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Fandom Pokemon Cruise

He was a bit suprised when Max hoisted him up all on her own but dusted himself off casually. "I'm Lu and yeah I do!" He paused to giggle at his rhyme. "Hugging is great!" He said, reaching for Max and lifting her up in a short bear hug before dropping her. "But its usually a reflex to protect someone or somepokemon, I am a ranger after all," he shrugged. "I wonder where my darling is," he said mostly to himself, looking around. While scouting around the deck with his eyes for Sanyi, he got distracted by the sight of Luna coming back upstairs. "Luna!" He beamed as he spotted her, almost as if he had been searching for her. She seemed different than before, when the battle was going on. As she battled, Luna had a strong and confident glimmer in her eyes that was completely gone now that he was looking at her again. As she came back slowly she seemed to be hiding troubles under the surface, and this worried him. When he approached her it wasn't with as much jubilee as the first time they met, though he still had the same friendly smile spread across his face. "Hey, your name is just like mine!" He put a hand on his chest to gesture himself. His eyes brightened. "I just had the best idea," he started, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I'm Lu, and you're Lulu!" He giggled as the landing skarmory sent a light gust of wind that tussled up his hair a bit, loosening more folicles from his already messy ponytail. He looked up at the growling pangoro who was bearing his fangs. "Calm down tough guy, geez. You act like she's gonna hurt you." As he spoke, Lu wrapped an arm around Luna and pulled her closer. That was also another example of him acting protective on instinct. He subconsciously pulled Luna close to him because of the large intimidating pokemon growling at her, not to mention the pangoro's methods of intimidation were working on Lu as well.

@Lunachan @Entarriance
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"So what's going on here?" Voyan asked, casually stepping onto the deck.

They were just having a battle, I told them to take it to the arena, Mao informed him.

Voyan nodded in agreement. With this many gym leaders and trainers on board, there was bound to be spontaneous fights.

"We should be leaving soon, I better get to the bridge," Voyan stated, giving the Sentret one last stroke before setting him down. He walked all the way to the front of the ship and entered a door marked 'Authorized Personnel Only'. When he entered the room, he noticed the sheer amount of machinery and technology inside. Every wall was lined up with some kind of device displaying some sort of information. There were currently 3 staff members inside, including his father.

"Voyan! Allow me to give you a tour around..."

Mao didn't follow Voyan, even though she would have loved to see how the ship worked. She had other problems to deal with. Ok, where are you, she thought, releasing an unnoticeable wave of psychic energy. The energy travelled outward for miles, giving her a complete map of her surroundings. She searched for where the waves of disturbance were coming from. The waves were constantly shifting, which means that she couldn't pinpoint the source easily. Either there are more of you, or you're really good at this. She kept on, attempting to crack the code.
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Eddie felt something tap his shoulder. "Y-Yeller...s-save s-some f-for me." He muttered. The tapping started to get faster before it turned into shaking. "F-Five more min-" Before eddie knew it, something bonked him on the head, causing eddie to spring up from the railing quickly. "...Whoa. I just had the weirdest dream." Eddie looked down at yeller, whose hand was balled up into a fist, yet eddie didn't notice. "We were at the cruise ship, and then I got sick, but then we met a fan, then I got sick again, then we met another lady, but then I got sick again, and then..." Blinking eddie looked up to see everyone talking amongst all another, causing him to gasp. "Whoa! So my dream really DID happen!" Eddie then ran up toward the two new people, causing his pokemon to blink. Looks like he didn't realize he passed out from all that barfing. Blockz, not really caring, floated after him happily.

Eddie, skidding to a stop, looked at the two with a cheery smile. "Hello there! My name's eddie! Eddie simmons!" He grinned as the porygon floated down next to him. "What did I miss?! When did you guys get here?!" He looked at the pangoro before tilting his head back at the two. "Wait, why is he angry? That's the last time I take power naps!" Yeller, susan, and pinkie sweatdropped, not having the heart to tell him the actual truth.

Luna blushed at the name Lulu. It was super cute, maybe even better that he called her that. Right as she was about to say something, Lu wrapped an arm around him. She guessed to protect her, but it ended up with her looking red as a rose. She didn't care that a huge pokemon was growling at her at the moment. She was too busy blushing.

Lissa gave Max a polite giggle. She liked Max's liveliness, and found her quite cute- though she did somewhat fear her Pangoro. Lissa looked up, noticing that the boy who had apparently gone unconscious had come to, and the Gym Leader from earlier had reappeared. In fact, the girl seemed to be doing much better, and seemed particularly close with Lu. 'Did he just call her "Luna"?' She wondered. 'What an odd pairing.'

"So... Now what?" Lissa asked the others. "Now that we've boarded, what are we supposed to do now?"

