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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Tristian pouts "I freaking hate feeling useless. Running from a fight is something I detest."

"But if multiple legendary pokemon can't do anything, what chance do we actually have?" Shelby asks
"Right... Hey Latios, any chance we are still in the vicinity of te Orange Islands. I don't think I have the strength to cross the sea. Think there's an island somewhere we can rests" 

He thought for a long time. It wasn't exactly something he would recommend. While on one hand he didn't want to stop as being so close to the one thing they were trying to flee. On the other, they were all exhausted. "Yes, yes I think we can rest. But not for very long. We can't afford to let them chatch up." He said. Taking a quick turn, they headed for the nearest Island in the cluster of land masses that made up the Orange islands. 

@Daisie @Netherdragon @The Fabulous Emerald @Assailant
X'Zaat follows them, and then when close enough to the island teleports there using his psychic powers...and the move Teleport.

Once there, he looks around to make sure nothing sinister is there with him.
X'Zaat is more likely to reply, since he teleported onto the island. If it was safe, which I presume it to be, he replies with;

"Yes, it is."
Seeing as the area was safe, at least for now, X'Zaat faces the sun and enters a meditative state. He hasn't forgotten about the thing he said to Emlas about training her, but for now he rests his wings and mind from the long flight.

Nathan nodded and released her Pokemon. Amber immediately ran to Nathan and began supporting her and talking to her. Darin and Orion looked around confused, but, since they didn't know what had happened, they seemed generally cheerfully. April was now standing, wide awake. She looked around at everyone for a moment before walking off.

@Daisie @Latios @Netherdragon @The Fabulous Emerald
While he is meditating, X'Zaat looks around to see these new Pokemon. A Gardevoir...another psychic type. This group here has psychic energies on lockdown.

Also, when I say meditating, he isn't doing the whole Xatu 'see the future' thing, he is resting in a meditative style to effectively rest his psychic energies.
Arcanus, his eyes immediately wandering towards April, stood up swiftly, and walked after her at a steady, calm pace, a worried look on his face.

By the time Arcanus caught up to April, she stood on a ledge overlooking a cliff below. The wind blew through her feathers and rustled the bandage wrapped around her wing. She looked down at it solemnly as she adjusted her wing and winced a little from the pain. As she did so, she caught sight of Arcanus out of the corner of her eye. She was silent for a few moments as she breathed heavily before looking back to him. 

"Why did you follow me?" She asked.

"...Because you wanted me to." Arcanus replied simply. .....

"And I am concerned.", he added


"I was more worried than you can imagine..."

April looked down and gently kicked the dirt with a dry chuckle. "You just have to go and say that..." She shook her head and looked at her wings once more. "It seems... that living the way I have... may not be working."

Arcanus closed his eyes, nodding slightly. He paused, before opening them once more. "So... Now the question beckons, what are you going to do to change this?"

April smiled. "Ah... I have... a plan." She looked away from him. "Living as an asshole has caused me pain. However... living with love caused me pain. Living without emotions seems impossible. So... if I can't live with or without emotions... then really... there's..." She walked towards the edge of the cliffside and took a deep breath. "There's really only one thing left to do, huh?" She looked down and chuckled, trembling slightly. "A-ah, t-that's... a long fall..."

Arcanus paused. For awhile. As he thought of what to say.

".....Do you truly hate them that much?"

"Latios, Emlas... Nathan, everyone?"



April shook her head. "Yes. N-no? I...- I d-don't know anymore. I... I won't have to think about that anymore." She took another step forward, and her talons were touching the edge. "No more..."

Arcanus raised his voice angrily. "Do you really hate me that much to put me through this?! Was this your plan?! Do you have any idea what this will do to all of us?!", he shouted at her.

"WHY DO YOU CARE?!" She yelled back to him. "A-AND WHY SHOULD I?!" She chuckled. "No one else cares about me. Th-they'd be better off if I were dead. Everyone would, even me." She glares at him. "You claim to care about me. T-then just one time... let me do what's best for me."

"I am trying to do what is best for you!!" He shouted. "I care for you because you're special to me. There is nothing more valuable than a soul. And I cannot let that go to waste, April. I do not want you to die."

April seemed to waver for a moment. "I-It hurts, Arcanus," she said softly, almost too quietly for him to hear. "All of it... I'm tired..."

"If it hurts in the fire... Well..." Arcanus spoke calmly. He took a few steps forward. "I will walk through the fire, as well.". Another step. "And so it shall burn. It shall hurt, it shall crack my skin. But I stand headstrong for only one thing. The most special thing in the universe...."

"....If that thing disappears..... Then my suffering shall continue. I will continue. Alone.. In silence."


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