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Fandom Pokemon Cruise

"Awww...sick!" Twilight back up and covered her eyes from the putrid sight. Night stayed rooted to the spot, looking straight forward, as if in a trance. Aero shook off the feeling of nausea and wiped his face with his wings. "Oh, yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one..." His ears twitched and he jerked his head towards the corner of the deck. "Hey. I think Scythe's coming." Sure enough, after a few seconds a massive Haxorus rounded the corner with another plate of food. With a saddened sigh she sat down across Aero and started to eat, paying no attention to the others.

Pinkie stood awkwardly as Eddie puked his guts out, uncomfortable around the man's pokemon. The way they looked, she was about to puke out of fear herself.

"W-Wow." Eddie breathed out, finally stopping. Grin returning, he turned back to the group. "Ya see, the trick is not to think about it! That way-" Eddie gasped loudly as he looked at the haxorus. "Hey! I never seen one of these guys before!" He ran up to it, giving it a large smile. "Can you talk too?"

"She can't really talk English." Twilight said, walking to Scythe's side. "She has trouble speaking English. She can say Aero, Twilight, Night, yes and no, but not much else." Twilight sort of shrugged at Eddie and sat down at the table next to Aero. Night snapped out of his daze and looked at the group of Pokemon. "Oh Scythe. You came."

"Yes..." Scythe replied quietly.
He turned back to Luna as she spoke. "Oh, let me do your hair Lulu! I'm so good at doing hair, especially hair like yours," he exclaimed, running a hand through the girl's thick hair. Lu actually did have some expertise when it came to hair, he would enjoy his free time doing up the hair of his teammates. "I'll do my own too, we can both have braids," he smiled eagarly.

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Luna gently smiled back, "O-okay.... Sure" She shivered a bit when Lu ran his fingers through her hair.It felt really nice, too. "But afterwords.....I have.. to.. to go change into... something else" She said nervously, still feeling the chill down her spine

"You okay?" He tilted his head curiously with an eyebrow raised before leading the way to the rooms. Sanyi was following beside Lu. "You're super stuttery now, before you were talking with ease, was it that meowstic or something?" Once they got to the dorm halls, Lu pulled his ticket out of his pocket to find his room number. Somehow the airhead managed to miss his room, and stopped when he noticed the numbers were getting way too high. "Have you seen room 128 Lulu?"
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"Y-yeah... I'm still getting over the feeling it's move gave me...It... It brought back memories I wish to forget.." Luna sighed and looked her ticket as well, "Oh...I pasted mine too.... I'm... 1...29..... Heh... Guess we're kinds like neighbors.. during this.."
"Well that sounds like this is going to be a fun cruise!" He brightened. "But first we have to find our rooms..." Lu waited for Luna to lead the way to their rooms, for he seemed to have gotten a bit lost.
Luna looked around and started walking. Watching the numbers go down she saw 128, "Here.. you go" She said to Lu

Pulling out a keycard that was given to him, Lu opened the door and held it open for Sanyi and Luna before walking inside. It smelled like air freshener in there and his luggage, which was one medium sized bag of clothes, had already been placed here. With a long, fulfilling stretch Lu let himself fall forward onto the bed. He let out a long breath as his long body scrawled across the soft mattress. "This is a nice bed, Lulu. I don't even wanna get up but I have to because I have to do your hair!" A wave of laziness suddenly washed over the ranger and he found it quite difficult to get up. "Lulu heeeeeeeelp," he cried out.
Luna looked at him and giggled for the first time in months. She tried to help Lu but as a joke she flopped down onto the bed, "I'm cought by the bed too now, noooo" Giggling again she looked over at Lu

A figure garbed in a black trench-coat with gold rims and a yellow fedora crawled through a porthole and onto the hallway of a lower deck. He had almost missed the ship. When he looked around, he noticed a maid standing a few feet away with her jaw dropped. He had been noticed. Fortunately, that wasn't exactly a problem for him.



With a shock, Mao realized that the disturbance had gotten stronger now that they had departed. What is going on here? She wondered. With a sigh, she ceased her efforts and began walking back to Voyan. As she mulled over the anomaly, she sent her 3 metal balls into an orbit around her. They gained speed as her mind raced through the possibilities. Mao was so caught up in thinking that she didn't notice a quiet trainer leaning against the rail ahead of her. Clunk! One of the balls hit him in the back. Huh? She thought, looking up, Oops! Sorry, I didn't see you there! I...
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Lissa bolted out of the bed. "Shoot! What time is it?" She said, looking for her Masquerain. "Hey, where are you?" She panicked. Suddenly, she heard a shift in the soft covers of the bed. Masquerain had curled up beside her to take a nap. "There you are." She giggled, gently picking Masquerain up. "Lets get ready for dinner, girl."

Lissa opened her luggage, which had already been taken to the room somehow. Upon opening it, she noticed a navy blue dress with a flower print, which would modestly cover her knees. "Perfect," She yawned. Lissa didn't have any shoes asides from her beaten up white-and-blue sneakers, so they would just have to do. After pulling the dress out, she noticed a postcard that had been left underneath it. The postcard was a picture of the snowy summit of Mt. Coronet in the Sinnoh Region, her brother as well as his Dragonite standing in front of it. Lissa carefully picked the postcard up, trying not to smudge the ink. She turned it over- the back read:

"Hey little sis. Just wanted to let you know that my journey in the Sinnoh region is going well. I climbed a mountain today!

