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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

" Ok well you found me I am in our dorm with Psychi he has kind of moved in " Des though to Sil " So while we are talking why did you need to find me and any did you go back in time?"
"Well you told me that I should be more mature, the most logical way was to grow up right? So hopefully now you will accept my proposal."
" WHAT??" Des almost shouted in her mind " I meant emotionally more mature you were childish yesterday not go back in time and come back as someone else" Des thought seemingly annoyed.
"But im not someone else, Im your sister grog. If your wondering, i'm on the roof of the school if you want to see me...which by telling by your tone you don't really want to do that now."
" I do but I am confused by all of this" Des though back not sure how this was happening as neither of them should have telepathy but hey weird things happened.

" I may have to take a rain check on our date today Psychi" Des sighed.
Psychi smiled timidly up at Desdemona when she pecked him on his lips but seemed startled and concerned when she grew silent and austere.

And then when she shouted, and then when she suddenly asked for a rain check.

"It's fine," Psychi told her assuringly. He gently squeezed her hand. "Anytime. I need to finish my grading anyway." He kissed her forehead and went back to his papers.
" It is Sil she didn't move out she traveled though time… I'll be back I am going to go talk to her maybe she realized how childish she was being" Des said was she walked to the door a little annoyed that she had been called out at such a moment but it was Sil and she was glad to see her come back already.
" No it will be fine I feel we have a lot to talk about" Des said and she walked out the door and then turned into a shadow she needed to do this alone something told her Psychi would not be welcomed by Sil.
"Very well," Psychi said serenely. "Please take care, Ms Des."

He sat back down on the couch and went over his papers again. He was still worried about Silette and Desdemona being alone together, but he didn't dare suggest anything wrong again; not only did he not want to seem clingy or possessive, but he knew she still cared deeply about her sister. She still needed to bond with her, like he needed to bond with Melody.
Des quickly moved up to the roof of the school and found Sil or rather the woman Sil had become she looked like she may have aged to be older than Des was personally.

" I see you weren't lying about going back and getting older" Des said sounding almost disappointed in Sil.
" and you look so old, well not old but I would almost think you’re my big sister" Des joked " So how was going though time I see you haven't changed much inside" Des said.
"I have, you only met me moments ago and yet you are so quick to judge. You remind me of Cress...My version of your sister...I think..."
" You called me in my mind and told me not to go on a date you sound a lot like the you you were yesterday " Des said plainly though at least it seemed that Sil had moved past whatever fake past she had had yesterday onto a real past.
Kia continued to search the school for anybody to help her. She eventually set up a small podium with banners in the hallway. The banners read 'Mystery Dungeon!' She then spoke through a speaker. "I am recruiting party members to help me find and complete a Mystery Dungeon! All who is willing to help me, come to me."

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" When I told you to be more mature I thought your childish crush would fade with time I thought you were just being the kid you acted like" Des explained with a slight sigh why hadn't Sil seen that in all the time she had apparently been gone.
"Well now im older and im telling you. I want to win your hand"

Evylon was sleeping soundly, she had skipped the dance, after being satisfied with winning 2nd place in the fashion show.

" You are my sister… my little sister" Des said still wanting to just see Sil as her little sister not an older woman apparently " DO you not see what is wrong with that?"
Eric barely made it to his room. The effects weren't getting better. He laid on his bed trying to relax.
" I like psychi and he likes me " Des said though it was not love it was still something and while they were planning a date they weren't technically dating. Still to suddenly just say she liked anyone else was crazy still Sil was serious about this. " Listen do you even have a plan you might be older but still i see you as my sister" Des sighed.
"Then I will erase him from your memory. It will be easy. You wont even notice. But now is the time you will protest........" Sil sighed "I could...but you would hate me and it would most likely fail for me in the end. Being 'Evil' is easier than being good, never mind tis not the time to question my morals but a time to being my beloved sister."

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