@SpicyLickiTounge @tinygrassisdreaming
Day 0

4:00pm - end of day

departing Regal Town

The Splendor let out deep roar. It gained speed as it floated toward its first destination in Johto. The sky was clear and the breeze was gentle. The ship's amenities became fully available. Snacks were laid out on a long table in the dining hall. The crew was up and about, rendering service at a moment's notice to any of the passengers as they requested it. Dinner would be served at 6pm. The Splendor would be making its first stop at Cianwood City early in the morning the next day. All bedrooms are comfortable and ready for a good night's rest.
"Isn't there a party later tonight?" Luna asked quietly, wondering if anyone would hear her. She was still blushing while being held close to Lu. She started thinking about what to wear to the party for some reason. Luna wasn't one for dressing up, but maybe she would wear a dress for once that night.
"There is? That sounds so fun!" He beamed in excitement. "Guys, I think there's a part-er," Lu began to call out to the other passengers on the deck, but got intimidated by the large pangoro that was still bearing its fangs at Luna. When a shiver whent down his spine, Lu let go of Luna and grabbed her hand to lead her away from the pangoro. "Hey, why don't we just go over here- Lulu you're so red!" Lu began leading her closer towards the deck when he looked back at her and noticed her complexion. "You're like a pomeg berry," he giggled.
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Lissa stumbled as she felt the ship shift beneath her. After regaining her footing, she turned towards Masquerain. "You look tired, girl. Want to check out our room?" Masquerain let out a soft coo. "I guess that's a yes," Lissa laughed. "This should have our room number," She said, pulling her crumpled ticket from her pocket. "..Room 205. Okay, let's get going then. We have to be ready for dinner at six."

Lissa trotted down to the lower level, where the rooms were located, her Pokemon following close behind.
"201....203...Ah, here it is girl." Lissa turned the knob and the door came open, her eyes widening with excitement. "Would you just LOOK at the SIZE of that BED!" She exclaimed. It had been a while since she last slept in a room, as she had spent the last week training with her Pokemon outdoors. Lissa excitedly dove face-first into the soft mattress, forgetting to close the door behind her.
Luna blushed somehow even more. Luna let Lu lead her over to the deck, looking over. She gently smiled, it was so pretty out. She somehow felt more... outgoing. It was an odd feeling and she wasn't sure how to react to it. She heard Lu's comment about her complexion, "S-shut up..." Luna mumbled but said kindly

Once the two were at the railing

Lu turned to look out at the sea. Pretty soon the sun would start setting and Lu wanted to stay for the sunset. He took a deep breath through his nose, letting the crisp sea air fill his lungs. The sea breeze started pulling his ponytail loose, so Lu pulled out the band that wasn't doing a very good job. His hair danced about his head as he gazed out at the sparkling sea, a warm smile on his face. He was still holding Luna's hand without realizing. This was the first time since he stepped on the ship, or even in some time, that Lu had been in such a peacefully quiet state.
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The sun was setting beautifully, painting the sky from amber to violet. Already, one could see the stars at the other end of the horizon. Something about it was nostalgic, even if you can't place

Not long after boarding, a trainer challenged you to a battle. It may be a vacation, but you're not one to decline, so here you are, standing on the deck, taking on an impromptu challenger with the golden sun as your witness.

Your opponent, the kind young boy, had the courtesy of sending out his pokemon first: An Infernape. Perhaps he's heard of the contents of your gym? Either way, you respond in kind with the simplest counter, Chimecho. It jingles airily as it materializes out of its ball. A sweet, peaceful chime, and just like that, the battle is off.

"Infernape, Flare Blitz!"

Infernape roars before rocketing at Chimecho ablaze. Chimecho is on the slow side, so he stands by to take the hit, enduring it before Infernape retreats. You're kind of amused that he decided to face Chimecho with Infernape. Perhaps he doesn't think it's a valid threat?

Worn, but not down for the count, it takes a bite of its leftovers, the glutton. You're amazed that apple you gave it still has any flesh on it. In any case, Chimecho has something of a slow burn to it. Chimecho's might not be able to take a second Flare Blitz as it is now, but you don't think there's anything to fear against this Infernape.

"Cosmic Power." Chimecho jingles. Stars rise from the ground, a laser light show like fireworks...

Wait, is Chimecho on fire?

"Flare Blitz, one more time!" Infernape charges forth like a rocket, and just as before, Chimecho takes the brunt of the attack. Unlike before, the damage has been reduced significantly. Even so, every bell needs to repair itself sometime, and the burn it seems to be completely ignoring isn't doing it any favors.

"Recover." It chimes mellowly, and with a flash of light, its health is restored. It's still uncomfortably low though.

Maybe having too much confidence in Infernape's damage, he orders a repeat, using Flare Blitz again. Once more, you order Chimecho to Recover, and recover it does. It even goes back to nibbling its leftovers, almost as if it has forgotten it's taking part in battle. Chimecho is already working its magic. With recoil, Infernape is now hurting itself while giving Chimecho time to heal, even with its burn.

