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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Rebecca thought for a moment. "I know lets go to the beach. Maybe then I can learn to swim." She said looking at her.
Fluff was a little worried about his eye but he didn't looked too hurt so she calmed down a little, but stayed cautious in case she need to jump in and help him. "Well, usually after a tough spar, I like to meditate for a bit and cool down from the intense workout." She smiled warmly. "Would you like to meditate with me? @ScaraByte
Cal looked at her with a smile, "Uh... sure. I'd be more than happy to meditate with you" He said not sure how to meditate. This girl was interesting and she seemed to consider him as a friend it seemed or something along those lines.

Rebecca noticed she was staring and blushed. "Oh yeah sorry. Do you want to go to the beach?" She said hopefully.
"Great!" She happily lead him over to under the nearby peach tree and kneeled down onto the soft grass. "All you have to do is relax and close your eyes, focusing only on your breathing." She said, closing her eyes and taking quiet deep breaths, breathing in and out slowly. @ScaraByte
Cal did as he as told and sat on the grass his shins and knees on the ground as his body rested on his legs. He closed his eyes and focused on the breathing he was doing as his breathing slowed to a very occasional breath. Then Fluff came into his mind and a blush started to cross his face.

As Fluff meditated, she started to think about Cal and the fun spar she had with him. She really liked his kind spirit and wittiness when it came to the spar. She felt comfortable around him and could feel herself being open in his presence. After a few seconds, Fluff started to blush as well as she opened her eyes and looked at her new friend, seeing him blush as well. "Um Cal? Do you... maybe... like me?" she asked, hoping he shared the same feeling that she started to develop for him. @ScaraByte
Tazmodo said:
"Wait what!?" She went to the bathroom to calm down. She came out to change. "Ok I'll get ready. "
"Okay." Bailey took out her bikini from her bag and went to the bathroom to put in on.
Cal's eyes opened widely as he heard her ask this. He turned and looked at her his face still blushing from one orange dotted cheek to the other. "D-do I like you.... Well y-....yeah" He said embarrassed wondering if she felt the same way or if it was just a random question. He felt his heart beat speed up and he leaned back slightly his arms being the only things holding him up now.

Fluff started to blush bright red, with her heart beating in her chest. "R-really?" She had her hand up to her chest to try and calm down a little but then she took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth. "I... To tell you the truth... I really like you too." She looked into his eyes with a warm smile, happy that Cal felt the same way that she does, even though she was still blushing. @ScaraByte
Archdemon said:
Drake nodded "You're welcome!, the doors open anytime!"
Jack eyes widened "Whoa!!! Hold the horse for second! Get you pregnant?!?!?!?!?!" He sighed "I can't believe on our actual first date we're already talking about A: Sex and pregnancy, and B: You're trying to run away from someone else and that's pretty much the whole reason I'm here! Because if she came here and you said you're on a date with me then she would leave you alone." He sighed again "Alright let's just leave cause you're paranoid as fuck right now..." He stood up.


@ScaraByte ((I'm gonna do a coin flip to see if Megan gets pregnant.))
Esmeralda bowed once more and excused herself, leaving Drake's room.

"I am paranoid as fuck because she paranoids the fuck out of me!" Wednesday said, trying not to look hysteric as she grabbed her head. "Seriously I just want her to see us right now just so that she knows she doesn't have a chance with me. I wanted to be her friend, Jack. I really did. But she's really freaking me out." She pulled out a twenty and threw it at the table, and then stepped over the puddle of coffee she made on the floor. "You're right. Let's just get out of here."
Cal moved a little closer to her still blushing madly. He was unsure of what to do now but he didn't want the feelings in his chest to end now. He looked into her eyes feeling nervous and unsure of how to deal with his feelings right now.

Fluff moved closer to Cal as well, with her feelings rising to a fever pitch as she gazed into his eyes. She was hesitant on how to carrying on with her feeling but she decided to go for it and closed her eyes as she slowly leaned in for a kiss. @ScaraByte
(Nvm im back)

Rebecca walked uo to the beach and handed her her towel. "So um I guess you can swim and stuff I'll just relax here."
Cal moved closer until their lips were just about to touch before closing his eyes and kissing her. The embrace of their lips held together in a fashion he hadn't known until now. But he did know that it felt right and this was meant to happen or at least he hoped so.


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