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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max frowned. "You think you understand humans enough to know that for sure?"
"Ha, you should have seen them when they invaded Salfind valley. They were cackling the whole time. You tell me, do humans cackle when they are forced to do something. The same went for the Scientists. A grin on thier faces. That evil grin day after day I saw."
Max looked down. "If they've been broken to the point of insanity, they just might."
Latios just looked down. Had he really killed the innocent. Before Max had come he didn't care for the ones he slew, but now, he didn't know.
Max looked down. He held the picture in his paws as he stared at it before holding it close to him. He placed it to the side and looked up at Latios and spoke with a shaky breath. "I believe, earlier, you proposed an exchange of information. What's in the box for the origin of the shadows. I've h-held up my end of the bargain." Max frowned. "Just what's going on with those things?'
"Yes, yes I did. You want to know why I know who Eclipse is. It's because I meet him. But back then he was simply a fragment of what he is now. Nothing more than a candle flame in the wind. But in order to know how he came about you need to know what happened those 12 years I was tormented."
Max leaned back. He was prepared to see why Latios hated humanity so much.
"Way back when there was a group called Whirlwind. Their objective was similar to the ones of Team Aqua and Magma. They wanted Rayquaza. Though there was one problem. Both Groundon and Kyogre and the Red Orb and Blue Orb to empower them. But those orbs could also control them. Rayquaza however had no Orb. There posed their problem. They looked to the Lati who upon a sacrificial death become a Soul Dew. Another type of Orb that holds power. They thought that the Soul Dew was the key to getting Rayquaza. They weren't half off. But no Lati's Soul Dew was strong enough for the task. In order to create a stronger Soul Dew they needed to make a Stronger Lati. And thus their experiments began. One of said experiments turned my Sky blue feathers to a deep black. As to how I managed to how I escape. A year before I escaped their sedative system that I was hooked up to failed. But I played along making it look like nothing happened. When a guard was foolish enough to take leave without a replacement I made my escape. Anything and anyone that was in my way to the exit was smashed, sliced, or killed. When I made it out I went for the nearest town in hopes that the law enforcement could stop them and free the rest of the Lati. They didn't succeed. Whirlwind had tried to wipe out their research in order to keep their organisation a secret. So they killed every Lati they had. 1,576 Lati dead. And that stupidity of genocide started what we know as Eclipse. That much death in a concentrated area creates what is known as a Shade. A being of shadow and corruption. Looking through the building in the centre of the mass I founnd a floating black flame. That was Eclipse. It spoke to me. It said 'Eclipse is born' and then flew off into the distance." And with that Latios's story was finished. He had nothing more to say.
Max frowned. That guard who left without a replacement... a trained guard for a group like that would never do that... could he have known Latios wasn't sedated... could he have been letting him free?! Despite his thoughts, Max didn't vocalize. Latios had already had its view of humanity be set on rocky terms, the last thing Max wanted to do was let such a doubt sink into his mind now. "I'm sorry you had to go through that... you've truly seen humanity at its worst." Max took a berry out from his bag and handed it to Latios. "Maybe you could come to town with me one day when I go on a sell run. See humanity at its best and all! I sell to a vendor named Nathan, and she's really very nice."
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"And how would you stop them from trying to capture me. If you don't know my species is considered of the legendary variety among their kind." He said
Max frowned. "Because I've dealt with humans. If anyone tries to capture you, I can stop them. Besides, Nathan isn't a trainer. Even IF, and this is an unlikely if, someone DID manage to get you into a ball, you'd probably break out. On the rare chance that someone succeeded in capturing you, I'll just steal the ball and release you. So there's no danger."
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"Alright, I'll take up your offering. But it will have to wait untill Eclipse is dead. Right now the longer it take to complete the mission Arceus gave me the more the world is in danger."
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Max smiled and nodded. "I agree." He looked tentatively at the picture before blowing out the fragrance sticks and placing them back in his bag. "14 years ago today," he muttered sadly to himself. He thought on the events of the past day. "What were those things we fought earlier today? One of them tried to hit me with this weird move... I don't know what it was."
"They are Shadows. Corrupted Pokémon bent to the will of the Shade. The move you saw was probably its attempt to make you a shadow for Eclipse's bidding. Have you seen the human Zombie myth. It's kinda like that. Though they can chose to infect of not."
Max frowns. "Interesting. Taking them down seems to release them from Eclipse's bind... I do fear what would happen if one of the stronger members of our party, such as you or me, were to become corrupted. Do shadows retain their memories from before?"
"Most likely not. They would mearly become an empty shell. Those it seems that the only felling they have left is gluttony. Eclipse is free to take over them as well. But mostly they will be in thief hungry states more often."
Max sighed in relief. "At least that means, should one of us be corrupted, we won't reveal our plans."
"Oh no, Eclipse knows very well what's going on. Why do you think he's attacking Mt. Coronet. He's trying to isolate Spear Pillar."
"What ever, I just hope I can stay one step ahead of him. It's going to be a difficult task when he has an army."
"Small groups have their advantages. Exploit them, and we can win this war."
"We, you mean you are coming. But it will be super risky. You sure your up for what will be done."
Max grinned. "Felix died protecting the defencless. It would be my honor to do the same."
"Thank you, I'm not sure I would have been able to do it without help." He said. "Now lets get back to the group. We will need our rest for the journey." Latios turned around and began heading back.
Max nodded. He took one last look at the picture before smiling and walking with Latios towards the campgrounds.

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