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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Here I go." She said before charging up her ice beam again. It didn't take her as long this time but still a little time consuming. She put as much power as she could into hoping to accually freeze her opponent, or at lest anything.

He wasn't quite sure of it's power, so Tristan went easy. He fired back a flamethrower, blocking the Ice Beam. "Come, on, you're gonna have to try harder."
"Aw come on. I just leaned this move." She tried fireing again doing her best to put as much power into it again. The beam fired a lot quicker and was larger than before. It was obvious that she was getting better with each shot.

Tristan noticed the increased power, yet he didn't want to completely overtake her. He decided to have some fun with it. He started out with a strong flamethrower, and made it look like it was getting weaker, allowing the ice beam to close in, before he powered up his flamethrower again and completely canceled out her shot. [COLOR= rgb(165, 42, 42)]"Where's the fun in just giving it to you?"[/COLOR]
Emlas grumbled a little as she went to try again. Sure, useing the same move over and over wasn't good battle strategy but this was practice for her. She once again fired the Ice beam, this time it being in the spot without wishing for it to charge.

Tristan decided to toy with Elmas just a bit. He stood up on his hind legs and turned around. The ice beam hit him in the back, but in the areas that fire constantly spewed out, causing the ice beam to be nullified. "[COLOR= rgb(165, 42, 42)]Well, that felt rather warm for an ice beam..." [/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]Tristan smirks, turning his head back at Elmas[/SIZE]
"Well excuse me. Your constantly on fire. Sorry if it's hard for my beginner ice beam is hardly effective at your experience flamethrower." Emlas said. She fire another ice beam giveing it one last push to try and hit him.

"Hmm... I think I think I have something that may help. When I was first being trained, they told me to feel the heat flow through my body, from my honest, before you propel it forward. What if you tried to take a cold feeling, like shivers or goosebumps from around your body, and explode it forward?" Tristan suggests. "I mean... I'm no trainer or tutor... but I guess it's worth a shot if it's anything like my flamethrower."
Tristan shakes his head. "I'm saying imagine the feeling that you experience in a blizzard or a snow storm, or the chill you feel from a breeze. Take THAT cold feeling and try to use it." Tristan explained. "This would probably be easier had we still been on ice island."
Elma's thought for quite away. All of this information was makeing her head hurt. "Gah. Let's just keep practicing it. That will help me get better." She said.

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"Well, there's no use practicing a flawed technique. Anyone who says practice makes perfect is fooling themselves. Perfect practice makes perfect." Tristan explains. "Just knowing how to create ice is useless unless you practice technique. Sure, battling can help, but..." He starts before shooting a fire blast that narrowly misses Elmas. It would have likely obstructed her focus on Tristan and he used that opportunity to run behind it and jump on her if given the chance. "There's something to be said for technique."
"Yipe!" Emlas yelled as the fire blast whizzed past her. She turned around to see that Tristan had disappeared afterwards, but soon have his position away when he finished his sentence. "What was that for. That's cheating." She said before using Psychic to blast him off seeing as her arms weren't long enough to reach back there. 

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"What about that was cheating? That was strategy." Tristan said after getting knocked back. "Battle is about strategy and tactics. You can't win with just one."
"When did I say that?" Tristan laughed. "As I recall I said I'm up for a fight. I never specified how I would fight you. I said feel free to use Ice Beam all you want. I never once said I would train Ice Beam. Training one thing isn't going to help immensely. Sure, it could provide a slight edge, but training how to battle in general is extremely helpful."
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Tristan grinned. "I held off your brother, I can probably take you on. I must say, though, your control of Psychic is incredible. Almost as good. As this..." He says before burrowing underground. Suddenly, pillars of fire shot up from various spots and holes were left from where the fire erupted. He didn't intend to hit Elmas, he was just showing off, so he intentionally got close multiple times but avoided actually hitting her.
Emlas was once again startled by the firey pillars all around her. "Alright, that's it." She said before a white ball appeared in her claws. She then threw it at the ground causeing an explosion of mist to cover the surrounding area. It was almost impossible to see, except for Emlas that is.

With mist now seeping into the tunnels Tristan created, he unfortunately misjudged where he was, and one of the next couple shots would hit the tip of Elmas's wing. Tristan popped his head out of the hole made by the shot that did so, once he looked up to see what was above it. "Crud. I probably hit her." He thought "Yikes... Um... You okay?"
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Tristan pops out. "Hmm... what to do... My Rawst Berries got left at home. ((I'd imagine it fitting that Rawst Berries (the burn healers) grew on fire island)) Oh, I know!" Tristan says before jumping back into one of the holes he made He returns with a rock. "Try using ice beam on this rock... Maybe the cold will help if you hold it on your wing?" Tristan offers
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Alejandro glared at Nathan, hearing her last remark about him and flew down in front of her. "If you want a decidueye, i suggest you go to Alola and catch one. You try to catch me, and I will hurt you..." He said.

"And you..." He said, looking to the Latias. "If you want to know about me, just ask." He said and shrugged.

Ghren came over and made him walk away to cool down. "Sorry about that..." He said, then went to console him. After a bit, they came back, calm, and watched the fight.

@Netherdragon @Assailant @Latios

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