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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"So then what do you need us for?" Tristan asks. "If you need the legendaries and nobody else, why bring all these people along. It just slows you down right?"
"Safety in numbers. I'd most likely be dead right now if I was alone trying to do this. The more eyes I got watching my back the more likely I am to survive. And as such I'll watch your backs too."

Nathan frowned as nothing seemed to happen. Darin lowered his Protect. She had another move up her sleeve though. Thankfully, she was a big fan of TMs, and Darin had really wanted a particular one. She had been happy to oblige. Here it was, coming in hand. Darin looked back at Nathan who nodded in consent. Darin turned and closed his eyes as a dark ball formed in front of him. Darin yelled and it launched towards the Xatu.

Darin used Shadow Ball
"Well... I know this is strange, but can I test your strength? I mean, it may mean testing my own, but I enjoy battle as weird as that sounds." Tristan sighed. "Never mind, it was a stupid thought..."
X'Zaat tries to dodge, but is unsuccessful. After he is slammed by the huge Ghost type attack, X'Zaat is barely able to keep his flight up, (I am also not saying Darin can't dodge stuff either) then uses Tailwind to double his normal speed temporarily.
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"I don't mind if you battle me. Just know that I won't hold back. Though I won't go as far to make you too injured. We're low on medical supplies anyways."

"Great! That sounds fun. Though... should we find an open field first? This place is pretty, I don't want to burn it down." He says looking at the trees around them.
"That's another thing. Learn to control your fire. You almost roasted one of my friends back there." Latios said. He flew in the direction of the nearest clearing without anyone in it

"Hey, that was seeing someone I considered my friends kill my parents. How I'm even somewhat calm right now is beyond me, but wouldn't you freak out?" He says running after him.
Darin looked back to Nathan. Nathan growled in annoyance as X'Zaat flew up above. Nathan shook her head. "Just wait him out." Darin sat down calmly as Nathan glared up at X'Zaat. "I'm not making a move until you come down from there!" She yelled. Eevee's moves were almost entirely physical. She's completely powerless.
"Well if it calms you down some I can assure you that your parents aren't dead, and that when this is over your friends and family will be  back to normal." He said. "Now, you want to make the first move or shall I."

"Let's see what you got, mr. Legendary..." Tristan Taunts while getting in a fighting stance. ((I always imagined that's how the move taunt worked))
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Nathan recalls Darin and sighs. "Whatever, this is not going anywhere." Nathan grins. "Actually... you're going to play dirty, so will I. Amber, would you mind?" Amber walks out.

Amber used Psychic.
Since Future Sight didn't land yet, since Darin was switched out, Amber would take the attack. Of course, it wouldn't be very effective, yet X'Zaat's Future Sight has a base power of 192 so yeah.

In terms of the Psychic, it again wouldn't be very effective towards him, and he heals up afterwards from Wish anyways. X'Zaat uses Confuse Ray on Amber.
Latios grins at his enthusiasm. "Fine, if you won't take the first turn than I will." Two shadow balls began to form, one in each claw. Fireing both at Tristan.

Tristan fires a flamethrower at each, in turn, one before it gets close but one a bit too close for comfort. He then proceeds to run towards Latios and stomps the ground. "Hi" He says with a smile before retreating from where he just was. Suddenly, The ground splits open and flames erupt from where Tristan just stomped the ground @Latios
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Amber shakes her head as the Confuse Ray makes contact. Future Sight hits, but it she seems mostly unperturbed by it. Nathan nodded and thought for a moment. Amber had been with her longer than any other Pokemon. She'd spent the most time with her, especially when they fought. 

"Amber, use Shock Wave!" Amber nodded and shot an undodgeable wave of electricity at X'Zaat.
Latios managed to move out of the way, but only just. His wing getting singed a little before he cleared it. "Clever, very clever. That will get you far in battle." He followed up an ExtremeSpeed to catch him by surprise and hammering down with a DragonClaw. 


X'Zaat takes the super effective move that he can't dodge, and is forced to land from the impact. He still doesn't look like he has taken much damage though, as he uses another Wish.
Then it is Snatched. Annoyed (that apparently Amber isn't affected by confusion :P. Speaking of which, how are you deciding if it hits or not?) at this, X'Zaat uses Ominous Wind.

(latios, mind rolling a d10 or something to see if the 10% effect happens?)
Arcanus shook his head, hearing the sounds of battle nearby. He woke up slightly, looking around, and stopping for a few moments as he looked down at April.

Tristan saw Latios approaching almost faster than he could make out. Right as he was about to make contact. "Agh!" Tristan shouted and rolled, closing his eyes... The dragon claw barely hit him, but still would deal a bit of damage. "Just kidding." He smiled before firing a flamethrower. THIS level of enthusiasm he could get used to. He thought.
Latios threw up a protect to block the firce flames. "Smart and quick reflexes. Very nice indeed." He said before unleashing an onslaught of DragonClaws on him


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