Make sure you're taking care of yourself, as well as your Pokemon. I hope the Surskit I gave you is doing well!

Smell ya later!

Love, James"

Lissa smiled, a sense of nostalgia washing over her. The Surskit he gave her was doing well- In fact, she was now a fully grown Masquerain. Lissa put the postcard on the nightstand beside the bed, standing it against the alarm clock. "Dummy." She mumbled.

Lissa stood staring at the picture for a moment, but continued to the bathroom. There, she took a shower and got dressed, her still-wet hair slightly soaking the straps of her dress.
"Ready to go, girl?" She called, but there was no response.


While Lissa was getting ready, Masquerain noticed that the door was still slightly cracked open. It wasn't like Masquerain to disobey her trainer, but after being energized by her nap, she just wanted to explore; she didn't plan on going very far. Masquerain fluttered out of the room, and down the hallway. She didn't like how cramped hallways felt, or how they seemed to go on forever. Even so, she fluttered down the hallway in search for something interesting.

Seeing an exit, she excitedly fluttered outward- finding herself on the ship's deck again. Masquerain took notice of the trainers (and their Pokemon) over by the railing, and fluttered closer to see what was going on.

@SpicyLickiTounge @Noivern
Dust's red eyes suddenly flared, casting a bright red hue on his surroundings. He spun around swiftly, fists raised in a attack stance. He relaxed his shoulders to see it was just another Pokemon. Another puff of exhaust and he shook his head dismissively.

"Don't approach me like that..." Dust huffed.

"Oh! Well, she's doing a good job at it!" Eddie nodded. "Aw man! I wish I could show you my pokemon, but they're asleep!" Eddie pouted before grinning. "But at least he and pinkie are awake and here to party till dawn! Right, pinks?" Eddie said, turning to the miltank, who hesitantly agreed. Maybe staying up could be fun...why did she have a bad feeling about this?

"Look pinkie! More pokemon."

Pinkie turned to where Eddie was pointing at. This one was actually kinda pretty. "Can that one talk too?" He asked dust.

@Noivern @Flannels
A strange, low electronic buzz come from the mask. It sounded almost like a growl. His artificial eyes widened and contracted as the mask's system analyzed the new Pokemon. "I never met this one before. I have no idea if it can talk." Twilight and Aero cast weird glances at Dust's sudden confrontational demeanor but went back to their small talk.

"Hmm..." Eddie hummed, cupping his chin. "Why do I have a feeling I've seen you before?" Eddie narrowed his eyes at it before he gasped. "Now I remember!" He pointed at the masquerain. "Your that one lady's pokemon!" He titled his head and looked around. "But where is she?"

@Noivern @Flannels
Dust suddenly blurt out a line of dialogue, directed at the identity of the Pokemon. "Masquerain. Flying / Bug type." Dust turned back towards Eddie and muttered something intangible, and went to go sit down with his team.

@SpicyLickiTounge @Flannels
Eddie blinked. "Huh. And here I thought it was a fairy type!" Eddie snorted, jabbing pinkie in the side with his elbow. "Guess you learn new things everyday, huh?"

Pinkie gave eddie a side glance before looking back at dust. He wasn't going to hurt them, but something about him didn't seem right.

@Flannels @Noivern
Aero fluttered his wings and hopped out of his seat, a half-loaf of bread clutched in the corner of his mouth. He inspected Pinkie from head to toe, bobbing his head to catch ever glimpse. He stopped and crossed his wings over his chest, which was dominated by a long expanse of white fur.

"So, what's this Pokemon's name?" He asked Eddie.

With a cry, pinkie went to go hide behind eddie, but the boy just pushed her in front of him. "This is pinkie milksworth! The best miltank around!" Eddie cheered, waving his hand forward and backing up, looking as if he were a mother watching her child's playdate. Pinkie gave a shy wave of a hoof before looking away.

"Hm. Never seen these around my hometown. Well Howdy Pinkie? My name's Aero! "

Aero held out a red claw before Pinkie, awaiting a handshake.

Pinkie looked at the claw before looking back up at the noivern. "PSSST!" Pinkie turned to eddie, who waved his hand in a go motion. "SHAKE IT!" He whispered loudly. Turning back to the noivern, she hesitantly grabbed his claw and shook it.

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"No troubles!" Aero giggled happily as Pinkie shook his hand. "I'm used to shy people. Believe it or not Twilight used to be small, helpless and timid. Now she's big and strong, and loud too! I was the one to help her become brave!" Aero set his claws on his hips, content with bragging about his ability to aid even the weakest Pokemon.

Viola was at the side of the ship, looking out into the water with Opal on her back. It was nice to look at what you almost are. She kept staring into the twilight and sunset, hoping for night to fall and she can sleep for another day.

@Any1 who wants to interact.

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