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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"I don't require a bed. U prefer harsher conditions to train my body." Luca said without a hint of bragging.

Elise nodded. "OK. Can we get a move on then?" She said, standing up.
CactusWren said:
"You don't have to promise me anything," Rikuto told her, watching the rollarcoaster again. "Just being with you's enough."


"Do you remember that cute little girl I brought to our last concert?" Wednesday whispered. She pulled him over to a table and sat down while they waited for their food. "I think she's a little bit crazy."

"Good," Esemeralda smiled at him. "So what do you want to dress up as? A ghost? A zombie?"
(Did you get this, @ScaraByte?)
((Srry I didn't get that))

Mari smiled at him, "Well still you should get a reward for dealing with me today" She said sort of blushing.


Cal looked at Luca "This is a school not a dojo so take a bed and then you can train, Plus I know something harsh you can deal with" He said remembering someone he knew from here.

@NightCasterZ @RosietheEchidna
(Oh, no, it's fine!)


"Trust me, I don't take advantage of girls like that," Rikuto chuckled, gently pinching her cheek. "You don't have to worry about owing me anything~"
Cal smiled at Luca, "Theres plenty of things to train with here" He said as he followed after the other two.

@NightCasterZ @RosietheEchidna

Mari smiled at Riku, "Well I want to kiss you so you'll have to deal with it" She said with a smirk as she waited to see his reaction to that. Some people were looking at her strangely but she just ignore them.

Elise went straight over and flopped onto the bed. "Maybe... How about all of us go have a picnic tomorrow?" She suggested.

Kia gazed into Typh's eyes before realising the time. "Seems like it's getting late..."

Luca nodded again before laying down in the bed. "I don't think we'll have to worry about those bullies for quite a while..." He said peacefully. "That does sound like a good idea Elise."
Cal grabbed some pajamas from his bag and walked to the bathroom changing quickly before coming back out and sitting in a chair. "We'll have to see what school will be like tomorrow. Oh and I heard there's a dance tomorrow night here" He said with a smile before closing his eyes and trying to sleep in the chair.

@RosietheEchidna @NightCasterZ

Surprisingly enough, Rikuto didn't react much to that. He simply raised his eyebrows. "Oh, okay. That's cool. We kiss each other later, alright?" He patted her cheek.
Elise nodded quietly before grabbing some clothes and pulling the covers over her to change. She pushed the covers off her and she was wearing some pajamas with small foxes on. "A dance!" Elise said excitedly.

Luca laid silent and still. "A dance eh? I'm not much a dancer myself but I'll give it a shot..." He said smiling as he fell asleep.
Mari got in the coaster and looked around. It was a rather nice coaster for the ones she'd seen her entire life, "Don't cry ok?" She asked holding her hand out to him.


Cal blushed as he heard her say that, "I don't know if you'd want me to sleep with you" He said opening one of his eyes to look at her.

@RosietheEchidna @NightCasterZ
Even whilst asleep, he could sense their auras. He silently laughed within his unconsciousness.

Elise was so hyped that she couldn't get to sleep. She remembered the one thing that could calm her down. "Can someone tell me a bedtime story?" She asked childishly.
Cal smiled as he opened his eyes,

"Once there was a man who was preparing himself to get stronger. He made a deal with Kyogre who said he could make him stronger. The power didn't come without a price and he was transformed into an octopus man. He felt a great weakness from this and hid himself so he wasn't in view of any of the people he said he would become stronger for. Soon though a young woman approached him and asked for his help on a riddle she had, he solved it with ease. After some time of doing this for people he realized he had a great power, the power and strength of the mind. He found the girl that helped him realize this and rewarded her by pledging his allegiance to her. Though he went through hardship they grew close and eventually he became the strongest man known of. The end" Calvin said before taking a breath.
He couldn't believe he'd just told them the story from memory since his mother had told him that.
"Oh wow! That was a great story!" Fluff praised Cal, clapping softly for him before letting out a yawn. "Okay, time to rest..." She scooted over a bit and started to drift off to sleep, leaving the space open for Cal in case he wanted to use the bed.

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