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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Typh smiled as he got to the cave's entrance, "Alright, here we are" He said with a smile.



"So you like martial arts as well?" Cal muttered to himself as he looked off to the side looking at the wall for a moment.

Fluff smiled, relieved that Luca didn't think look down on her and started to open up, growing friendly. "Sure! I'd like that a lot!"
Luca sensed her aura. "I won't judge no matter what you say." He smiled at her. "I have been trained all my life to be kind yet strong. So speak to me if you have any inquires about me."
Drake nodded "You're welcome!" He took another Sip "How have your students been behaving? Hopefully good but if you have any problems with some send them down to my office and I'll straighten them out."


"Does it~? Well, in that case~" Rikuto wrapped his arms around Mari again. "Maybe I could continue to hold you like this after the ride's over."


Esmeralda chuckled. "They're behaving as students should. Thank you, Mister Drake. I'll do well to keep that in mind. Thank you very much for the tea."
Mari smiled at him, "If you could manage it" she said as if it was a dare for his to accomplish. She wasn't an easy one to understand but she could be understood over time if you gave her that time that is.


"Oh-ho-ho, is that a threat?" Rikuto gently and carefully tickled Mari while still holding on to the pole, taking extra precaution that she didn't fall off. "I don't take too kindly to threats!"
Mari forced herself not to laugh or squirm. She knew she couldn't contain it for much longer, "It's more of a challenge" She giggled out as she moved one of her hands to touch Rikuto's.


Rikuto stopped when Mari touched her hand with his. He turned his hand around to lace his fingers around hers and gently squeeze them.


Wednesday hurried out of her dorm, sick to the pit of her stomach. She called up Jack, and waited for him to respond.
Mari blushed, this time because of something he did rather than he had said. "Your hands are warm" She said quietly with a smile as she squeezed his hands back gently.

"And your hands are tiny," Rikuto whispered, resting his chin on her shoulder again. "Look. Our hands fit perfectly together; isn't that something?"
Mari continued to smile as her blush dropped to a lighter less noticeable shade. "That is rather spectacular. I didn't expect our hands to work so well in conjunction" she whispered before gazing down at their hands. Wait did he say my hands are tiny? She thought to herself on a delay which she guessed having tiny hands was good but still.


"Mm, maybe that means we're perfect together," Rikuto pressed his face against Mari's soft hair.

It was then the ride stopped, and Rikuto jumped off the Rapidash to help her down.

"Okay, so that's one thing down," he said casually, "what would you like to do next?"
Mari got down with the help of Riku and thought for a moment about the things here. "Would you want to try your luck on winning that stuffed toy you were talking about?" She asked with a wink as she thought about his comment from before. Perfect together the words echoed in her mind as she thought about it but she shook it off thinking it was just her mind saying things to her again.


Rikuto flexed his muscles. "'Try my luck'? Pfft. It's all about sklll, baby. And I can assure you that I am most skilled at nabbing a toy for my cute little roommate." He took her hand again and led her to a ring toss game. "This one'll do."
Jack turned to look at Wednesday "Hey!..... You look sicker than a dog! What happened? You're so pale!" He put his hand up to her forehead "You don't have a fever.... What's wrong?"

Drake nodded "You're welcome!"


Megan dragged Sean back to their dorm and sat on her bed smiling to herself.

After a being acquainted with Luca, Fluff went to the gym to practice her Karate moves, feeling comfortable doing her favorite thing.

"So what are you working on now?" Esmeralda asked, taking a sip from her cup of tea.

Wednesday looked at him seriously. "Me. You. We both need to have a talk." She took a deep breath and finally asked, "Can I ask you out on a date?"
"So you've skilled yourself at these, how is that possible?" Mari asked as she looked at the game before looking at the prizes. They had a good selection but she had no proof that he could get one of them for her so she smirked at him challenge in her eyes.


Sean closed the dorm room door and walked over neat Megan looking at her. "So what were you meaning by enjoy each others company?" He asked slightly confused behind her wording though he though he had the gist of it.


Calvin walked around outside for a little while exploring more of the dorm since he knew who his room mates where now. He examined what he could of the school looking at the building and the courtyard before spotting something in a tree that stood at the center of the courtyard. He walked over to it and scrambled up the tree to see what it was.

@Whoever wants to interact with him
Calvin looked up from where he was in the tree which was looking down at Fluff. "Oh hey roomie, what;re you up to?" He asked as he grabbed a peach from the tree and held it in his hand.


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