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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Sean looked at her and smiled, "Well I enjoyed it. Even though it was my first time doing that kind of thing you seemed to know what you were doing pretty well" He said before he winked at her and moved one foot back a step the other remaining where it was.


"Yeah, of course," Rikuto said smoothly. "I can hold on to you. I can hold on to you anyday but especially right now." He looked at the line and grabbed her hand again. "C'mon, we have to hurry before it gets too long." He ran off with her in tow and pulled her into the line before a group of people actually began to join in. He smirked. "Made it."


"It's because I'm fucking worth it and you know it," Wednesday said mischeviously. She pulled off her shirt and began to slip on Jack's. "Though, to be honest, you should know not to take me too seriously when I get in those moods. Sure I may say something stupid like 'I want to have sex with you!' but I don't really mean it." She looked at the jeans thoughtfully before she pulled those on. "You know what's weird? I trust you enough not to look but I didn't even trust Lume enough to change in front of her. What does that tell you? Oh, I'm done, by the way."
Megan sighed "That's because you didn't feel pain and that your penis didn't bleed when it first made contact within me....."


Jack looked at her "Listen, I don't take you too seriously but I do take those types of subjects seriously, also you're comfortable with me because A: We've been in the same band for a long time and B: You've only known the girl like what? A day? Anyway next time we're on a date I expect it to be awesome and not terrible like today." He joked a little.

Mari looked at him, "Riku you have strange ways of hitting on me.... It's kinda attractive" She said with a grin as she thought of what to do next. She knew she could embarass him but it seemed that it would take allot to do so.


Sean looked at her his eyes looking a bit spaced. "T-true..." He said before looking off at another part of the room. I didn't put that into account.... Baka! he screamed at himself in his mind as he closed his eyes feeling strangely.


Wednesday looked at Jack in amusement and had him sit up on his bed before settling on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a long kiss, only pulling away to stand up. "I doubt that would make up for the shitty date I just gave you, but meh- I hate ending it on a bad note." She pointed her thumb to the door. "I'm heading off to the guest room if you need me." She walked on out.


Rikuto looked at Mariyan. "...I've been hitting on you?" He smirked. "And you think I'm attractive~ That's good, I guess. To be honest I've just been reacting to you naturally. I didn't think you were under the impression that I was making moves on you or anything."

The weavile directing pokemon onto the Ferris Wheel turned to the two next and led them into one of the carts.

"You ready for this?" Rikuto asked, holding his hand out to her.
Mari smirked, "I'm ready for it" She said before grabbing his hand.

he didn't know for sure what to do in this case but at the moment this seemed to be the correct thing to do if you added up all of the things that came into mind. She liked being here with him and didn't really mind that he'd been hitting on her since she had been hitting on him. Though her tactic seemed ineffective to him since it was her own way and not adapted yet.

Luca had woken early in the morning to train. He exited the dorm and went down to the gym, training hard.

Elise woke up at a regular time and saw that Luca had gone. She sighed and went over to Calvin and Fluff, tapping their shoulders lightly. "Morning!" She said cheerfully.
Eric dried of and got dressed. "I don't know. Should we go look for her? ... nah she's fine." He jumped onto his bed.
"Good." Rikuto went inside the cart first and helped Mariyan inside, easing her onto the seat next to his. The weavile made sure that both doors to the cart were secure and locked, and then backed away to give a signal to the medicham by the controlboard.

The cart rocked a bit as it slowly made its way up into the air.

"You scared yet?" Rikuto asked her.

Cal opened his eyes slowly and saw that he'd been hugging Fluff in his sleep. He moved his arms back swiftly as he thought of an excuse, "S-so how'd you sleep Elise?" He asked her chuckling nervously. Then he remembered what was happening today and glanced at Fluff quickly before returning his eyes to Elise.

@NightCasterZ @RosietheEchidna

Mari looked at him with her eyes slightly narrowed, "I'm not sca-" As she said this the cart bumped a bit and she clenched Rikuto's arm to her. "Yes...." She replied quietly as she shook slightly. Heights had been her fear since her brother had knocked her off that ladder before and now she was still confronting those thoughts of falling from a high place.

"Awesomely!" She said as she walked over to the kitchen area to start making breakfast. "You guys want pancakes?" Elise asked excitedly.
Cal thought for a moment, "How do you know to make pancakes? If you do try to please don't burn the school down" he said jokingly as he remembered his mom saying some people were going to join him at the school sooner or later. The thought hadn't crossed his mind before now but could these have been those people? no probably not after all they're not from where he was in general to his best guess.

"I make them all the time!" She said as she balanced a pan on her tail, setting her tail on fire at the tip to hear up the pan. Then she added the ingredients. "How'd you sleep?"
Fluff slowly woke up from her sleep, fully rested and feeling comfortable. When she sat up, she saw Cal next to her in the bed. "Oh morning everyone." she said with a yawn.
Cal responded to Elise first, "I slept well." then he heard Fluffs voice. "M-m-morning" He said blushing as he looked at her images from earlier this morning returning to his memory though he didn't remember it all completely well.

@RosietheEchidna @NightCasterZ

Rikuto wrapped an arm around Mari and had her lean against him. "It's okay. I got you." He looked out the cart's window and watched as they slowly went higher and higher. "It looks pretty from the top. You sure you don't want to take a peek or something?"


Wednesday plopped on the bed lazily. It would be good to lay low for a few days... maybe then Lume would forget about her. She closed her eyes.
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"We're having pancakes. Want some?" Elise asked Fluffy as she finished making the pancakes. The pan still balancing on her tail, she reaches down and grabbed out some plates.
Fluff smiled when Elise offered pancakes. "Oh sure!" She start to slide to her edge of the bed, jumping out of it and had her barefeet landing next to her boots. "I don't know why but I slept really really well last night!"
Elise placed the pancakes on the plates. "I'm pretty sure Luca wpke up at 3:00 in the morning like usual and has been training nonstop..." She sighed.
"He's done this everyday for his whole life..." She said, sighing. Then she handed them the plates and gave them a knife and fork before digging in to her pancakes.
Cal looked at her a bit confused that can't be good for your health to wake up so early and sleep so late. He suddenly remembered one of the two characters he had described before. His friend a young Chandelure guy and his friends sister, "I've got to meet a few friends of mine today...." He said aloud though he was supposed to just think that.

@RosietheEchidna @NightCasterZ

Mari shook her head, "N-no i'm fine..." She said remembering how high up they were. She didn't like being up to high but she was ok with this for now. She shivered a little as she felt his arm on her though and it made her slightly calmer.

Fluff accepted her plate. "Oh? I know that training can be really fun but you should always take a short break ever now and then." she said before cutting up her pancakes and started eating. "Mmm! This is delicious!" Fluff then looked at Cal. "Really? What kind of Pokemon are they?"

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