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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

achoo sneezed before saying "i lived in the frost caverns" she said


t-bone keep running and ran right into emlas.
Max nodded. "It's not a poke-mart, actually. It's a vendor. She gives better deals than poke-marts." Max began to lead the way to the shop.
"What ever, as long as we get supplies." He said while following Max.

Emlas felt something ram into her foot. She looked down and saw T-Bone. "T-Bone, what are you doing here. We saw you with your dad. Why aren't you with him."

"Well I hope we can find these frost caverns and find your parents, thier probably worried about you."
Max continued walking. "It's a few degrees of separation. We sell to Nathan for money, and use that money to buy supplies at a different store." In the distance, they could see a stall with a bored looking woman. "Alright, we're here. Don't be intimidated, she's really nice. Everyone ready?"
Emals bent over and pick T-Bone up. Something was definitely up. Why wasn't he with his father. "T-Bone what's wrong."

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's just get this over with. I'd rather not stay here as long as we need to." Said Latios as he followed Max

"No problem Achoo, things will work out for you yet."
"Not really well, but he looked perfect fine when we where helping him out. What happen."
"Oh, well that's not good. Well why did you come here then. Shouldn't you be helping your father."
"I'm ready, dudes!" Umbra exclaimed excitedly, responding to Max. She clawed a bit at the skull resting on top of her head.
Max nodded and approached the woman. She perked up when she saw him. "Hey! Maximus!" She held out her fist, and Max chuckled and fist-bumped her. "That's what I'm talking about!" She then noticed Latios. "Oh, hey, do I finally get to meet your trainer? Watsup?!" Nathan held out her hand to Latios.
Latios was hesitant, but after taking a deep breath he forced a smile and shook her hand back. He didn't dare speak for he knew she wouldn't her him other wise.

Emlas had approached from behind with T-Bone. She just watched the interaction between the two. She wanted to she how Latios would react. Draka also watched as she was curious as well.
Umbra was sure to stand aside, not wanting to interrupt the interaction. If someone interacted with her, she'd respond. But for now, she stayed silent, watching.
"Hey, so what's your name?" She asked him. There was silence for a few moments.

"Westin," Max replied. She raised an eyebrow as to why Max responded. "He's mute. My telepathy allows me to know what he wants, which is why he sends me out in his stead." She gained a look of comprehension.

"Ah, that makes sense. Why'd he decide to come this time? Max looked down.

"In such troubling times... It's good to know who's your friend. You're such a trusted business partner to us, he figured..." Nathan smiled.

"Daw, it's nice to know I mean so much to you guys. But yeah, I totally know what you mean. That fire... Along with the disappearance of all those firefighters and trainers that went to help... It's scary." Max frowned.

"I... Might know what's going on with that..." Nathan's eyes widened.

"You do?!" Max nodded. "Please explain! A lot of people are desperate to know."

"I can't. Not yet. But... A due warning. If you see any black-tinted Pokemon that shouldn't be that color, hide. They're... not just feral, they're actively melevolent." Nathan nodded.

"Thanks for the warning, Maximillion. Hey, because of that, I'll give you a bonus for your berries!" Max smiled supportively.
Latios used his own telepathy to talk to Max. 'Black tinted, your making me look like a suspect. And you couldn't have thought of a better name. Though you are right, she dose seem nice. But it is still a while before I could trust her completely.'
Max responded with his own telepathy. "I was put on the spot with the name. Besides, I can vouch for you if she sees you in your true form... Though I don't think she ever would."
'We'll see, in due time I might show her if she can be trusted. Now, about those supplies. We will need a lot for the journey to come.'
Seeing that silence was setting between the Humans and Pokemon, Umbra chimed in, saying 'Haunter', and jumping up at the girl playfully, trying to surprise her.
"Gah!" Nathan yelled as she jumped in surprise before laughing. "Heh, you got me there Haunter."

"Right. Well, it's about time we got on the way. We have a long journey before us."

"Going on an epic quest to stop some dark and melevolent force?" Max nodded and Nathan grinned. "Kick their asses, you all." Max traded about half of the berries, keeping the rest for food, and Nathan returned a pile of money before topping it with some extra. "For good luck," she said with a grin.
Umbra let out a big laugh as Nathan was nearly scared out of her pants. She floated back a little, giving her a bit of breathing room, and not bothering them further.
"Right, now we need to get the rest of the stuff." Latios turned almost immediately heading towards the market. Emlas was actually surprised Latios managed to keep his cool. Normally when he sees a human he would absolutely flip and do everything in his power to drive them away.
Max walked away, heading towards the store. He turned to Latios. "So, your first peaceful human encounter. How'd it go?"

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