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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

The two pokemon continued fighting until they finished and started to laugh together, seeming to have had a good time. "Ah, Ghren, my friend, it's always good to spar with you every now and then." He said quietly.

Ghren chuckled and nodded, putting his hands behind his back. "Yes, it is quite nice from time to time, keeps our skills sharp.." Ghren replied, then looked over to the trainer. "Uh....Alejandro? Pokeball..." He said.

Alejandro looked angry at Nathan. "Hey! Leave us alone, we don't wanna be caught! He said and got in fighting position.

Ghren looked to the other pokemon. "Would somebody PLEASE tell her to put that pokeball away? We don't need trainers..." He said.

@Assailant @Netherdragon @Latios @Daisie @The Fabulous Emerald
Nathan frowned and looked at her Pokeball. "Ah... hehe..." She rubbed the back of her head and put it away. "Sorry guys, old habits die hard I guess." She was kinda disappointed, she really wanted to catch those two... being able to speak their language and being friends with Pokemon, it seemed, was gonna make life a lot more confusing.

Ghren blinked. "Oh...she can understand us...?" He said and went over, hand's still behind his back. Ghren seemed a little old, but wise and a bit refined. "Excuse or agitated state, but after all we've been through, we like being on our own. It's better that way. Well, now that I see you can understand us...my name is Ghren, it's nice to meet you. my Decidueye friend is Alejandro." He said.

Alejandro only gave a nod and relaxed.

Nathan nodded with a smile. "Yeah, sorry about that. It seems, after so many years, some of that trainer blood still boils in me. I'm just learning your language, so I might mess up or not understand here or there... or a lot." She had to use a lot of context clues for most of their sentences, and she really just tried to grasp the basic ideas. "Name's Nathan. My team should be hanging out somewhere around here..." She looked up as April the Pidgeotto circled around in the sky. "Ah, there's one. She's April. We're working with her, but she's... uh... got an attitude," she said emphatically. "I might recommend avoiding her..."

It was at this inexplicable time that Emlas dashed over the the Decidueye, getting perhaps a little uncomfortably close. She began to circle around him looking at all of his features. Once she made a full 360° she stop once more, and the barage of questions began. [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"What kind of Pokemon are you. Can you fly, oh, are you a flying type. Does that mean you can use flying type attacks. Oh what attacks can you learn. Tell me, tell me." [/COLOR]She said extremely fast.

@SkycøderCrøta @Assailant
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Arcanus chuckled slightly. "Not to fear. All can be learned in time. Greetings, fellow Pokemon.", he simply greeted, as well.
Arcanus chuckled slightly. "Not to fear. All can be learned in time. Greetings, fellow Pokemon.", he simply greeted, as well.

Ghren went over to Arcanus smiled. "Ah, hello. I'm Ghren. The Decidueye is Alejandro." He said, then looked to Nathan. "I'm sure Alejandro and April will get along just fine. If she's one to stay away from, I have a feeling they'll be the best of friends. 

Hearing them talk, Alejandro kept silent, soon flying in the sky to April. "...hm." He said and kept flying around. On a side note, he found Emlas to be a bit..eager and excited to meet new Pokémon. He wondered exactly what kind of Pokémon she was. 

@Latios @Daisie @Assailant
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Nathan sighed as Ghren said this and Alejandro moved towards April. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she murmured.

April was flying around, diving here and there as she tried to exercise her wings. She saw Alejandro. "Hey, what do YOU want?" She said somewhat in annoyance. The pain in her wing put her in a bad mood tacked onto her normal bitchy personality.
Meanwhile, X'Zaat was looking at the Sun, as time ticks by. He didn't seem to notice the other conversations around him. Or didn't care.
Nathan sighed as Ghren said this and Alejandro moved towards April. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she murmured.

April was flying around, diving here and there as she tried to exercise her wings. She saw Alejandro. "Hey, what do YOU want?" She said somewhat in annoyance. The pain in her wing put her in a bad mood tacked onto her normal bitchy personality.

Alejandro looked to her. "Nothing." He said and shrugged, continuing to fly in complete silence. He didn't seem to wanna bother her, or attempt to make friends.

Ghren shrugged. "Hey, Alejandro will be fine." He said.

"Well then Ghren." Said Latios. "Could you tell us where the closest human settlement is. We are kinda in a rush and are low on supplies." 

@SkycøderCrøta @Daisie @Assailant @The Fabulous Emerald @Netherdragon

"Ah, you want to go to Azalea town, then." Ghren responded. "That is the nearest one. It's none of my business, but where are such a huge group of pokemon...and a trainer, traveling to?" He asked. Basically, he wanted to know why they were a group and if something was going on.

@Daisie @Assailant @Netherdragon @Latios
Max suddenly stood up. "I already said where Azalea town was," he murmured to himself. He then turned to the group. "I will go into the town," he said somewhat assertively.
"Max. We're all going to the town. No ones going off on a solo mission. It's dangerous to split up." He said to him. "And as for where we're going, that's our business. Let's just say that there's a lot of people counting on us."

@SkycøderCrøta @Assailant
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Max paused for a moment, before closing his eyes and nodding. He went and packed up what little belongings he had taken out. As he did, he noticed Emlas moping. "Are you well?" He asked, not having been particularly present at the previous conversation.

"Hmm. Oh, yeah I'm ok. Just a little upset. I wanted to find out what kind of Pokemon that guy was. I've never seen anything like him." She said

Max smiled a tad. "Well, it seemed that Nathan knew. You WERE being a bit... excitable," he said was a chuckled. And that is what is so alluring about you, he found himself thinking before mentally smacking himself in the head. He blushed just a tad at the thought, though.

Max nodded. "Sure, I do not see why not." He brought her over to Nathan. 

"Nathan?" Nathan looked over.

"Huh? What's up you two?" Max gestured to Emlas.

"She has a question to ask you." Nathan nodded.

"Alright, yeah?"

"Huh?" She says as she looks over at Alejandro. "Oh, he's a Decidueye. They're native to Alola. I spent some time there, but not alot. Always wanted a Decidueye..." she frowned. 


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