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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Emlas was silent. She couldn't compare to what he was feeling. While she had lost her parents she hardly knew them. Her mother had died the day she was born and she only knew her father for ten years, and during that time he was secluded. "I'm sorry."

Max looked down and stared at the ground for a few moments before shaking his head. "I'm... I'm fine. Thank you. Sometimes, it's just hard to... let go..." Max chuckled dryly. "Something about this trip has made me think about him a lot more than I did before."

"Was Felix a nice human like Nathan. I don't mean to be rude but I'm just wondering. I've always been told that humans were bad and now I just don't know."

Max nodded. "Yes, he was wonderful. He treated all of his Pokemon like family. He tried to make friends everywhere he went. Actually, Nathan reminds me of him a lot. Both are very headstrong and stubborn, but very sweet and always good-willing."

"Huh, if that's so, why have I been told time and time again that humans are bad. They seem to be very nice. Nathan, Felix. The only bad humans I can think of are the ones I herd tore apart my family."

Max nodded. "Latios had a very scarring experience with them. He associates them with the tragedy that befell his family. There are many horrible humans, Emlas, but there are many times more wonderful humans."

"Well, as a Lucario, I have some perks. I can sense emotions. Usually I can simply sense a human's emotions and understand from that. However, in general, it's like with Pokémon: you just find out."
"We can read emotions to. Though we tend not to for many reasons. One, it's considered rude to just enter someone's mind without permission. Second when we do read someone's mind they can somewhat feel the presence of it and it blows our cover among humans almost instantly."

Max nodded. "Well, we Lucarios do that passively. It's not like mind reading, though we can do that too. It's more... like seeing something else. We can see Aura, physical bodies, and emotions all at the same time. It's... impossible to describe to someone who can't, I suppose."
Max nodded. "Yes, and in all organic things. Aura is an all-pervasive force that lives in and around everything. Everyone can interact with it on some level, but very few can interact with it on a basic, raw level. Lucarios are among the few exceptions."
"So wait. I can use aura. But how, I don't remember using such a thing in all my life. Please please tell me how, it sounds so cool." She pleaded with him.

Max smiled. "Well see, that's what separates Pokemon from humans. Pokemon naturally have a connection to aura. That's how we use our moves. Now, even still, most Pokemon cannot see it in its raw, unfettered form. However, almost all of them can use it in some capacity."

Max nodded and smiled. "Yes. Pokemon have a stronger innate connection to aura than humans do. There are some humans that can connect to aura on the level of even me, but it's exceptionally rare."

Max thought for a moment. "I can see living forms far beyond simple eyesight. I can sense the life force flowing through every living being: allow me to detect their presence and thoughts. I am able to observe the connections between every being. Aura gives life to everything it inhabits. It is interwoven with the soul."

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"Hmm... well, it's hard to describe," Max said. He closed his eyes and focused on Emlas's spirit... her aura. "Well... it's... how do I describe it? It's strong. Its force is felt on others, but it is not turbulent. Your aura is powerful but calm. It exudes a vibrant warmth. An aura like yours can be felt from a great distance away. In general, your aura is a calming and pacifying force, bright and vibrant with hope and energy." Max opened his eyes and smiled once more. "It's very nice to be around."

Max frowned. "Latios's aura is immensely powerful as well, but... well, it isn't as tranquil as yours. Where yours is calm and hopeful, Latios's is turbulent, aggressive, and dark. Not to say he's evil or even malevolent, but he does not have inner peace. In fact, his spirit is violently at war with inner demons. He means well, but he has already convinced himself of a dark and terrifying reality, and as such his aura does not exist in harmony with the world around him. I cannot say I blame him, but that's the truth. However, he is not without hope. If that had happened... well, I would be afraid merely to be in his presence. However, there's still one thing that keeps his aura in balance... that calms it and prevents it from lashing out destructively."

Max smiled. "You, Emlas. You're his grounding force. It's like... how can I put it? Almost like... your auras bond. That's not accurate, but it's the easiest way I can describe it. When you're with him, his aura is calm and absolutely pulsing with life. Your auras are connected."

Emlas looked at her brother. He was overlooking the cliff side, just simply watching the waves. After a moment she turned her attention back to Max. "So what your saying is that because of me is the reason he is calm."


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