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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

She looked over at him. "Because I'm scared, Arcanus. Maybe that comes from a place of wisdom, hell, maybe that comes from a place of foolishness. I got hurt once, and I'd give anything to prevent that from happening again." She looked down sorrowfully at her bandages. "Then again, that's why I ended up like this."

"Perhaps it is almost time to face that fear." Arcanus replied in a soft tone of voice. "I am not saying you have to now. All I am asking of you right now is that you try to play nice with others. We can worry about things like that later.."

"Perhaps it is almost time to face that fear." Arcanus replied in a soft tone of voice. "I am not saying you have to now. All I am asking of you right now is that you try to play nice with others. We can worry about things like that later.."


April sighed as she realized she almost spilled the beans, proverbially speaking. "But if I'm nice to them, I might start liking them. Then I'll be vulnerable again."

"Do not be afraid." Arcanus replied, placing a hand above her wing. "I will make sure that they do not hurt you. And if they are to die in this war... There is not much you can do."

"At least they would be able to see you happy. Which means the world to them."

April closed her eyes with a sigh. "Arcanus... my fear brought me here," she said as she gestured to her bandages. Shit, don't pay attention to that part. "But... when I was down... how many people were REALLY concerned about me?"

"To tell you the truth?" Arcanus replied, looking own at the bandages.

"Everyone. Amber was in tears. Nathan I believe was close. I was feeling dizzy, I was so worried. Emlas was terrified. Even Latios looked concerned, I believe."

April narrowed her eyes. "I believe you and Amber. Hell, I believe Nathan. I'd never believe Emlas, and I'm pretty sure Latios would have been happier if I'd died. That's not even mentioning Draka."

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Arcanus looked confused. "Why did you ask.. If you were going to reject my answer, anyway?"

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"Yeah, in our rush to get the birds we forget to tell them to alert him. And the beasts will be hard to find as they roam. That's why Ho-oh will look for them. He knows where they are."

"Because you are a member of this team. Do you remember back when you saved.... Emlas, I believe? She cares for you, she is thankful. And Latios is grateful for that, I am positive."

"You are an important part of our group. If you died, there would be.. Much sorrow."

April looked down silently, clearly thinking over what Arcanus said. Part of her seemed to want to believe it, while another part of her seemed to want to deny it.
"Even if they do not act like it at times, but we do care for your safety."


"People tend to have two sets of emotions. What shows on the outside, and what is more personal, on the inside. Outside emotions are generally short-term. If a friend snaps at you, you snap back; that is your outside anger. You do not hate them, but you are annoyed with them at the time. Inside emotions are long term, and can last ages, if cared for correctly. Friendships are kept there, as well as rivalries. It is where emotions mess with your head for years to come. It shapes who you are."

"They may seem like they do not enjoy your company on the outside at times. But deep down, I feel they truly value you."

April closed her eyes. "They shouldn't," she muttered. "After what I did..." she shook her head.

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"But they do, April. You have something special here: people who care. Do not take it for granted. And do not lose it. It is the most valuable thing you can have right now."

April winced. "Ah... you weren't supposed to hear that." She looked up to Arcanus. "What would I have to do to lose your friendship?"

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