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Fandom Pokemon Cloaked


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In the midst of the regular schedule of a Pokemon city, there has been a disturbance. People are dissapearing, re appearing in history books, and the City is going Wild! (City name is Citeie). You notice these strange disturbances, and decide to check them out.
Sorry for taking ages, I wanted to make a custom sprite and then afterwards, I decided to make a custom trainer card. You can imagine how long that took.


The little baby Missingnos are just representing blank slots. As much as I'd love it, I don't think Glitchmon would be accepted. :P

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About pokemon


Ability: Contrary

Item: Life orb


Leaf Storm

Hidden Power Fire

Dragon Pulse



Item: Toxic Orb  

Ability: Poison Heal  


- Mach Punch 

- Facade  

- Swords Dance  

- Seed Bomb  


Item: Leftovers  

Ability: Iron Barbs  


- Stealth Rock  

- Leech Seed  

- Gyro Ball  

- Seed Bomb  


Item:Charizardite Y  

Ability: Drought  


- Flare Blitz  

- Solar Beam  

- Roost  

- Focus Blast  


Item:Sitrus Berry  

Ability: Huge Power  


- Belly Drum  

- Aqua Jet  

- Play Rough  

- Knock Off  


Ability: Magic Guard  
- Calm Mind  
- Focus Blast  
- Psychic  
- Recover


Great! Now, do you want to be part of the secret time travelers, or one of the people that try and catch or follow them?
Yeah, the journalist topic is always a good story. Mark is one of the squadron leaders.
A few questions: what do you mean when Citeie (wait, how to pronounce that?) goes Wild! Like, vines and Pokemon going loose? 
What do these secret time travelers look like re-appearing in history books? What's changed in the past thus the present? 
Its pronounced, Sytie. Wild, means that news reports are being made about like, disasters being averted, by the time travelers, as a bad guy (Not named yet) has been causing havoc. And the past and present thing... Your characters who are not part of the travelers, will see the Travelers, and then read a book or something and see them again. They aren't changing history books. Its already there. (Paradoxical, I say!)
Hmm.... Breaking News! Another man has been caught in this strange string of, "Before Crimes." We found him outside Town hall, handcuffed to the wall, with a card telling everyine that he blew up Town Hall, and killed the Mayor. After further investigation, we found his car, with a bomb in a present, with a tag saying, "Your welcome."

Breaking News!
Another man has been caught in this strange string of, "Before Crimes." We found him outside Town hall, handcuffed to the wall, with a card telling everyine that he blew up Town Hall, and killed the Mayor. After further investigation, we found his car, with a bomb in a present, with a tag saying, "You're welcome."

But what really proved it to be really a Before Crime was the photo of the blown up Town Hall and the photo of the funeral of the Mayor. Also the videotape of the guy caught in his house building the bomb, packing the bomb in the present, putting the bomb in his car, driving the car up to Town Hall, before the Travelers finally apprehended him. Despite that it never said anywhere in the history books that Town Hall blew up or the Mayor had died, it was still solid evidence enough to subject the man to a lie detector test. Later, the perpetrator was found to be guilty. 

Zak would roam the city the Citeie searching for one or more of these Travelers. If they were really real, he wanted to help.

His silver eyes scanned downtown, uptown, anywhere for something out of the ordinary. Did the Travelers even have an uniform?  
A boy ran through Downtown, smiling like anyone else. His glasses almost fell off multiple times, but he just pushed them up again. His boots squeaked as he slid into a nearby alley, holding up his wrist.
Laine stood outside a television display in Downtown Citeie, drumming her fingers on an crisp, blank notepad. A Porygon floated by her side, tilting its head to the side and making a soft whirr in confusion. The ponytailed girl gazed up at her Pokémon and nodded. "I know. It's very weird, isn't it?"

Another sound in confirmation came from the creature. It was not sure what to think, either. "Hey, at least it'll make a good story, right?"

"Por-ree," it murmured thoughtfully.

"Now, where to start looking..."

(Be patient, man. Roleplays aren't often constantly budding with replies; I know from experience. @Squad141)

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