thought the best way to keep them safe was to move them out of the Regoin. There had been a lot of poching lately in Hoenn. And when the humans came to the Lati's nest. It just waste safe no more. So the last of thier family and a few other Pokémon that knew them well moved away. Sinnoh was the best choice of action as there was the lest human activity going on at the time."

"I see. Unfortunate..... I never truly had much issues like that." Arcanus admitted, looking out into the ocean. "I lived in a rather... Odd family, I suppose. Though, we all thought in a very logical way. Strange, all the Pokemon I have met seem to resist human interference. Our family always... Praised it, in a way."

"I have no care for it. Though due to circumstances my thoughts are to avoid them. If I get captured I can't take care of the two. But also back then, staying away from humans was a means for survival. If you were a Lati and you were found, death was sure to follow. When the humans invaded the best of the Lati, total panic ensued. There wa hundreds of Pokémon. While the majority of them were Lati, all were being targeted. We tried to run but there was to many."
"Humans, while they are smart, are also quite lost creatures. It will take a long time to find their stride, to create a world where nobody has to be hurt. But with patience, it may just happen." Arcanus responded, his eyes closed. "Be grateful you are not one of them. While they hold more power than us, they hold more responsibility. There are more rules, more guidelines, and more stereotypes. Things are much more complex for them. It is no wonder they are so lost in their own lives."

"Forgiveness is one of the hardest feats to accomplish. It comes from kindness of the heart. Which, in days like these, a heart as kind as that cannot be easy to find." Arcanus sighed, looking out to the ocean. He gazed down at his amulet, rocking it back and forth in front of his nose. "Latios and Elmas have no right to forgive... It takes a strong heart to forgive, especially when you have no reason to. Perhaps someday they will. In time.". As he finished speaking, he looked down at Draka.

"It would be harder for Latios. He sees the human race as a whole. When one makes a false action, he see that all are corrupt. Emlas however seems to enjoy humans. Marveling at what they make. She know what happened to her family and hates the humans that did it, but she dosen't blame them all for that event."

"Elmas is a wise individual.... I think much the same way about the Humans." Arcanus replied, deep in thought. "Have I ever told you why I travel so much? What I seek to accomplish?"

"I.... Do not talk much in larger groups." Arcanus simply replied, looking at the other Pokemon. "The reason I have traveled so much is because I am looking for a suitable trainer. The rest of my family seem to have found them... I am the 'odd one out', I suppose."

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