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Fandom Pokemon Cloaked


Avery reached for his watch, and turned the 5 hands to the mission symbol on the side of the device. Once again, no missions. The Bomber had been the most interesting in the month, and he wanted some action! His brother, squadron leader of Team Alpha, was probably having a lot more fun right now, down in Kalos. Avery, still sort of smiling, walked out of the alley, messing with his watch, when he accidentally bumped into something, making him fall back. It was a porygon. "Im sorry! I wasn't watching!" Avery said in a nice tone, not realizing, his info packet about the Squad, which he always carried with him, had fallen out of his pocket, as he walked away.
The Porygon blinked and looked down, directing its gaze at the odd packet lying on the ground. It made tiny whirring noises, drawing the attention of its Trainer. "Huh? What's up, Pory?"

The Normal-type gestured with its nose at the pavement, which caused Laine to glance down. "Oh," she cried, "What's this?"

It beeped as she picked it up. Her brown eyes widened in surprise and bewilderment as the journalist flipped through the pages. "...This..."


Then as she was distracted, the same kid ran past her, grabbing the pamphlet, and dissapearing in a flash. Leaving.. Only the same kid checking his backpack, the Sam distance from where she left him. 

Avery had just turned the corner, before he realized he dropped it. The only thing keeping The Travelers away from the public. He quickly turned the longest hand on his watch back, was gone and back in a flash. He turned to see the same woman with her Pokemon. He smiled and walked away. 

(Incentive to follow?)
"What," she breathed, puzzled by what had just happened. Was this kid one of those individuals that had been mentioned in the news...?

"Hmm," Laine thought, looking at her Porygon, who was levitating about a foot above her head and kicking its cute little blue feet. The Pokémon seemed to notice her staring at it and jumped slightly, turning around to gaze at her. "Por?"

"You ready to go on a hunt?"


And with that, the two began to stealthily follow the young boy, curious as to what kind of secrets he hid.

Avery's boots continued to squeak, as he descended further into Downtown, when his watch started to bleep. "Finally!" He said out loud, moving the hands to see... The newest mission. It took his breath away. He would be working with another group of people, not known to him yet. He sighed, and looked at the summary. He eyes widened. Nuclear Plant Explosion!?! It must be the work of the newest criminal group in town... Team Sigma. Then he was surprised to find a record of the members. Man, headquarters sure knew a lot.
Laine and Porygon peeked around the corner, studying carefully as the boy jubilantly reacted to the beep of his most particular watch. She wasn't sure how to act, so the journalist decided to simply sit back, wait, and see what would happen.


Seeing Avery hold up his wrist running into an alley was suspicious enough but seeing Laine pick up a pamphlet he dropped and overhearing her shout about a GREAT story, Zak was intrigued. Porygon made him nervous to approach without a Pokemon out, so an Ultra Ball swelled in his palm. "Come on out, Lucario..." It was a Fighting and Steel Pokemon and would protect him well against any Normal attacks. He tailed the two who tailed Avery until that watch beeped. That was all the info he needed. 

He rushed to Laine's side, blurting, "That's a Traveler!" @Eterniti @Squad141

The girl shouted in shock, falling over onto her bottom. Her visor was tilted down during the event, its blue and white material now covering her eyes. Meanwhile, Porygon simply stared and let out what sounded like an electronic giggle. Obviously it was aware that the Trainer and their Lucario were not a serious threat.

@Lux___Wolf @Squad141
(Well fack, i see nowhere to join :/)

Alex hears the terrible news and goes outside.

''WTF..'' he says to himself.

He was an n00b, so what does an n00b do?

He dosen't know what todo and just does walk somewhere.

His lifu was boring :/
The noise and sudden shout behind him made Avery turn around. He saw, a Lucario, Porygon, and the woman from earlier, and a man, standing fully out behind a corner. He shut down his watch, realizing... A PokeBall Had just flown over his head.
"My bad, my bad," said Zak, blushing. His hand reached out to help her. ;)

She took Zak's hand, pulling herself back up onto her feet with a quiet grunt. Porygon levitated around the stranger and their Lucario, observing them with great care. Brushing herself off, Laine asked, "So what was that for?"

Even if the boy had been trying to tell her that this other kid was a "Traveller" (she had heard the term, but had temporarily forgotten the meaning in the chaos), there was no need to shout it directly in her ear. In fact, the whole scenario reminded her of a certain loud mouthed Gible she had found while covering a story in Sinnoh.
She took Zak's hand, pulling herself back up onto her feet with a quiet grunt. Porygon levitated around the stranger and their Lucario, observing them with great care. Brushing herself off, Laine asked, "So what was that for?"

Even if the boy had been trying to tell her that this other kid was a "Traveller" (she had heard the term, but had temporarily forgotten the meaning in the chaos), there was no need to shout it directly in her ear. In fact, the whole scenario reminded her of a certain loud mouthed Gible she had found while covering a story in Sinnoh.

Zak huffed and puffed, panting from the run. "Time traveler..." He pointed ahead to Avery. "The ones solving all these Before Crimes stuff." 

All of a sudden, Avery had noticed them and was challenged by Patty. It was going to be an amazing, loud as heck battle. 
@Freemankiller [ You need to come to watch the battle, and join us ok? ]
Walking around, he sees a small group of people.

Hmm, it looks like they're about to fight...maybe i can learn something.

He decides to watch the incoming battle somewhere where he sholden't get seen.

He still has the mouth of his face coverd and an helmet on.
"Wait, really?!"

The journalist asked, her voice at a low whisper-yell. She quickly glanced back at Avery, only to find the child now engaged in a Pokémon battle. Her Porygon beeped softly, making sure to take note of the boy's strategy and team for future use.

@Lux___Wolf @Squad141
Walking around, he sees a small group of people.

Hmm, it looks like they're about to fight...maybe i can learn something.

He decides to watch the incoming battle somewhere where he sholden't get seen.

He still has the mouth of his face coverd and an helmet on.

[Why did you hide your character if you wanted to join? You removed yourself. Join us.]
Patty yells as the poke all opens, go Charmader! What? Just a Charmader? "Go Unown!" An Unown A has started fighting in the battle. "He turned to the others as he did this. "If you're gonna know about us, just help me, okay?"I
Charmader was defeated easily, but her next Pokemon was very interesting.. "Go, Orialess!" It was a blue bodied what looked like Charmader, but had bandages over its eyes. It started blowing fire... "Unown! Uh... Don't move?"
(Wait, are we using Fakemon now? e-e Also, I can't jump into the fight because it's a traditional 1v1 and Patty doesn't pose enough of a threat to have me interfere.)

"Oh," Laine breathed, quickly pulling out her phone and taking a photo of the mysterious new creature. "Never seen this one before. What... is it?"
(YeAh, I know, and Mark is still somewhat a kid though. Fake min are being used for the story.

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