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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Nathan shrugged and began looking through them. "See, there's not really any data on the Lati. If I could catch you even just to record your data in the 'Dex, then that would make this easier. For obvious reasons though, that isn't possible," she said, though there was a hint of disappointment in her voice. She began piling on the TMs.

"Hmm... Ice Beam... Shadow Ball, Heal Pulse, Thunder... Earthquake, I dunno, take your pick. I have no idea what'll work on you guys."

"I think if you went and caught me then Latios would be even angrier then going to see humans for this stuff." She chuckled a little. "So for now, let's just stick with these. I already know Shadow Ball from Latios, he learned it way back before I was born so he eventually passed it to me. But Ice Beam and Heal Pulse sound nice."

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Nathan nodded and put Ice Beam into the TM machine. "Alright, just watch this and pay attention. Let's see if this works."

Tristan looked over at what was happening... "This could be interesting. I heard that my species could learn special moves only through humans... I wonder how this works." He said quietly.
Max looked over at Tristan. "Maybe if you watch as well, you might learn a thing or two. Mast...- Brother taught me many things through similar means."


Eventually, the machine turned off as the film ended. Nathan looked over at Latias. "Well?"

@Latios @Netherdragon
"I think I got it. Now to try it out. See that bush over there. I'm gonna try and freeze it." She said pointing to the plant. Her eyes glared it down as if it was a really opponent. Going back through what her mind, she copied what she saw to preform the attack. A little blue light formed at her mouth and grew in size untill it was as large as a tennis ball. She then fired the beam from the orb she created at the bush. A white most cover the area of the bush before settling to show it covered in frost. "Hehe, not entirely frozen, but hey it worked. I guess I'll need to practice a little more."

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"I... I heard about a move called Blast Burn that I can gain once I evolve. But I've heard you can only learn it with the help of a human... Can that machine teach that move?" He asked
Nathan looked over at Tristan. "Hmm... Typhlosion..." She checked her Dex. "No, I'm afraid not. That's only through tutoring, which is the other method I was talking about with Emlas." Nathan watched said Lati run off. After a few moments, she pet Max's head.

"Sorry for cockblocking you."



@Latios @Netherdragon
Nathan shook her head. "What I just did was use a TM. Tutors are specific people who can teach moves."
"Is it known where they live?" Tristan inquires. "I hear it's one of the most powerful techniques I can learn."
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After a while, the energetic red eon Pokemon returned with a smile on her face. "Latios was really happy that I learned Ice beam, well, partially. Apparently Draka knew it as well, though she didn't know if we could learn it. Oh, also, Latios told me, to tell you, that he's thankful for your help. Huh, I guess that would be a first. Him thanking a human."

Nathan nodded. "I know where some live. I think I know where the Johto one lives, so we could stop by there if necess-" She paused as Emlas returned, and she smiled. 

"Ah, well, I'm glad he's happy!"

@Latios @Netherdragon
"Yeah. Though I find it strange that he's happy because of a human. Normally it's all 'Stay away from humans, their dangerous.' and 'If you go near the humans they'll take you away from us.'" She said trying her best to imitate him. "But anyways, I want to get back to working on my moves. How about we see if we can try to improve my new Ice beam. Know any ways that would help?"

Nathan thought for a moment. "The only way I can think of is training, I guess. Unless you have Never-Melt Ice."


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