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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"You haven't seen close to my full power." Tristan then used double team and ran around Latios, gleefully dodging swipe after swipe. His running then turned into a roll as he used defense curl. He was clearly prepping for something as the defense curl continued, getting faster and faster, before turning into a flame wheel and charging towards Latios 
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Latios chuckled as he saw the flame wheel. He grabbed it before it could hit him with Psychic. It stopped inches from his face. He then hurled it towards the newest tree.

Tristan thought fast and sent a flamethrower out to the tree, burning it before he could colide. He then slid to a stop on the ground with seemingly no injury.
"Well done. But let's see if we can't restrict that mobility of yours." He said. A crushing weight came upon Tristan as he used Psychic again. He then let out another barage of DragonClaws.

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Tristan used double team. Latios hit a mirage while slightly hitting Tristan before Tristan used Flame Charge, increasing his speed in the process if he so much as grazed Latios.
2 hours ago, The Fabulous Emerald said:

Then it is Snatched. Annoyed (that apparently Amber isn't affected by confusion :P. Speaking of which, how are you deciding if it hits or not?) at this, X'Zaat uses Ominous Wind.

(latios, mind rolling a d10 or something to see if the 10% effect happens?)


((Snatch and Shock Wave both have (---) accuracy, so confusion doesn't hurt that. Apparently, in the anime, Confusion just causes attacks to miss rather than hit self.))

Amber frowns and raises her hands as the wind buffets her. Nathan frowns. I need to keep using moves that she can't miss until she gets her bearings again! "Amber, you know what to do!" Amber nods and lets out a soul-rending cry that hurts X'Zaat emotionally.

Amber used Disarming Voice!
X'Zaat uses Protect, and also uses a Future Sight while he is still in the bubble of relative safety.

(i mean, ive seen confusion used like in the game in the anime, so...)
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Nathan frowned. "Man, you really like that move, huh?" Nathan sighed.

Confusion wore off!

"Amber, use Future Sight!" Amber nodded and did the command. "Well well, looks like we're in the same boat now."
April looked up at Arcanus with a smile. "Hey..." She hardly even noticed the sounds of battle. She was just so happy to be with someone in a pleasant manner again.

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"Greetings.... I hear battle.", he said with a worried voice. "Do you think the Shadows have found us?"

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Just now, Daisie said:

(I think you mean April)

"Greetings.... I hear battle.", he said with a worried voice. "Do you think the Shadows have found us?"



((FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... I knew having two characters starting with the letter "A" would come to bite me.))

April frowned. After a moment, she registered the fighting. She gasped and tried to fly to her feet, but winced as the bandages prevented her. She hissed a bit a crawled to her "feet."

"Of course."

X'Zaat opens his eyes wide, and a black energy shoots out of them at Amber.

X'Zaat used Night Shade, a super effective, 100% accuracy move.
Arcanus helped April to her feet carefully. "You will not be battling, April. I do not want to see you hurt any more than you already are."

Tristan barely got off a protect, but it shattered and some of the attack still hit him. "Ugh. That hurt!" He said before digging several holes beneath the ground. Pillars of fire then shot up from several, some close to Latios, others not.
"You're helping me by staying safe, April." Arcanus replied softly, but quickly. "I just need to know that you will not get in any trouble, and I am stronger than ever."

By now all the battle nose had awoken a very grumpy Dragonite. Draka, who had been tierd for most of the day and now being roused from her sleep was not in the best of moods. She was furious, not to mention she thought everyone was being stupid. Marching her way over to the rest she ended up storming past Arcanus and April. She didn't direct her fury toward them as they were not fighting. And they should be thankful. An angry dragon was a very unpleasant dragon. She soon came upon the others completely unaware of her presence. "WHAT IN ARCEUS'S GREAT EARTH DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" She roared at them all, startling most. "Need I remind you that we are trying to hide from a force that's trying to kill us and here you are making as much noise as you could possibly make. Not to mention the light from the attacks being a beacon  in the dark. Weren't we supposed to be resting as we have little time to recover from the day's events."

@Netherdragon @Assailant @Daisie @The Fabulous Emerald
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"I'm having fun. You should try it." Tristan shouts from one of the holes. Suddenly you could hear him scurrying to another as he realized he just gave away his position.
"You'll be haveing a lot of fun when the shadows pay a vist in the night. And Latios, you of all people should known better. Your the one who was stressing about keeping away from them. And here you are doing such." 

"Sorry Draka." He shivered slightly with his head hanging low. Draka being the parental figure to the Lati siblings, she held a lot of respect around them. And when she was angry, they knew better than to question her, like one would to their own mother. Even Emlas was a bit scared even though she hadn't done anything wrong.

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon @The Fabulous Emerald
Tristan pokes his head out of one of the holes. "So... We're done fighting?" He says with disappointment. He was having a lot of fun.
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