Perhaps realizing it's not working, your opponent gets to work switching gears. "Infernape, return!" He seems to hesitate after returning Infernape to its ball, and you can't blame him. Chimecho is a daunting opponent. It can only produce seven different tones, so you've personally experienced its unyielding personality when teaching it songs. In battle it shows. After staring at a pokeball silently all of five seconds, your opponent throws it out. "Go, Pidgeot!" The grand bird ascends. If Infernape didn't dwarf Chimecho, the bird flying above, more than double its size certainly does.

You don't see a threat in the bird. It's actually kind of disappointing. He seemed like a competent trainer, but Pidgeot doesn't have much tools for a good counter-strategy. "Heal Bell." The sweet tones of Chimecho's cry echo out in a short melody, quenching the lingering flames

"That bored expression on your face. It's not good enough!" You wonder if he's talking about you or your Chimecho. You're fairly certain you kept your face neutral throughout this battle. Your opponent seems to be losing their cool. Even so, he raises his arm, and a jewel on his wrist illuminates. Right there and then, his Pidgeot mega evolves, the grand winged beast fluttering forth.


"Pidgeot! Hurricane!" That's his plan it seems. Bring out his hardest hitter and go to town? Still not winning any races, Chimecho is pulled up to the sky and flung around like a ragdoll, taking the brunt of Hurricane directly. When it comes back down, it jingles and takes a bite of its leftovers. It's too cheeky for its own good. "Recover."

It seems Mega Pidgeot isn't even much stronger than Infernape. Your opponent- poor kid, has a troubled expression plastered on his face, but he keeps going. "Keep at it! Hurricane!"

Is he trying to make Chimecho dizzy? It doesn't seem to be working. You think it's about time. You'll get on with it while Chimecho is still coherent. Chimecho has recovered enough to weather the lack of recovery. "Cosmic Power"

The trend continues. Pidgeot hammers away, to no avail. Hurricane even manages to confuse Chimecho, but between Cosmic Power and Recover, it's not enough. Eventually, you've completely removed any hope your opponent has of defeating Chimecho. His hurricanes continue, but more for disruption. He seems to be settling in for the long haul of tiring Chimecho out. Unfortunately for him...

"Stored Power." Cosmic Power after Cosmic Power. It has more than just defensive application. With an unfittingly quiet ting, A blast flies out, defeating Mega Pidgeot in a single blow. After returning Pidgeot to its ball, he forfeits immediately after and walks away dejectedly.

You recall Chimecho and move towards the ship bow. You wonder if you just destroyed a young man's hopes and dreams. Maybe you did. Either way, if beating you was easy, it wouldn't be much of a hope or dream, now would it?

Still, you're on vacation. If you're not kept battling, you think you're going to end up locked in your cabin the whole trip playing music with your pokemon. It's not a bad time by any means, but it seems like such a waste of a cruise. That being said, what's there to do?

Well... it's not like you need to worry. You're here to relax, right? Just staying here, watching the sunset is worth your time enough.
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Luna felt the sea breeze against her face. She felt like letting her hair out of her braid. But she didn't, it was too messy. Luna looked at Lu's long hair. She didn't realize it was that long, maybe because she didn't look at the back of his head. Luna gripped the railing until her knuckles turned white. "So... um... About that dance...." Luna trailed off. Should she ask him? Luna took a deep breath, "Do you wanna.... go to the dance together?...." She said the last few words quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear her question.

Lu turned to her when he heard Luna's voice. He could hardly hear the second part of what she said due to how quietly she said it and the wind blowing in his ears. It took him a second, he had to think about the sounds he heard and the movements her mouth made, so for a few moments he gazed at her curiously. "Oh, the dance," he smiled. "Yeah of course! I'm so glad you asked me." His smile grew very warm as he put his hands on his chest before he turning to face the sea again. "Look at how pretty the sunset is," he breathed, Leaning against the rail. "At first I didn't want to go on this cruise at all, I was forced to come by the other rangers on my team. They always said I worked too hard, taking mission after mission. I didn't want to come because there's no time for relaxing when there are Pokemon in danger, you know?" He glanced at Luna, shrugging his shoulders. His expression was oddly somber, which would be surprising to someone who knew the airheaded and jovial nature of the young ranger. His face was still warm and bright, but there was a hint of something else hidden under his soft expression. "But I'm having a lot of fun-- oh!" Lu was distracted by getting shoved from behind. Turning around, he noticed his partner. "Sanyi!" He exclaimed. "There you are, I was looking for you, darling. Look at this sunset, and the ocean's reflection." The somberness hidden under his smile faded as his mood brightened from meeting with his partner again. The ariados crawled around to his other side and sat in front of the railings, gazing out at the view as well. Lu gazed down at her, a warm smile displaying the love that welled in his heart when he was at her side.

