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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

April paused. Her whole body went rigid. She was tense and frozen. For a while, nothing seemed to happen. Slowly, however, Arcanus would feel tears on him as April began to slowly cry more and more.

"W-why?" She asked. "I've been so mean to you... I... I've been a complete asshole... so why... do you keep trying... why...?"

"Because you have a soul. And I don't want to see you abandon it." Arcanus replied, keeping the hug going. He relaxed, in hopes that she would, too.

April was silent for a bit before accepting the hug. The tears didn't stop though. She cried onto Arcanus's shoulder. "P-please..." she cried. "Please stop making me care about you... please stop being nice to me... please just hate me like all the rest..."

The Hypno stood there. For a few moments, he just let her cry there. Eventually, he said something. Just one word, and one word only.


April shook her head and leaned back into the hug. "I... I can't... I... don't... stop... but..." she cried out. However, it slowly began to calm down.
As she was crying, she slowly began laughing. It was a type of tearful laugh. She didn't stop crying, but she was smiling a genuine smile. She still had that scared look in her eye... but she seemed relieved at the same time. "Y-you're... such a... f-fucking jerk," she said as she punched him repeatedly in the back. However, they were very weak and, combined with her feathers, it felt like a light brush. "Y-you... ya know that?" She said. She kept crying and kept laughing.

Arcanus chuckled at her, smiling back. "If this is what it's like to be a 'jerk', maybe I should re-evaluate who I am as an individual.", he joked a little bit.

April pulled back and smiled at him, laughing as she didn't take her eyes off him. Slowly, however, her laughing and crying slowed down as her eyes widened. She slowly turned to see all the other Pokemon in the group looking on at the scene. She blushed as she wiped her face. "Y-you... YOU F**KFACES DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!" She backed away and looked over at Arcanus.

"D-don't follow me," she said to him, though she still had tears in her eyes. She seemed to silently beg him to follow her before cawing and glaring at everyone, then flying away.

Amber ran up to Arcanus and hugged him. "Thank you!" She said happily. "I've been trying for so long to get her to open up, but you finally managed to do it!"

Arcanus chuckled, hugging Amber back. "I am glad that I was able to, as well. But I cannot stay to celebrate - I can read faces quite well, and that one that stormed off beckons. My work is not yet done."

Amber smiled at him. "Thank you... one part of me is sad that I was not the one who was able to help her... but in truth, I am much more happy that she seems to truly have hope for betterment. Good luck. I hope you can finally get her to become the April I once remember her being."

Arcanus shook his head. "I am afraid that she will most likely never be the same again. While I am uncertain what did this to her, and while she may learn to be kind, in time... She may not be the same April you once knew."

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Amber's smile wavered, but did not falter. "I... I know. I'd still like to hold out hope... that the April who... who called me mom... might come back some day..." Tears came to Amber's eyes, but she wiped them away and hugged Arcanus. "Please... I know you'll do your best."
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Arcanus nodded. "She has already healed a small bit. She has become better, if only a little. The true challenge will be to keep going down this path, for it is a steep one.". He paused for a few moments before looking up in the general direction April went off to. He closed his eyes, and blocked everything. Every noise, every slight breeze passing.... He tried to locate where April was, using his psychic abilities.

@Latios @Assailant

(Gotta go! :> I should be on a little later tonight)
Max had been talking with Nathan, and he turned over to Latios. "Hm?" He and Nathan had been the two that were not at the scene, and instead they had been practicing Pokemon tongue. In truth, he had sensed the great amounts of emotional fluctuation, but he'd recognised it as April and thought nothing of it. Her being unstable was nothing new. 

"Arcanus trying to change April? Well, there is hope for everyone. She is not a lost cause, she is merely herself lost. Something about her core beliefs is interfering with her and is causing her to enter a war with herself. If Arcanus can change one of those two things... she'd achieve peace. Or, at least, be on the right path. Of course, changing her personality to match her beliefs would be... an undesirable result. However, changing one's core beliefs is no easy feat. However, I think there may be hope."
"Arcanus is however making it look all to easy. He some how got through to her and she completely broke down in front of us. Crying and everything. She soon snapped out of it and tried to act like her old self but it was a little off. Not as aggressive as before. She's flow away now but it make you think. I would like to know what started this in the first place."

Max shook his head. "I do not know. The first time I met her was with you all yesterday. As it would seem, whatever sparked her change in attitude happened before I even met Nathan."

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