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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Ok, what about what types is he. He sure looks like a flying type with those wings. But I haven't know a single Pokemon that is just a flying type."


(Fun fact, there isn't a pure flying type out there. It's usually Flying-Normal. But other wise it's Flying-???)
((Actually, Tornadus is pure flying.))

Nathan thought for a moment. "Actually... if I remember correctly, it's classified as Grass-Ghost."

(Really. I could have sworn that he was duel elements like his two counterparts.)

"What? That doesn't make sense. How can he be a ghost type. He doesn't look scary. Nor is he all transparent like one."

"So what about his grass typeing. There's no flowers or anything on him. All he's got going for him is that green hood he wears. And the leaves that come of it."

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(Sorry if I don't know about the tail. The pic only shows the front.)

"Huh, well if he's not a flying type, can he still fly."

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"I guess so. Then again, they my be cosmetic like his hood. They may not offer him flight at all. Kinda like my wings. Though mine are for balance. Without them I would spin around in the air with no control. Turning upside down and what not. Maybe his do something other than flight."

"Well that's obvious. Is there any Pokemon that can't use a move that is the same type as themselves. I may not know a lot of moves but I know things like dragon claw and psychic. I'm not sure what else we can learn. Most of the moves my brother and I learned we got from other Pokemon willing to help us, and we even self taught ourselves some others. Like Draka, she taught us dragon claw."

Nathan nodded. "Yeah." She rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry, that's about all I know. As I told you, I never caught a Decidueye." She glanced over at him with an evil chuckle. "Hehehehe... maybe that'll change... with time..."

"Are they rare Pokemon or something. There should be more than just him. Oh, what about evolutions, if there's other ones you could catch one of those and they will evolve when they grow up."

Nathan nodded. "Mmhmm. They're not as rare as, for example, the Lati, but they're not quite common either. However, you might be right. I guess I COULD try to find a Rowlett somewhere..."

"Oh, while we're at it. I've been meaning to learn some new moves, or at lest strengthen my other ones. Lately I've been feeling like the weak link. Think you could help. I'm mean that's what trainers do, right." 

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Nathan smiled. "Well, I mean, I COULD train you, but that would require fighting other Pokemon, including wild ones. If you want to do that, I'm down, but since this group seems to have some sort of non-aggression pact or whatever with wild Pokemon, that might not be very possible..." she grinned. "HOWEVER, I DO think I know a way to get you some new moves. I know some guys who specialize in teaching moves to Pokemon. Maybe we could get in touch."

"Of course, I also have TMs and HMs left over from my days as a trainer."

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Nathan dropped her bag and began looking through it. "Technical Machines. They allows us to instantly teach a Pokemon a move: sometimes ones they wouldn't learn otherwise."

"So... How do they work." She asked.

(they've always looked like CDs so I would assume that there like a little slide shows/movies that you play on something.)

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((Full disclosure, I always thought they just shoved it in its mouth.))

Nathan nodded. "We have a little machine that we plug the disc into. You just watch it. It's apparently REALLY efficient at teaching."


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