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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"It wouldn't slow me down. And Emlas wasn't the best at doing it. She can cast an illusion on herself for a long time but bearly on others, not to mention on multiple people."

"Well, at the least it would take some strain off of you. So I guess that just means we have to fly at top speed for as long we can while maintaining a cloak." Tristan says before looking around. "But... There are some flying pokemon here who could never hope to match the top speed you can achieve. At least I've heard it is incredibly fast. What do we do about that?" Tristan inquires
"You are right about my top speed being higher than everyone else's. This whole time I've been flying slow enough to let everyone keep up. If I were to fly at top speed, any one riding with me would be killed. Unless of course thier bodies can stand the force of breaking the sound barrier. No, speed won't help us to get away fast enough for myself to last long enough. What we need is a way to extend the length of my illusion. And I might have something to do that. However I swear to Arceus if anyone touches it I will rip out their throats. I can only hope it won't break by me using it."

"Are.... Are you talking about your Soul Dew? That item you mentioned earlier?" Tristan asked. He was curious and wanted to see what it looked like. "Wait... What happens if it breaks?"
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"It's not my Soul Dew. One can only be created by a death. That would mean I would have to be dead. It is my mother." Latios said. He then turned to Draka. "Draka. Give me you bag." She nodded and handed it to him. Latios dig through it and pulled out another bag before opening it. He pulled out a large transparent jewel that glowed a reddish pink. Light swirled around inside it. It was about the size of your average Pokeball. He brought it close to his chest before whispering something inaudible. Afterwards he looked up with a fierce look in his eye. "Let's get going then."

Tristan gazed in awe at how pretty the Soul Dew was. The light refracted in such an interesting way. "Okay." He says before climbing onto Latios's back.
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"Alright everyone, at lest those who are flying. Time is against us, so i suggest you fly as fast as you can or I won't be very happy. I am going to use an illusion to get us through the watch of the Shadows. However I can't hold it for very long. So I'll be using something to help me with that. However again, the longer I us this item, the higher the chances that it will break. And if it breaks two very bad things will happen. One, I won't be happy. Two we might all end up being swallowed by a storm. You see when this particular item breaks, the energy it gives off is enough to create massive storms. Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, you name it. They don't happen for nothing in the world. I hope thats enough incentive for all of us fliers to put some gut in our flight. Besides that fact that if the illusion drops we might have an armada of Shadows upon us."

@Netherdragon @Assailant @Daisie @The Fabulous Emerald
"Worse yet, even if we survive the storm, it would be a beacon to our exact location if it broke if it's that big." Tristan thought for a moment. "Um... I have a concern, Latios. You said Eclipse killed Latis to get stronger, right? And you also said that the power of a Lati increases if they use a Soul Dew, right? If he killed that many Latis.... How many Soul Dews does he have...?"
"I don't mean to be a pain, but that's highly questionable in my opinion. Who is to say there weren't 50 other Latis like you who had a Soul Dew from their mothers, speaking of which, I'm sorry to hear about that. Anyway, Eclipse could have just stolen them after killing the Latis who had them right?" Tristan asks. "I mean, there is a possibility and it's probably a good idea to realize that."
April, who had woken up already and eaten some berries, nodded. Amber was currently unwrapping her bandages. She observed April's wings and smiled.

"It seems the berries and concoctions did the trick. Her wings are mostly healed. She probably shouldn't carry mistress, as 130 lbs might be too much for her redeveloping wings, but as long as she carries someone lighter she should be fine." April looked down.

"Thanks," she muttered. Amber looked over in shock.

"Huh?" April looked away from her.

"S-shut up. You won't get me to say it again." April walked away from her and Amber smiled gently.

"You're welcome," she said softly.
Arcanus, who was looming underneath a tree nearby, smiled to himself. He'd also been awake. Not for long, just a few minutes, but still. He was happy that April was trying.

Max walked over and sat next to Arcanus. He was silent for a few moments before turning to him. "I could sense what was happening," he said. "Yesterday, by the cliff side. Given the emotions I could sense... I could gather what was happening. I considered going to join and try to help you, but in the end I decided I would have only stood to make things worse. When Nathan asked where April was, I felt she had the right to know where her Pokemon was, but before I could warn her not to interfere, she ran off. I hope she did not make things worse."

Arcanus chuckled in response. "I was wondering about that, you know. Truthfully, no, she did not interfere. And for that I am grateful.". He smiled a bit, looking down at the grass. "I am relieved that she is alright.... I have never done anything like that before... And I do not know how I have gotten so attached to April, to be honest. I wish I did. The curiosity is slowly killing me, I swear..."

Max closed his eyes. "Yes... these emotions are tough to grapple with. I understand. I can tell you mean very much to one another. You care very deeply for her, and she cares very deeply for you. You are the only one she feels she can trust. She would trade the world for you in a heartbeat." He smiled. "Truthfully, I envy you both just in the slightest."

Arcanus relaxed a bit, breathing out a sigh. "It is not easy, you know... The stress of being in the middle of a war. And the burden of taking care of her... I nearly broke down the other day. She noticed, I feel... I was stuttering.". As he thought of it, his muscles tensed again. He shook his head. "I need to get a grip.."

Max nodded solemnly with a kind smile. "That is understandable. That task would stress anyone. The war in of itself is affecting all of us in unique ways, but especially with your circumstances... I would be concerned if it wasn't wearing on you. You have done wonderfully thus far."

Arcanus breathed out, and put his chin on his knees. "And yet I fear that my best will not be enough.. My determination is beginning to break beneath the weight borne by my shoulders. I need to be careful..."

"That is not my intention, no. Certainly not." Arcanus replied. "It is simply getting difficult. When I think of it all....".. He paused for a moment, thinking. He changed his additude suddenly. "This is all simply new. I will be fine."

"Well, no use worrying about something I cannot change.. If the future holds bad things for me, then so it shall be." Arcanus said with more confidence and calmness; in a more natural voice.

Max nodded. "All we can do is be ready." Internally, he was wondering how Arcanus came to that conclusion, and so swiftly too.

"Well when you put it that way then there's no telling how many. Though I still think it would be none. No massive storms have happened yet as far as I know off." He said. "Now, let's hurry up and get going. Where's Nathan."  

@Netherdragon @Assailant
Nathan ran out of the forest. "I'm sorry!" She ran up to the group with Orion and Darin hurriedly scurrying next to her. "The wounds and extra crew lately were leaving us a little low on berries, so I was out collecting."


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