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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Typh winced before realizing something. "You're extremely light surprisingly" He said blinking in disbelief.

(I'm happy I control Arceus then.)
"Well what on earth do you think I'd be? I'm God of Space after all!" Kia would say, floating off him. "By the way, I was wondering whether you knew of any Mystery Dungeons on the island?"

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Typh stood up from where he had fallen down. "Y-yeah I know of one. Why did you have a sort of problem and need to get something from it?" He asked remembering the awkwardness of finding it.
" you are making very powerful enemies no matter what you do it won't last, Sil what happened to you on that trip ?" Des asked concerned just what caused this change in her sister to be so short sighted there was no way she would get anymore than a day to enjoy what had happened and everything came crumbling down.
"Correct. I'm looking for an item to reverse the effects of Spacial Rend that I used on Eric." Kia would say casually. "I also need a few party members. Me and you won't be able to defeat it alone." She'd say as she tried to open up a portal to Sil's realm again. Failing miserably, she'd smash her fist into the school, making a pretty large dent in the bricks. "Before we set off, I'll be sorting this out so can you gather together a party." Kia would finally make a portal to Sil's realm after a few minutes. "Damn you..." She'd use Dragon Claw on Sil's hands, hopefully making her drop Dead. If she was successful, she'd open a portal our of there with amazing speed.

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Cecilia sensed the presence of the darkrai and palkia and removed the Palkia from the situation surrounding both the girl and attack in white orbs removing them to the normal realm.

"What do you mean a team?" Typh spoke aloud before being hit with a Dragon Claw and flying back 20 feet.
Kia would smash into the ground. "Sorry Typh..." She said, blushing furiously. "I... I'm need to forming a team to help complete the Mystery Dungeon. Know any strong fighters?" Kia would ask, still blushing.

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Typh stood up one of his eyes in a knocked out swirl as he did. "Well I have some friends I can ask if you'd like... Why are you blushing for?" He asked her still dazed that an attack would hit him from nothing as he still had the red mark of four claws on his face but it was fading quickly.
Kia blushed even more. "N-nothing! Nothing at all!" She turned away from him. "Just gather them t-together..." She said, stuttering on her blush.

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Typh smirked regaining his consciousness. "Let me guess you have a crush on this Eric guy and that's why you need my help" He said before pulling out his cell phone and texting some friends before calling a relative of his who also happened to be an Absol.
"N-no its not like that!" She'd yell. "By the way, do you know who the principal of the school is? I've yet to meet him." Kia would say, turning around. She would still be blushing but no where near as much.

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"Yeah, and it's a she. I know her through the fact my dad tried to hit on her before. Her name's Cecilia and I can call her now if you'd like. But before I do you have to tell me why you were blushing" Typh said hoping to strike a deal since he knew Cecilia was busy with her 'friend' at the time.
Typh dropped his phone but caught it soon after he hadn't expected her to come back like that. "Ok... ok calm down i'm calling her now" He said before dialing in Cecilia's number and starting a conversation with her.
"So you can do it then.. Alright great thanks for the assistance, Bye" Typh said smiling as he hung up and put the phone into his pocket again.
"She said she could give us supplies as things we would need. Then she told me to stop interrupting her love life. And then onto if we needed anything else to alert her.
"What Pokémon even is the principal?" Kia would ask as she started walking inside the school.

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Typh was still outside as he went out near the front entrance of the school and looked around waiting for his friends to show up.

(Typh is stil 40+ feet from the school doors)
Kia would head back to him, seeing as Typh clearly didn't hear him. "What Pokémon is the principal anyway?"

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"Arceus to my best belief, don't approach her right now because she might be wrapped up in something" Typh said to her with a caring smile. He heard the distant noise of footsteps and seemed to perk up some more.
"Arceus!" Kia would yell with a smile. "I haven't seen him in years! So this is where he went... Why on earth didn't he tell us? Jeez, I wonder how he's doing... How is he doing by the way? You see I know him well. We're really good friends. Me, Dialga, Giratina, and Arceus!" She would say all this without pausing. "When can I see him?" Kia would ask, determined.

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