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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Ooh, such a rebel." She sighed. "I hear women have a thing for bad boys, you would've been a hit. Oh, but I'm sure you were ROLLING in lovers as it was," she said sarcastically.

Arcanus laughed at April's remark. "Haha, for sure.". He breathed a big sigh. "Ah.... Truthfully, love was never truly an interest of mine. That was more of my brothers' thing. My sister and I would generally roll our eyes whenever they would go off on a tangent."

"I always thought that love would find me someday. That is really the extent of my personal experience. At least, when I was younger."

"Not sure if I have found 'The One' yet."

"Of course, you want to give love time." Arcanus replied, nodding. "Do not rush it. But it is good to keep an eye out for options.", he said as he lied down again.

"I dunno," she said as she laid down. "I'm a trainer's Pokemon. I've probably met all the Pokemon I will ever meet by now, especially since she's retired. This little adventure is highly abnormal. I've already turned them all off to me for good by now. You don't go through years of my shit unscathed." She nodded. "Unless Nathan decides to get into breeding, I'm afraid it's a lost cause."

Arcanus stifled a chuckle as he thought of Nathan excitedly shipping April and him. But his eyes slightly widened as he realized that if Nathan was watching currently, he would be getting an earful later. He secretly checked the area, blushing a bit.

Nathan narrowed her eyes as Arcanus caught sight of her in a bush. She shook her head and held up the "hush" sign with her finger over her mouth.

"Something wrong?" April asked.

Arcanus held his breath, staring right at Nathan for a few moments before looking back at April, pausing. "...Oh, nothing. Only that I am concerned about a familiar bird's broken wings. Are you feeling better?", he subtly changed the subject, hugging her a little bit.

April noted the topic change, but she was silenced with the hug. "Mmm, yeah," she said with a sigh. "It's been getting better."

"I am glad that you are alright.", he breathed as he put his chin on April's head. Nathan had put the work in to find a good hiding spot, he might as well entertain her purpose by acting cute. "And I am glad that I got through to you, as well."

"Ahh... We should probably get going soon, should we not? People might be worried.." Arcanus admitted. "And we should not stray from the group for too long. There may be Shadows, or... Any number of things.", he hinted, interested to see if April would pick up on it.

"I suppose you're right. I can't fight the shadows like this," April said, clearly not picking up on the implication.

Arcanus nodded. "Indeed. And even if you could, we might not be able to handle things like that. Especially if nobody is around to help, at all. It is worrying that we may not be alone.", he hinted slightly more, still wondering if she'd pick up on it as he stood up.

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She frowned and looked around. By now, Nathan had disappeared into the bushes. April looked back to Arcanus. "Were... we being watched?"
Meanwhile, X'Zaat got thinking. If Xatu could 'see' the end of the world, as it is rumoured amongst Pokemon to be (and he believes it to be true), which surely they can't be alive for, does that mean they are effectively omniscient? Would they be able to locate Legendaries?

As he is thinking this, he is staring deep into the Sun, if it is still up. It helps him think.

(this is a question for @Latios, too)
"So... Do you think Moltres will forgive me for being so aggressive?" Tristan asks Latios

(Aren't they all together already? Or did I misunderstand that?)
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April nodded and followed along.

((No. Latios and Tristan and Draka are in one place, Amber and Darin and Orion and X'Zaat are in one place, and Nathan and Arcanus and April are in another.))

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