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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max looked over at Latios. "I can speak with the humans fluently. I can say you are mute, and speak for you if something comes up. "
Amy mumbled and groaned slightly as Emlas tried to wake her up. It took Draka's movements to finally rouse her from sleep, as she uncurled from her arm and yawned "Ah... What's up? Good morning." She said, groggily.
The Haunter thought for a few moments. "Hmm.... Maybe if someone wears my skull mask, everyone will be too weirded out to talk to you.",. She chuckled a bit at the thought.

After a moment, she looked over at the little Dratini. "Mornin', little fella."
Amy shrunk back a little bit in response to the Haunter "Hi..." She replied, looking nervous.
"Thanks for that Max, while I can use telepathy it would blow my cover instantly. Now, let's get moveing, every second we waste is another moment for Eclipse to catch up."

Draka had gotten up by then. She held onto Amy makeing sure that Umbra wouldn't spook her.
"So little fella, didja have some sweet dreams?" Umbra asked the tiny Dratini, in a slightly kinder voice.
"Um... Not really..." Amy replied, still staring right at her. She was telling the truth, but she also didn't want the Haunter to think about eating her dreams. Bad dreams didn't taste good, right?
"Heheheh, I guess that's alright." The Haunter chuckled a bit at Amy's shyness. "Everyone gets bad dreams, right? Even I get bad dreams."
"Max, you said you friend wanted to meet your trainer. Should I change my illusion to that instead. While I have a custom human illusion if using a different one will help us out better than I will."

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"Yeah..." Amy replied. She didn't want to keep talking to her... She was creepy. Everything about her was unsettling... Amy looked up to Draka for help.
Draka notice Amy's plead for help. She held Amy closer. "Now listen up Umbra. You better not scare her. While I may look gentle I pack a powerful punch so you better not slip up."
Umbra sighed, gritting her teeth. "Don't you guys have any sense of humor? Come on, a scare now and then isn't that bad. Lighten up a bit. No need to threaten me."
Max frowned. "She doesn't have any idea what my trainer looks like. Just someone, any human really. Not my... REAL trainer, please... I don't think I could... Go through that."
"Alright, I was just wondering if she knew is all. Now let's get moving. Town is this way."

"I'm not sure to be exited or afraid. I've never been in town before. It has alway been to dangerous."
"Alright, goin' in all sneaky-like. So we're looking for a store or something, right Latios?" Umbra asked him, putting her skull mask on top of her head, instead of on her face.
"Yeah, it shouldn't be hard to find. All the stores always have blue roofs." They soon arrived at the edge of town. Humans were every where going about thier every day life's. "Everyone ready."

Draka looked down at the two little ones in her arms. She noticed Achoo who hated warm places. She wonder why such a Pokémon so young was doing here. "Hey you doing ok there."
achoo sneezed again before looking up at draka "i don't like this heat" she said sneezing again.


T-bone noticed his friends moving towards town from the moutain. looking behind him he slide down the moutain and ran to catch up
"I'm all good to go, bros." Umbra told them, a little excited. She always liked using Human slang. It sounded cool, she thought.
"Aww, well hopefully we will get you to a nice cold place." Said Draka to Achoo.

Latios rolled his eyes a Umbra. He cast his illusion makeing him look like a 16 year old trainer. The cloths he was wearing matched to colors of his Lati from. Several Pokeballs could be seen on his belt just for show. "Alright Max, let's see this friend of your to get money. Even though we don't need it, I could have easily made an illusion on some rocks to look like cash."
"Hey, I have a question." Umbra raised a claw-like hand into the air. "If you can make yourself into a Human, and you can turn rocks into coins, can't you make us look like humans, too? Or at least me? Haha!"
"Sorry, it takes to much of my energy to cast a large illusion for long periods of time on someone else. I could only hold it for about 15 minutes before I would be near to passing out." Emlas to change her form as well to a 12 year old trainer.

"That reminds me, why is a Pokémon like you who needs to live in the cold doing in a warm place like this."
"Ugh, alright then. Hopefully we won't take too long." The Haunter muttered, looking out into the village. She wondered what would happen out there.
Achoo looked sadly at draka "i was captured and token away from mom and dad then token to fight. i didn't fight so they let me out here" she explained sadly

"Aww, that's so sad. Hopefully we can get you back to your parents then. After all, we are going to be doing a lot of traveling. Where did you live." (You can use locations not in the games as long as they existed in the anime)

"I'm hoping so to. Max, lead the way to your friend." Said Latios. Emals was almost bouncing with excitement but with a little fear as well.

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