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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

After getting back to bed Latios slept a little more peacefully that night. He had been holding back what had happened for so long. It felt that much better to let it out.

Morning had arrived with grace. Surprisingly nothing had happened. No attacks no anything. It was almost to peaceful. Latios tried to get up but once more he found something holding him down. Even after so long with living with his sister he always forget she would cuddle up with any warm object nearby. He laid back down alowing her to sleep some more.
Amy appeared to have a similar problem to Latios' sister, curling around Draka's arm as snugly as she could while she slept, her head resting in the Dragonite's hand.
Umbra was floating silently in a big circle around everyone. She had been up all night, and she was very, very bored. She twirled some sort of animal skull in her hands, and gazed around the area with glowing eyes.
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Max had woken up awhile before. Of course, just like every night after his annual ritual, he was plagued by nightmares. Despite that, he felt refreshed and was simply meditating.
Latios looked around at the group. It seemed that Emals, Draka and Amy were still sleeping. He look to Max who was what Latios guessed was meditating. Umbra was still awake, she was just playing with the mask of hers. He looked up at the sky. It was around 8:00, if they were going to stay ahead of Eclipse they needed to move. Latios shook on Emlas to wake her.

"Mmm, wha is it."
Emlas mumbled. She let out a yawn while rubbing her eyes.

"We got to get going, we have a long day ahead of us."
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Umbra's attention was caught by the quiet talking coming from Emlas and Latios. She floated over to them slowly, and spoke in a quieter voice. "Hey dudes, you're finally awake. That's pretty neat. I was gonna ask you some questions. There's still a lot I don't know, really."
With Emlas's grip on him gone Latios got up of the ground. "Yeah, what is it." He asked. Emlas went to Draka and Amu to wake them up too.
"So, what exactly's happening? With the whole 'evil shadows trying to kill guys' thing. I've been pretty much traveling from isolated cave to isolated cave for a while, and I know that I'm not really caught up on things, but I think this is really.. Unusual."
"Long story short. Someone gave the grim reaper a mortal form." He told him. Latios began getting ready to take off. With them being so close to a human town he needed to make sure that no one would know they had been there
"Sounds nasty." Umbra sighed, quite tired. "Okay, what do we do - or what have we done - to stop this? What's our game plan?"
"Right now the plan is to kick his shadow butt back to the hole he was created in. But in order to do that we are going to need some serious help. Legendary help."
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"Welp. Where in the galaxy are we going to find Legendary help?" Umbra groaned, foreseeing a lot of pain and work in the next few days. "They're Legendaries. It's not like you can just find them anywhere."
"No," Max said. "Not anywhere. Rather, somewhere specific... According to legends, anyways."
"Your right. The legendaries are know for being hard to find. Luckily I've meet them all before. I know where they live. While I haven't visited them personally, we do meet up every now and then at the Hall Of Origin for discuss some things."
"Waitwaitwait, how have you met these guys all before?" Umbra asked, holding her hands up. "Literally all of them? What, did you just bump into each other on a nice walk? You can't find them unless you go out of your way to look for them. What happened?"
"No, it's like I said. We meet up about evey year up at the Hall of Origin. Being on of the few remaining Lati after Whirlwinds rain has its perks. It's a little hard to explain. The point is, I know the general locations on where they live."
"Alright, alright." Umbra said, slightly suspicious. "But even so, that's a long way to travel in the next few days. The space between each Legendaries' supposed home is far apart. How do we know that we're all going to make it with barely any supplies?"

"I know, us Pokemon do better in the wild than Humans. But we're talking about traveling regions here. We're going to need more supplies than this."
"Yes, your right. Well I alway had a plan in case I ever ran out of food back at my cave. Emlas, time to go into town."
"Into town? How are we going to do that, exactly?" The Haunter crossed her hands over one another. "We're all Pokemon, you're a Legendary, and I'm a ghost. I hope you're really not talking about the Human town back there."
"Oh I am very serious. You got a better idea on how to get supplies fast. We can't afford to waste the day gathering berries. Don't worry, I've had this plan for years I know what I'm doing."
"Okay.. At least tell us what the plan is." The Haunter stuck her tongue out at him a bit. "I'd rather have an idea of what I'm getting into before getting into it."
"If you know anything about the Eon Pokémon, it's that we have the ability to cast illusions. An illusion we are particularly good at is human illusions. Emlas and I can hide ourselves, masquerading as trainers. We simply walk in, get to a store get what we need and come out. You can follow us but you must act like our Pokémon. To keep the illusion that we are trainers and you are owned Pokémon."
"Ugh, so I'm going to be someone's stinkin' pet?" The Haunter groaned, irritated at the idea of having a 'Master'. Even if it was just pretending. "Fine. If it's for our survival, I guess I'm in. But you owe me a solid for this one. Remember that, dude."
"Although there is one problem. If someone tries to speak with us we can not respond. When useing the illusion no sound comes form our mouth, to humans that is. We could scream and no a signal human would be able to hear. As long as no one talks to us we will be fine."
Max held up his basket. "These were a bunch of berries I sell to Nathan in exchange for money. She's always wanted to meet my trainer. Guess we just found it."

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