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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Rebecca had been walking around the school for hours amd was starting to get bored. She didn't even know where her dorm was. She was bad with directions. She wondered the halls until she found another person. "Awawa look it's a cute little pikachu. I'm Rebecca, what's your name? "
Kia turned slowly to see the two away from her. "Go on... Ahead... I'll hold her off just enough so you guys..." She fell to the floor, clutching her head. "Can get away..." More tears would hit the floor. "H-hurry!" Kia said stuttering. The glowing pink eyes were growing stronger.

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Typh looked confused and took a couple steps before turning back to Kia "I don't think it's a good idea to leave you in such a state, even if it's some sort of power that would destroy this dungeon it's not a good idea to leave you. Especially since there's things in here that can cause harm" He said as he looked at her. He knew it was wrong to leave a person to fend for them self if he could help them especially if they were a friend. He used Detect and got ready for whatever would happen next.
"N-no... I might end up kissing you... And... I can't live with that guilt!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face. "Just admit it... You love Typh and you know it!" The voice echoed through the cave. "I don't want to... I don't want to do something horrible..."

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Typh was prepared for any attack but that was very strange. He took note of her words before nodding "I don't want you to have to live with guilt either" He said before moving deeper into the cave. He continued to walk until he was assuredly a good fifteen meters from her, A kiss definitely isn't something to take lightly.
As they left, Kia released her subconscious self. "So you're not gonna do it yourself... Looks like it's up to me then..." She sighed before slowly walking towards them.

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Typh continued to walk as he found a room off to the side and ducked into it. The room was tall and had a ceiling so high he couldn't see it so he stood in the room, it was a circle room that was rather dark except the occasional glowing mushroom on the way up.
Kia sensed them up ahead and arrived in the room. "Hey Typh..." She'd say seductively, clearly flirting with him. Her pose was sent y as she leaned against at the wall.

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Typh looked at her and saw her eyes were different. "I'm pretty sure I was supposed to stay away so I wouldn't mess anything up" He said as he ran at the wall and started to run up it. He touched his bracelet and started his Ascent to the ceiling if there was one, He didn't want to make something happen that Kia wouldn't insist on. The guilt of giving her that grief would be to much for him to deal with so he continued up the ground becoming more distant from him.
Kia gently floated up, matching his speed. "Why are you running away from me?" She said, still keeping up the seductive act.

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Typh looked at her in confusion moving back as he remained in his current form. "Well there's a certain someone I know that wouldn't want that. She told me herself earlier. So i'm making sure she doesn't have to feel the regret and I won't have to die but rather have a few broken limbs" He said smirking at her as he went higher the ground becoming a dot as he focused on his plan. Quickly using Future Sight to prepare for any rash actions she might attempt preparing himself to move if she tried to kiss him so she wouldn't have to deal with the problems that could occur afterwards.
"She doesn't care about Eric deep down. It's you she cares about more... How do I know this?" She asked him, smirking as she spoke. "Because I am her. Her subconscious self... Her thoughts and wishes..." Kia would say as she floated closer to him. "Now let's go away somewhere exotic together... Somewhere where people won't bother us..."

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Typh thought about this for a moment looking at Kia. Her or rather her Subconscious words had set him off, he hadn't expected this for the life of anyone. He backed up some "N-no she wouldn't want that. Here we have Arceus and the others of her trio, she'd want to stay here and the words you're telling me aren't hers. They can't be" He said muttering the last part quieter. He knew this was probably fake from the subconscious trying to lure him in and kiss him which would send Kia into her normal form. He didn't want her to get control back just to be upset and disappointed.
Evylon decided to go back to the school to look for Cecilia, after seeing as she wasn't in their room, Evy looked in her office, where she accidently fell into the gaping hole in the floor.
The lab had still been activated and the computer still on. An arm descended from the roof "You are.... Evylon correct?" The machine asked the girl who seemed to appear from nothing.
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"Um...Yes?" She said getting up, her Protect, was the only thing that kept her from going splat into the ground.
The computer seemed to pipe up a bit, "Cecilia has commanded me to inform you she is on a trip and may not be returning, She also told me to give you the option to view something that was meant for you and her" It said while it the hand looking object on the end spun. A Green eye like light stood in the center the same color as Cecilia's eyes were.
"She has told me to inform you that Entity.Silette may cause her to enter a state of disrepair. She has also acknowledged me with what to do in case you found the lab." The arm said doing another rotation of the hand. The mainframe was sending mixed signals to one the arm as it tried to inflict emotions that were added in a recent update to the otherwise metallic cold voice. Programming started up and others shut down as it started to store data.
"While data is shown to confirm that, Has it ever appeared to you that Entity.Silette may have an obsession over a certain person?" The machine said as a wall over to the left lit up revealing a large screen that started to play footage of Silette and Desdemona on the roof of the school and along side that commands flying in a list across the screen.
"Do you wish to access Command: D-6 Require?" The machine asked her as the video paused and the room fell silent except the sounds of distant movement and technology.
((Srry had to go out of town for a bit))

The computer whizzed for a moment "New Master initialized Evylon. Initiate Ex: MK?" It asked in a more woman like voice.

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