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(Crap, didn't get any notifications)

Night looked up at the starry sky. Here out in the middle of the ocean the sky was clear of any smog that cluttered the airways of the metropolis' inland. It was beautiful here in the vast waters. This tour would surely take the stress of his rehabilitation off of his shoulders. Hopefully. Nearby Aero and Twilight bickered over the last plate of human cuisine and were playfully insulting each-other. Night quietly chuckled to himself and rested his forearms on the metal rails on the ship's deck. It was starting to get boring, he wished for a break from the monotony.

@Anyone who wanna interact?)
"Pinkie, there's no monsters on this ship!" Eddie said cheerfully, walking on deck in a buneary onsie, the miltank holding on to him tightly. "But don't worry! We'll check everywhere before we go to bed!" Eddie looked around. "See? There's nothing here except the night sky, us, and a mysterious stranger!"

Pinkie cries as she looked at the figure, hiding her snout in Eddie's shirt, only to blink as the boy wasn't there anymore. She cried as he was already near the stranger. "Hi, there, sir!"

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Night turned slowly to regard the newcomers in his company. He reached a full arch, the red pinpricks of light acting as eyes as he surveyed the curious two with affinity. A puff of vapor shot out of the valves on either side of Night's sull-faced mask and he stepped closer to the younger trainer. "I bid ye wellll...welcome fellow trainer."

Pinkie stared up in fear, rooted to the ground as her trainer slowly craned his neck upward as the man rose to his full height. Eddie blinked and his eyes widened. "Whoa! That's so cool!" Eddie marveled. "How'd you get your face to do that smoke thing?!"

"Breathing Apparatus. Since my..." Night paused for a second, his legs quivering a little. "...Accident, I had to have a breathing harness since a couple broken ribs punctured my left lung. I have extreme difficulty breathing without this mask." The circular valves rotated and a few clicking noises came from inside the mask, showing telltale signs of a breathing pace shift. Twilight stopped arguing over the plate and staggered, looming and hunched over, to the new trainer. Her height even rivaled Night's long and lanky frame. She bent over to look Eddie eye-to-eye and smirked devilishly. "Hey hey hey, looks like we have fresh meat. Name's Twilight, glad to meetcha'!" She forcefully grabbed Eddie's hand and shook it vigorously. She cackled, but turned to see Aero wolfing down the food. "Aw c'mon Wingy! What the hell!"

"Wow! Sounds painful, but at least you get to wear a cool mask!"

Pinkie watched, fearful for her trainer's life. This man was not only scary-looking, but suspicious as well. And she started shaking as the zoroark came, looming over her trainer. She jumped at her remark. F-Freah m-meat? Meanwhile, eddie still grinned obliviously, shaking the zoroark's hand...claw. "Whoa! You can talk?!" Eddie asked, running behind pinkie and pushing her towards them. "Then you and pinkie will get along quick!" The miltank gave her trainer a betrayed look, shaking even more.

"Oh really?" She cracked a mischievous grin and inspected Pinkie, prodding the smaller Pokemon with a claw. "Heh...And about me talking, none other than this guy taught me. Aero can talk too!" She wrapped a single arm around Night and squeezed him, a triumphant, cute smile on her face.
Luna smiled and looked away. She couldn't believe he said yes,she thought he wouldn't. Luna thought about in her head and decided that she would not only wear a dress, but she would do her hair. She looked at Lu, "Um..... I'm.... I'm gonna..... get ready for tonight... My.. um, my hair takes a while to do.. Since it's long and thick" She said gently but nervously, wondering if he was paying attention.

As pinkie flinched from the pokemon's gaze and touch, eddie gasped and looked at the man. "You taught them to talk?! You're so cool!" Running over to Aero, he tilted his head, silly grin on his face. "HI! My name is eddie! What's your name?" He said, as if he talked to pokemon before.

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Aero wiped a few crumbs off of his face with his forearm and smiled at Eddie.

"N-Noiv, Noivern!" He replied. He stayed silent for a few moments before bursting into laughter and putting the plate down. "Heh Heh Heh! Didn't mean to do something that cruel to you! Howdy, name's Aero kid. Glad to see another friendly face around here. But gee, getting sea-sick is no joke!" He laughed it off, but his chuckle sagged and he put a claw on his abdomen, groaning a little. "Uh...yeah. I'm not so good on water..."
Eddie laughed at the noivern and turned to pinkie "Look! He has jokes!" Turning back to him, eddie nodded as he talked. "Hi, aero! Ya know, you guys and pinkie could get along!" Leaning over, eddie began to whisper to the noivern. "She's a bit shy." With a blink, eddie stood up straight. "Dont worry! I'm seasick too! But for some reason, it sto-" without warning the boy ran to the railing, back to spilling out his contents.


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