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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"Well Arceus is a girl as i've said before... The best time to see her would be" Typh said before having a thoughtful look scratching his chin as a bead of sweat rolled down the right side of his face.
"You know what I meant! I just got overexcited! So when can I see her?" Kia would say as she calmed down. "Arceus was like a mother to us all..." She say under her breath.

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Typh looked at her she seemed to be calmed down a bit. He put his hand on her shoulder "I can pull a few strings and get you a meeting with her. It won't be that hard just follow" He said before sliding his hand off her shoulder and walking towards a school door.
Kia blushed lightly as Typh touched her shoulder. "Y-yeah... Just hurry..." She'd say nervously. With Typh around, Kia was unusually calm. Out of the random, Kia leaned in an kissed him, not breaking the kiss for some weird unknown reason. "In any case, let's prepare..." She'd say after the kiss broke. She hasn't even realised she kissed him.

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Typh was blushing like a mad-man his pale white skin now becoming a bright cherry red color as he looked at her. "K-k-k-Kia?" He asked her hardly managing to speak words since he wasn't expecting to be kissed out of the blue like he had been.
Out of nowhere Eric got this uneasy feeling. He got up and walked out the dorm. What was that? He looked for Kia.
Typh looked at her his blush still stuck to his face. "The better question why aren't you blushing? I-I mean out of no where it seemed you kiss me. Not that it wasn't enjoyable but still" He said his blush apparent though he was on many kinds of feelings now.
"I what?!" Kia yelled, blushing even more than Typh. "H-how? I should know if I did right?" She panicked for a moment.

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Eric had found the two and overheard Typh talk about the kiss. His expression darkened and he walked away. His heart hurt and he couldn't do anything. He went back to the room and laid there. Staring at the ceiling.
Typh was still blushing "You should but somehow I just got kissed and then... Poof now you don't remember it" He said shaking his hands around. W-why did she kiss me, Sure I know her and we had a battle but a...a..a.. a kiss? He thought to himself.
"Explain what happened before hand and I might be able to explain it all myself... Hopefully..." Kia exclaimed.

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Typh took a breath in. He made his blush go away, "Well I said I was going to get you a meeting with Cecilia and I put my hand on your shoulder and you kissed me all of a sudden" He said still freaking out as he put his hands in his hair while freaking out.
Kia tried breathing in but still ended up blushing. She sighed at him after he explained. "Somehow, you made me unusually calm... Which then lead to the kiss." She said, figuring out how he calmed her down.

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"S-so when someone makes you calm you kiss them?" Typh asked her completely confused his heart was pounding but he didn't know why.
"Well were i come from a kiss is one of two things. Someone likes you or someone's lips are poisoned and you're going to die from the kiss" Typh said blushing crazily as he held up the two fingers in unison with what he said. "I don't know why you would do either though" He said freaking out since he had met this girl earlier today and she'd already kissed him.
"I don't know... Well, my lips definitely are not poisoned! I guess my subconscious self likes you?" Kia would suggest before blushing even more.

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Eric sat up in the bed. It was a struggle to move and now he didn't know why he would bother. The girl who did this to him just kiss another guy. It must jave been a shitty date. He got up and walked away from where they were. He wanted to go back but what would he do he can barely walk. He had enough he went back to where they were. "I'm guessing that I'm not good enough. Or are you one of those who can't be tied down."
"Subconscious likes me?" Typh murmured to himself very confused as he continued to blush. He tried to move away some but he couldn't his body was frozen to it's post.


(What are you gonna do?)
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(btw ill be only posting every hour cos im a school D: )

Kia just stared at Eric. "I.. um... It never was meant to happen... He somehow managed to allow my subconscious self... to y'know appear to kiss him..." She'd say nervously. "I-I'll be going now" Kia said as she dashed away.
(Makes sense)

Typh took a step back as he looked at the other boy. "Listen, i'm sorry if I messed anything up... I was told she wanted to meet with someone I know and then i told her I could get a meeting with that person and next thing I know" He said feeling bad for the boy. He didn't realize what the boy was feeling but he knew from experience that it was difficult.
Erics heart hurt. "It's ok" he mumbled. "I'll just head back to my dorm. There's no way I can catch up to her not like this. Just tell her where I'll be." He stumbled back only putting forth half the effort.
Typh looked at the boy and he felt a pain for the guy. "Stop. I didn't want to suggest this but" He said before looking at the boy, "You're paralyzed right and what exactly can take that paralysis away?" He asked a determined look in his eyes as he stooped Eric in his tracks by moving in front of him.

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