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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Latios wasn't a hard sleeper. Never has after the incident with the humans. He herd some movement going around were he was sleeping. Looking up he saw Max going into the forest. He did say he was going to be doing something. But he never said what. Latios wanted to know what it was. So he decided to follow him. He tried to get up, only to find a red arms holding him down. Emlas had cuddled up with him over the night. Useing his Psychic he lifted her arm off him. With that out of the way he turned invisible and followed
By the time Latios had caught up to Max, it was evident that Max had already begun. He was on his knees looking down at the ground with Fragrance Sticks lit up on either side of him.
Latios watched closely. He wonder what was going on. He was interrupted when Fryn had approached. Latios quickly pulled him behind the tree so that max wouldn't notice their presence. "Hush, I'm trying to see what he's up to."
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Max could be heard murmuring to himself for a minute or two before he placed his hands on the ground and his body began shaking gently yet forcefully.
Latios observed closely. He still didn't understand what was happening. Why was he shakeing so.
Slowly, he began making more noise. The noise grew louder slowly until it could finally be heard.

Max was sobbing.

Latios was surprised by this. He was crying, but why. Slowly he came out of his hiding spot to get a closer look. What was the reason to this
Max gasped and looked behind him, finally sensing Latios's presence. In the faint light from the burning Fragrance Sticks, it could be seen that he was looking at a picture. Max chuckled weakly. "I expected you to pursue me."
"What do you mean. We were all asleep. How would you have known." He asked. He tried to look at the picture to see what it was
Max smiled sadly. "J-just a hunch. I suppose now's as good a time as any to show you what was in the box." Max handed Latios the picture. It was of an adult human male and female, hugging each other and smiling. Below them was a seven or eight year old kid and a Riolu hugging each other and grinning. Just holding it again caused Max to tear up further. "Th- this was my master... no... he asked me not to call him that. This was my brother."
Latios was beyond confused right now. In the picture, the humans were showing... Compassion, for Max, but how. And not only that did he say that one of the humans in this picture was his brother. How could that be. They weren't the same species. "I'm afraid I don't understand, what do you mean by brother. And who are these humans."
Max sniffed and wiped away a tear. "This was my family. I-I was bought from a breeder as an egg and given as a present for a young boy." He gently touched the young boy in the picture. "H-his name was Felix. We grew up together. He was only two when I was bought, so we were a-about the same age. His parents... his wonderful parents... treated me like I was their own child. Th-they deeply and truly loved me, and of course I loved them too."
"But..." Latios could understand somewhat. He knew that Pokémon were sometimes kept as pets or other things. But a human showing love. "... How could a human show you love. Humans have no care for us. They take what they want and will inflict pain to those in thier path. How could one treat you like thier own child."
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"Because, Latios... you saw the worst in humanity. But they're not all like that." Max grit his teeth. "Earlier you asked me what a human has ever done for me. Would you really like to know?"
Latios almost didn't want to accept Max's words. After all the suffering he'd been through. After everything humans had taken from him. How could this be true. But Max said that these humans were nice. What had they done for him. "What did they do." He asked
Max closed his eyes as he recalled, tears still dripping from his face. "When he was ten, like most humans his age, he became a Pokemon trainer. I was his starter, and together we went out on a grand old adventure. He was a wonderful trainer, and all of his Pokemon would talk about how we all adored him. A few years passed, and things were looking up for us. Then... when he was thirteen." Max clenched his "fist" at the memory. "We had just won a gym battle. Many Pokemon were weak or fainted, but we were all in good spirits. Felix was taking us to a Pokemon center to heal up before going to sleep for the night. Then... they came. Felix's father had gotten involved in some... poor business practices. Do not misunderstand, even knowing this I still love his father. But he... didn't think things through very well. He couldn't follow through, and they came to... collect. Felix sent us out to fight, but we were weak from the gym. It was clear we were going to lose... so to protect us, he put us in Pokeballs and threw us as far into town as we could to save us." Max began choking on his tears. "Eventually, a concerned townsperson let me out of my ball... and..."


Max looked around in confusion. Right, Felix had shoved him into his ball... and thrown him. All of his other Pokemon were slowly being let out.

"Hey," the person who released him spoke up. "Who do you- gah, hey!" Max shoved passed him and began sprinting towards where he knew Felix last was. Dark clouds gathered overhead as rain poured down. Max's fur matted to his skin as he rushed to the sight.

He gasped as he found Felix on the ground, blood streaming from multiple wounds in his body. He rushed over and leaned down, pleading. "M-master, please!" Felix coughed in pain.

"I-I told you not to call me that, bud." Felix smiled weakly as Max closed his eyes, refusing to take in the sight.

"N-no! Why, why didn't you escape?! I would have died to let you escape!" Max wailed. Felix gently touched his face.

"Heh, I know." Tears streamed from Felix's face. "I-I'm terrified to die. B-But I protected my Pokemon... so I did my job as a trainer."

"B-but what about your job as my brother?!" Felix laughed as the life drained from his eyes. His hand fell away from Max, but Max grabbed it and held it.

"You finally called me your brother. I-I'm... so... happy." Felix sighed as the last breath he would ever take left Felix's mouth. Max shook his head and screamed to the heavens. He curled up over Felix's corpse, shielding it from the rain. He stayed there for two days... starving, but refusing to leave his brother's side.

Flashback End
Latios fell onto his (metaphorical) knees. He couldn't believe a human would do that. Give their life up for a Pokémons life, but why. This went against everything he knew about humans. He thought back to his own experiences with humans. The green clad men with thier Pokémon and various tools for capturing. All trying to herd up as many Lati as they could. Even killing some of there was to much resistance. The scientists in white Lab coat doing painful experiments for a reason that went down in flames with his escape. There had been nothing but pain.

Then Max had shown his story. Compassion to a level of family. Self sacrifice for those without hesitation. Support for those who were down. Why hadn't he encountered a human like this. Did they reall exist. Latios didn't know what to believe anymore
Max looked down. "Eventually, I decided to take his corpse back to his family. But... the house had been burned down. Felix's father was already dead, and his mother was wounded. I tried to save her, but she died anyway..."
Latios didn't know what to say. Normally he would have pushed off the death of a human like it was insignificant. But now it was just sad. "That's horrible, why did that happen, the fire I mean."
"The people who came for Felix weren't satisfied," he said bitterly. The tears were beginning to slow, but were still coming.
Latios had seen horrors himself. Whether they were worse then what Max had seen was not his place to say. Even so it was still sad to here another's tragedy. "I'm sorry." Was all he said. There was nothing much to be said for Latios as that was all he could come up with.
"So..." Max continued. "I ran off into the forest. I trained to become strong enough to protect anyone who couldn't protect themselves. I became very powerful... and I planned to exact vengeance. But once I found the people who did it... I couldn't kill them. I beat them and handed them over to the police. At the time, I thought that was because I was weak. I later learned it was a strength I didn't know I had."
"I didn't have that strength to hold back. I killed the humans who captured me. Every one who stood in my path I slaughtered. When I made my escape form that horrid place I was in a frenzy. There had been no stopping me if they wanted to." Latios said glumly. He had killed many. And honestly, he didn't cared until now.
Max looks away. "I understand that. But think... some of them may have had no choice. Maybe they needed money to support their children. Maybe they were blackmailed..."
"For an organisation like them. No, their work was to secretive. They wouldn't take the risk of someone spillung the beans on them. Everyone there knew exactly what they were doing and wanted to be a part of it." He responded.

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