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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

April backed up a tad as he stepped forward, her talons going over the edge. She didn't fall over, but she was practically standing over the edge.

"W...- what are you talking about..."

"April... I can help you... I can suffer with you, through the fire of life. But please... If you leave now.... I will have to suffer alone." Arcanus replied. He paused, shaking. And he slowly fell down to his knees, looking up at April humbly.

April looked down at him with confusion in her eyes. She stared for a few moments before slowly, ever so slowly, walking back towards Arcanus.

She slowly reached him and stood so that they were level, eye-to-eye. She said nothing, she just stared at him.

In Arcanus' eyes stood fear. And a little bit of tears. His amber red eyes were no longer strong and calm as usual... But they were fearful, hopeful, desperate, and joyful all at the same time.

April continued to stare at Arcanus in silence before tears began to well up in her eyes as well, as she began to tremble in full force. "W...-what d-did I just t-try to do?"

Arcanus' face suddenly swelled with relief. He reached over and hugged her, being careful not to further damage her wounds. "April, you precious gem..!".

April couldn't hug him back, as her wings were bandaged. She tucked her head into him and cried onto his chest. "A-Arcanus, I-I-I-I'm s-sorry!"

Arcanus was having a bit of a breakdown, as well. But he tried not to let April know that. He trembled as he put his hand on her head. "I-it is alright, April. You are safe now.", he said in a soft, calming voice. Even if it did shake a little bit.

April cried, unabated, but no more words came out of her. She leaned into him, the absence of an ability to hug causing her to simply try to get as close to him as she could for comfort. Though she continued to cry, she already felt a tad bit happier.

Arcanus hugged her a bit tighter, knowing that the best thing for her right now was to sob it all away. "Shh, shh... It is alright.", he simply comforted as they sat.

Meanwhile, X'Zaat is meditating and enjoying life. (ill retcon my previous post to later, since things are happening elsewhere thats a bit more interesting.)
After a few minutes, April's sobbing turned to crying before finally stopping altogether. She still remained in Arcanus's arms, being comforted by his protection. For just a little while, the pain that she'd ceaselessly suffered for so long seemed to diminish. 

"Thank you," she finally muttered.

Arcanus still held onto April for awhile. He looked down at her and smiled. "Of course. I wouldn't let you go that easily. I care for you. And that is a curse you will have to live with.", he chuckled.

April chuckled dryly. "Not just that... f...- for everything... I've been so mean to you..." She looked up at him. "Why do you care?" This time, there was no fear in her eyes. There was no anger... this question she'd asked so many times was unlike any she'd asked before. This time, it was different. All that was in her eyes was confusion... and a hint of hope.

Arcanus smiled at her a little bit. "You know.... That is a question I have pondered on for a long time.... And to be quite honest, I am not sure that I know the answer yet. Perhaps I can sense the real you, deep down... The part of you that does not wish to hurt others. And I think... I think I enjoy that person's company."

April smiled and placed her head back on Arcanus, resting. She felt something she had not felt in a long time: happiness. Her hurting other people had never made her feel fulfilled or apathetic as she'd hoped. She never stopped caring about people, yet her past proved that she couldn't be kind. She was so afraid to be hurt by others that she was okay hurting herself if it meant that she didn't have to care. Other people's harshness had long ago stopped meaning anything to her, but instead it was seeing herself become a monster that had hurt her. She wasn't happy, or satisfied, or even content. She just felt that was the way it had to be.

Arcanus had brought something new into her life. He was once a form of torment, but now she realized he may have been a blessing in disguise. It wasn't until she was on the edge that she realized her self-destruction would never result in the ultimate goal which she desired. It was Arcanus that had helped her realize. It was that which she thought would bring her downfall that brought her salvation. A part of her still yelled that this was her succumbing to her weakness. Maybe that was right. Maybe she had finally given in. In the end, however, she realized...

giving in had never felt so good.
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Arcanus finally felt satisfied with what he had done. While there still may be much more work to be done, he knew now that it was at least possible. He had also come to realization of how much he truly cared. Come to think of it... If April had made the choice to throw her life away, he probably would have spent no time thinking, jumping straight after her. Even if it meant his life. He wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps Nathan was right - maybe he was in love. Maybe it was because he simply had hope that she could become happy again, and emotions spawned from that. Either way, it didn't matter. While his duty wasn't done yet... It made his heart float, the idea that he had helped someone as much as he did. Especially her...

He lied back, and looked up at the sky. What a beautiful, beautiful world. Deep down in his heart, he knew now, anything was possible. And that everything, in the end, will be alright.

He, along with April, enjoyed the serene, tranquil peace of the breeze.

And he closed his eyes....
Unknowingly to them, Latios had been watching for awhile. It started out as him serving for them to make sure they were alright. It wasn't exactly safe for anyone to go off as they weren't entirely safe. But once he had come across them he was met with an intriguing sight. He sat there in the bushes just watching. 

@Assailant @Daisie
"Uh... so what do I do." Tristan whispered looking down from behind Latios. "I've... I've never really left the island before."
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"The way you described it, it seems like the former more than the later. And I have no idea where I am right now." Tristan sighed. "I really am still just a Cindiquill on the inside. I haven't matured at all and I even was foolish enough to think i could take on a legendary bird. What the hell was I thinking?" He said shaking his head
"I'm not one to really consult with about such thing. However I can tell you this. We can all become so frustrated by out failure that we often make naive decisions."


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