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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]


"It's you! Perfect!"

Esmeralda ran toward Drake and grabbed his hands. "I need your body! Come on!!" She forced him along as she darted away.


"Hey there, stranger!" Rikuto walked over to Lauren and waved at her. "What are you doing here all by yourself? You know you're free to visit me and Mari, right?"
"......" Drake knew this wasn't that type of body need but she could've said that better since people would assume by that she needs his body they would automatically assume sex. Today was getting weirder by the second...... He had just seen people coming out of a door that basically the wall in Cecilia's office cause how could he not see that! He saw Cecilia rush in like it was an emergency and it just closed. He's not even going to question why Esmerelda needs him. "Where we going?" He asked


@ScaraByte ((I'm going to assume we'll basically Pm the not Date. Are we?))
Esmeralda dragged Drake to her classroom and sat him down on a stool.

"Alright," she said cheerily. "I was supposed to have a male model come in but he kept insisting that he take off his clothes, so I kicked him out." She clapped her hands together pleadingly. "I reeeeally need someone with your body type for this painting. I promise it won't take longer than an hour. I have your sketch done I'll let you go."
Drake sighed "alright how do you want me to pose? Don't worry I won't take my clothes off." He wondered if taking a little vacation to the reverse dimension will help ease him since it is his home.

"Just sit down naturally," Esmeralda told him. "All I really need are your face and chest... I think I can use my imagination for the rest. So! How was your day?" She began the rough sketch.
He just sat there in his usual position "It's been a strange day..... I don't think I'm at liberty to say what I saw, I'd rather not have another fight with Arceus..... Last time that happen almost all dimensions where in danger of being destroyed." He told her.

@CactusWren ((Here we go! Some dark history long forgotten between two gods! One of Matter and just regular God ((Arceus)) the other of Anti-Matter ((Giratina)) I'm sorta making the fight up but the actual Anti-Matter thing was proven though by actual people so he's technically not made by Arceus but came about as the same time that Arceus was created...... Don't question it!))
"Mmm," Esmeralda murmured, her pencil zipping against the page. "Why would you fight with Cecilia? She seems pretty sweet to me. Did she just do something to annoy you or something?"
"Well..... This was when we were younger and well I was more aggressive and at the time she banished me to the reverse to wander forever but I soon got the ability to rip a portal back and well in my fury I attacked her, we were opposites, I was created to counteract her because while there exists matter there is also Anti-Matter which is what I control and I though that..... Forgive me but it's been eons so the details are fuzzy and quite hard to remember but the whole fight was over something silly and well we've matured now and I hope that we may never fight again." He sighed as only he and Cecilia were the ones who knew that story.

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]"Maybe if she had been listening to me the first time instead of shouting" she muttered pushing by the remaining guy.
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When Eric was pushed he immediately grabbed her arm. "Look I don't know who or what you are and quite frankly I don't care. Do not show such disrespect for your fellow students. If you think you so superior then tell me. What are you?" He refused to let go.
Tazmodo said:
When Eric was pushed he immediately grabbed her arm. "Look I don't know who or what you are and quite frankly I don't care. Do not show such disrespect for your fellow students. If you think you so superior then tell me. What are you?" He refused to let go.
"I'm yveltal....can I go now or do you have many other questions" she said looking back down at her phone sighing. "And if your going to talk to me please release my wrist"

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Eric let go. "Oh your just an arrogant legendary. Never mind I guess it's just in your nature." He laughed little bit. "Well sense your so busy I guess we're done here. And next time someone is having a conversation don't be rude and interrupt like that."
"Mabey next time you plan to have a verbal fight you won't hold it in the halls" Ase replied pulling her hand back "why we're you fighting with that girl anyway"

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Eric looked down. "It's a long story don't worry about it. Why would you care anyway I'm just a weavile I don't matter."
"Is being a weavile really all that bad I mean you may not be a Magicarp but still you have some promise" Ase joked pulling her earphones out. "As for why I want to know its because she seemed pretty pissed"

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"I like being what I am it's just compared to all the other I stayed to feel under rated." He looked up into her eyes his were dead with no emotions. "I asked her out so we went on a date. All was good until we battled because it's her favorite thing to do. I got hit with a attack that left me slightly paralyzed. So while I can't move something in her subconscious kissed that guy she was with. Do after we talked she said he had no feelings for him and went into a dungeon for a cute. Long story short she apparently loves him and I was thrown to the curb. Now I'm trying to put all that behind me and she's mad at me for everything."
"Wow you got friend zoned" Ase began to laugh slightly "no worse than that she's blaming you for everything!" Ase patted him on the shoulder lightly "you poor guy"

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"There are plenary other women in this world you'll be fine!" Ase said putting her phone away "and I know there's no fairytale endings I mean I kill millions every time I need to regenerate" Ase smiled "I'm Ase who are you?"

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Eric smiled at her response. "Nice to meet you Ase. I'm Eric. So where were you going in such a hurry."
"I was going to my dorm that's all really" Ase replied looking down at her folder "apparently one just opened up" she sighed

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Kia had been walking towards the place for the picnic with Typh. "Are we almost there?" She asked excitedly.

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"Well now I don't have another person in mine anymore you can stay there so your not alone. Don't worry about me hitting on you. Im done with romance for a while"

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