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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Cal moved forward getting closer to her while dodging her kicks. He got close to her so he could see just her face, then he grabbed her arms. "I'm also pretty good at surprise" He said with a smirk.
Drake nodded as he tried to decide what laugh to use then he used an absolute insane laugh accompanied with an insane voice "How's this?"

Jack sighed "How are you gonna pull off being pregnant? Also yes you can move in." This was the weirdest date he's ever been on.

@ScaraByte Fluff was surprised at then move but then smiled a bit. "I see! You're really good at defense too." She snapped back into action and moved her arms in an outwards circle to break out of his grip. "Hyah!" she shouted as she counted with a double palm strike to his chest to push him away a bit then went back to her stance, smiling.
Cal got knocked back a few feet. "Well kinda, my best skill is attack but I wouldn't want to hurt such a cute girl" He said smiling at her as he put his arms down by his sides in an arrow sort of fashion.


Esmeralda held in a laugh, delighted. "Excellent!! I never would have expected you to be so good at acting, Mister Drake. I didn't think you'd be good at dancing, either."

"I can stuff a pillow under my shirt and wear extra bras to make my boobs look bigger," Wednesday explained as if it were the most rational explanation in existence. "And you could be my baby daddy. We could call the baby Bob."
Jack sighed "Aren't you going a little... Oh who am I kidding.... You're going pretty fucking over board right now! Just... Stay at my place for awhile and wait till it blows over." He shook his head

Drake shrugged "It's something that I picked up when I was younger."

@ScaraByte "It's really okay if you hit me. I get hurt all of the time in sparring matches but it helps me grow stronger as a martial artist." Fluff reassured, not wanting her friend to worry.

"Or you could actually get me pregnant," Wednesday said, her eyes as wide as saucers. She stewed over what she just said and then picked up her cup of coffee and spilled it onto the floor. "Nope. There was something in that coffee."

"Well, I can honestly say that I'm impressed," Esmeralda said with a nod. She stood up and handed him her empty cup, bowing down again. "Thank you for having me over, but I think I'd like to let you be alone. I know how that is. I appreciate you keeping me company."
@ScaraByte Fluff quickly squatted down and grabbed his fist. "Good try! Hyah!" She retaliates with a sweep kick to knock him down then does a little karate chop on his stomach, not hard but just to land a playful hit.
Cal grabbed her hand and moved so she was lying on the ground. He used himself to pin her where she was, "Do you give up?" He asked though their faces were rather close in this position.
Drake nodded "You're welcome!, the doors open anytime!"

Jack eyes widened "Whoa!!! Hold the horse for second! Get you pregnant?!?!?!?!?!" He sighed "I can't believe on our actual first date we're already talking about A: Sex and pregnancy, and B: You're trying to run away from someone else and that's pretty much the whole reason I'm here! Because if she came here and you said you're on a date with me then she would leave you alone." He sighed again "Alright let's just leave cause you're paranoid as fuck right now..." He stood up.


@ScaraByte ((I'm gonna do a coin flip to see if Megan gets pregnant.))
Tazmodo said:
Her blush spread. "Yay maybe we can be friends what do you say?" She said with a smile.
"Sure! i'd love to!" Bailey responded. she then thought to herself."My friend here cool!"
Fluff was surprised and blushed a bit when she saw Cal on top of her but then smiled. "That was great but I was trained to always do you best and not to give up!" she brought her legs up and kicked Cal off of her so she can do a backwards handspring back up and land on her feet. @ScaraByte
Cal landed back on the ground with one of his hands dragging along it. "I'm rather surprised you got out of that. I do know some things about a girls legs though" He said with a smirk as he stood up and walked towards her calmly. "They don't bend backwards very well" He said with a smile still looking at her.

Rebecca couldn't shake off this odd feeling. She never felt it before about a girl but it was nice. She then thought to herself. "Did I just friend zone myself?" Rebecca snapped out of it. "So what do you want to do now that your here?"
Sean kissed her back before pulling away. "I feel the same way. Plus i'm pretty sure Bailey didn't notice" He said with a smile as he looked into Megan's eyes. They'd admitted their love for one another moments ago and then they make love just after, it was strange... but a good kind of strange.

Tazmodo said:
Rebecca couldn't shake off this odd feeling. She never felt it before about a girl but it was nice. She then thought to herself. "Did I just friend zone myself?" Rebecca snapped out of it. "So what do you want to do now that your here?"
"Well I wanted to take a look around the school." She replied.
She looked a bit confused on why he would say such a thing as she got back into her stance. "What do you mean? I didn't bend my legs backwards, I raised my knees so I could lift my legs up and kick you." @ScaraByte

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