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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

((They're adapting to being sentient and looking at one another. The machine is explaining to them that Evylon is their mother and other base things))
"............ Oh you meant by idol! And he told you about my little tease joke......... Yeah ignore the whole getting into my pants thing! It's really not important." 'I'm going to kill him one of these days!!!!!' She thought to herself

Jack nodded "See! That wasn't so hard now was it? Here...." He gave him a card with his address and phone number "If you need any help whether it be where to take my sister out for a date to just hanging out this is where you'll find my house and that's my phone number."

Sean put the card in his pocket before nodding. He then realized what Jack said at the end "N-no wait a date? Not possible she'd kill me if I had the thought of asking her to one." He said defensively.

"Brother also told me he may have a crush on you." Bailey said with a smile as she remembered the talk on the way here. She was looking to see how Megan would react to the statement.

"Now then onto the next subject, Children and where they come from" The machine said before pausing as it started to cross reference info and prepare it for presentation.
Megan just stood there silent like the void of space "A Crush? Interesting........ If he does have one I'll wait till he makes a move."

Jack sighed "Trust me, she won't try and kill you since one, you're not like the other guys that tried asking her out and 2, she knows you and is your friend and plus it never hurts in trying just wait at a good moment though and not doing it now like say under a starry night sky or ask her out to a dance later."

Sean nodded at Jack, "Sure, I'll keep that in mind for future" He said nervously as he looked around for a moment in quick glances.

Bailey smiled at Megan, "I'm surprised you couldn't tell in all honesty. He never gets very nervous around girls as he does when he's around you. It's kinda strange to be honest.... Are you using some kind of mind control on him?" She asked jumping to a random idea that popped in her mind.

"Now that you know the organic make-up of children and yourself lets begin with Where Babies Come From" The machine said as the screen was about to change slides. The two girls were sitting now clothed (In the clothes they had in the picture.) watching the screen diligently.
The machines arm eye thing turned to Evylon "No it is not Master. I thought it would be best to teach them what I could now so that they may be prepared for the outside world. They've never been out of the lab and don't have names yet. Cecilia said you should name them and decide what I should do to help you" It said explaining a function it's previous master inflicted.
Jack nodded "Well see ya around sport!" And he walked away

Megan shook her head "I never paid attention nor knew that fact........ I wish I could mind control people but I don't think a Garchomp could have the power to mind control someone." She told Bailey

"It-" The machine stopped as the girls stood up and looked at Evylon.

"M-mommy?" The Daughter in White said. As she hugged closely to her sister.

"Mommy, You're our mommy right?" The other Daughter asked slightly confused and worried.


Bailey nodded "If you could what would you make brother do, besides use Shadow Claw?" She asked in interest while people would cross her mind who had used the siblings.

Sean sighed as he turned and walked back towards where Bailey and Megan were at.
"Master, I understand this may be difficult to comprehend this but still. Do you want a coffee or some sort of food to settle your nerves?" The machine asked .

The two girls stood there hugging one another as they looked at Evylon.
The two girls looked at Evylon happier before moving and going over to her hugging her quickly. "Mama, you look so young" The girl with yellow bells said as they clutched to her tightly
Evylon was taken back in surprise, but embraced the two "I guess im only ten years older than you two.." She said chuckling
The girl in white moved back looking at her mother. "Do we have a daddy?" She asked confused since they were told about the basic family structure before.

The girl with yellow bears snuggled her face against Evylon pushing against her.

"I hope we can meet her" The white haired girl said hugging closer before backing off some

"I love you mommy" The yellow bell girl said as she held to Evylon.

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