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Fandom Pokemon Cloaked

The n00b watched the battle.

Looks like one of the persons was an reporter, taking pictures of an new pokemon.

Well, he too has these two from hell, but he didn't wanna show them and just watched.
Laine tapped her phone against her chin, contemplating joining the fray. She didn't know what this strange new creature could do, let alone what it was. Porygon lightly poked her shoulder with her nose, prompting her eyes to shift over and bring her attention over to the artificial Pokemon. "Por, pory," it explained, its tone filled to the brim with concern.

"I guess so," its Trainer replied, understanding that Porygon wished to join just in case.

"Alright, kid," Laine announced, now walking over to and standing beside Avery, "I'll help you out. Porygon, you ready?"

An enthusiastic cry came from her loyal companion as it proudly floated down to meet their new opponent. Time to get serious.

@Squad141 @Freemankiller @Lux___Wolf
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The Freemankiller got very excited.

'Maybe when that is over i maybe get interviewd, and everyone shall know you can live as an n00b!'

He gets ready to watch the impossible.

(Sorry if that was short, but i have litteraly nothing to say)
Abbie Hill stood in her water gym in viridan city. she was practicing with her pokemon. "i choose CLOYSTER"  she grins. "use razor shell!!!"  cloyster jumps and cuts at a metal target.  "go job cloyster now use aqua ring!" cloyster restores 1/16 of health even though it has no damage. "good job cloyster thats all for today." "cloyster return." cloyster returns to the poke ball.

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I am amused by you amiture puns but i would LEAF them behing you can be amazing in puns so join me on the DARK TYPE they are so basic Glaceon is going to lose its cool.So when i took a pikachu i realize you had potenCHILL. B|

(I had too)
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I am amused by you amiture puns but i would LEAF them behing you can be amazing in puns so join me on the DARK TYPE they are so basic Glaceon is going to lose its cool.So when i took a pikachu i realize you had potenCHILL. B|

(I had too)

(Umm what?

Could you explain that a little more? OR ARE YOU IN THE FALSE THREAD MAYBE?

And please write OC stuff in () )
I am amused by you amiture puns but i would LEAF them behing you can be amazing in puns so join me on the DARK TYPE they are so basic Glaceon is going to lose its cool.So when i took a pikachu i realize you had potenCHILL. B|

(I had too)

(If you aren't part this RP, I don't suggest going OOC with puns out of nowhere. If you are part of it, then please post something for your character(s).)
Abbie Hill put her pokeball back on her strap she walked out of the gym and saw a girl looking on her phone then saw someone challenge her.She said walking toward the girl she was very welcoming she wanted people to feel welcome in virdian city she knew battle were meant to be in gyms she hoped it was a friendly battle she groaned  "suicune i need you" suicune came out of her pokeball.  "Suicune???" Abbies suicune tilted its head. "Stay your guard suicune who knows what the holagans will do..." She whispered. Suicune nods  "suuicune!" 

Laine nearly jumped in surprise at the sound of a legendary Pokémon's cry. She slowly turned to her left, suddenly coming face to face with a Suicune, which huffed impatiently in the journalist's face. "Whoa," she murmured, amazed. "First a Pokémon I've never seen before, now a legendary...?! What kind of luck is this?"

Her Porygon seemed amazed as well, chiming in with a mystified whirr as it temporarily shifted its attention from the battle.

@Lux___Wolf @Squad141 @Tmntgal2015
Abbie looked at the porygon and its owner. "Hello i am suicunes trainer i am a gym trainer." She smiles at the porygon "hiii! Aren't chu so cute my names abbie."

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The Noob got suprised how many people just went there.

He wasn't so shy anymore. But still he was. Soooo he still watched them.

He knew he could show them his two demonic Pokemons.

But maybe it whold be a bit dangerous and confuseing for them.
Patty watched the whole ordeal go dpwn, until she got bored, and screamed. "Oriellan! Use Blues!" The blind blue Charmader. Opened its mouth, and blew blue fire, but it didn't effect the Unown.. As he was standing still. Unown hit Oriellan with Unown Power, and made it faint. "Dang it!" Party yelled as she started to run. "After her! Avery yelled. "I've got to see that new Pokemon!"
Porygon let out a flattered cry, which sounded mostly like a soft "por-ree". Laine turned her head at the sound of Avery's voice, waving a hand towards him to her Pokémon. "I appreciate the help, miss," the journalist quickly apologized to Abbie, "but we need to follow that weird Pokémon!"

@Tmntgal2015 @Squad141
The journalist shrugged as she began to run, yelling a "Sure, why not?" just before her departure. Porygon nodded in agreement before darting after its Trainer and the boy.

@Tmntgal2015 @Squad141
The n00b saw the people running.

He's sure at the end these people gonna do something like in the news.

But he has nothing todo, so he follows them without getting noticed, ''..like i did in the Assassin's Creed games.''
((I would like to submit my trainer card for approval to RP! 

Name: Aurora

Age: 23

Trainer card below.

Will go into depth more about appearance in RP))

(traveler :) )

Aurora walked through the city, her nose in a book. She was about 5'6" and had long brown hair. Her blue/grey eyes were following the words as her feet just aimlessly led her through town. Her Pokeballs sat on her hip and bounced a bit with each step. she wasn't a fan of leaving her Pokémon in their balls, but it was for the best. Growlithe was the only one that didn't stay in his ball. He bounded next to her, biting at bits of grass and pawing at people's feet. Suddenly, people were rushing after her. Growlithe let out a desperate "GROWL!" before he hid behind Aurora who was almost knocked over by the group of people. She gasped a bit, confused as a Porygon moved past her. "Wha-" she started but didn't really have a lot of time to comprehend what was happening.
Avery grabbed Ariras wrist and said, "It's team Sigma!" Avery then continued to rush after them, before realizing his watch was moving by itself... It zapped everyone around him, time traveling on its own.
The Noob countined following the group until he felt very strange. Something was happening to him...

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