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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Cal smiled at her, "I'm going to hold back some. I don't hit girls and if I do it's because of martial arts. But even then i'm easy" He said making sure she knew that since he believed hitting a girl would be incorrect.


((Is it bad that I wan't to peak now?))

((Unless you wanna be scarred for life then yes it's bad! Don't you trust a demon? Especially an Archdemon?))
"Okay, but I really don't mind if you hit me." Fluff happily stepped back a bit then turned back to face Cal. She took her fluffy boots and got in a ready position before bowing at him and snapping into a back stance. "Hyah!! I'm ready when you are!" she shouted, fully pepped and ready for sparring with her new friend. @ScaraByte
Cal looked at her a bit confused at first. "Oh you were wanting to start now?" He said as he put the seed of his peach on the ground and got into a ready position. "I'll let you make the first move" He said as he got his defense ready while prepping for whatever was next.

"You don't have to promise me anything," Rikuto told her, watching the rollarcoaster again. "Just being with you's enough."


"Do you remember that cute little girl I brought to our last concert?" Wednesday whispered. She pulled him over to a table and sat down while they waited for their food. "I think she's a little bit crazy."

"Good," Esemeralda smiled at him. "So what do you want to dress up as? A ghost? A zombie?"
Rebecca saw a new girl come in to the school. She walked up to her. "Hi I'm Rebecca. Whats your name?" She said with a smile.
@ScaraByte Fluff giggled a bit. "Maybe I became a little excited. Here I go!" She dashed at Cal and got ready to attack. "Hyah!" she shouted as she went for a roundhouse kick to his head.
Jack nodded "Yeah.... Why is she crazy?" He asked

Drake shrugged "Probably a psycho chainsaw killer who chased after the guests." He answered.

Cal smirked at her attempt as he lifted an arm and grabbed her leg keeping watch of her other leg. "You don't want to start out with that. I'd recommend something quicker to get the first hit off" He said with a smile though his hand hurt a bit from the impact as he continued to hold her leg.

Rebecca blushed slightly. "You don't have to bow. So what pokemon are you?" She said trying to stop her blush.

"Well she kinda has a crush on me now for some reason," Wednesday responded, scratching her cheek. "And then her mood sort of shifted and she's been acting really weird. Um. I asked her what she wanted to do today and she told me she wanted 'to do' me." She shivered. "I don't like girls like that, Jack. I told her that and I don't think she wants to believe me."

Esmeralda's eyes actually shone at this. "That's perfect! I could fashion a plastic chainsaw. We could put on some ripped clothes and drop blood all over you.... you'd be absolutely terrifying!"
Jack sighed "Wow..... I cannot actually believe that what I said last night at the concert would kinda be true! Wow that's kinda rich! Anyway now I kinda know why you're so twitchy today at least.... If it'll make you feel better you can stay the night at my place!" He grinned his most famous grin.

Drake nodded "Yep and also sound effects like a chainsaw ripping through flesh and such like that."

Cal felt the punch hit his stomach and take the air from him before he moved to the side some. "Nice... See you're better at speed when it comes to attack. Me on the other hand" He said as he prepared for the next attack. "I'm better with the endurance" He said planning for what was to come next.

Tazmodo said:
Her eyes lit up up. "I love buizels. They're so cute. Im a raichu."
Bailey smiled and blused a bit. "Its nice to meet someone who likes my kind. Oh and I loved riachus!" Bailey said in joy.

Wednesday scowled at him. "It is not rich! It's absolutely terrifying!" She moaned and dropped her head against the table. "And I'm going to take up your offer. Ugh. I made the mistake of asking her to be my dorm partner. On second thought, can I move in with you and pretend I'm having sex with you and stuff? Maybe then she'd get it." She gasped and immediately sat up. "I can pretend to be pregnant! Then she'd completely lose interest!"

Her usual eccentric nature and her anxiety attack did not mix very well.

Esmeralda nodded eagerly. "And you should make a spine tingling laugh! Oooh, you laughing in such a manner..." She brooded over this seriously. "Hmm.... Do it now."

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