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Fandom Pokemon: Amethyst-Peridot


The Moose Master!
The Kanto region, a beautiful paradise with many exotic areas! In a lesser known town called "Pallet town" Multiple children prepare for their Pokemon journey and become Pokemon Masters!


As The well renowned Professor Oak is out in the Unova region for a Pokemon research Expedition, he left behind Pokemon for the Children to choose.
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A sudden loud beeping noise pierced the air, followed with a loud "GET UP!". A drowsy Erin rose from his bed with an annoyed look on his face. He sat on the edge of the bed, peering around his room half asleep. His eyes fixed on his calendar slowly. "YES!" He yelled, jumping from off the bed, his hair flying everywhere on his head. He ran from his room and quickly returned realizing he was in his underwear. Quickly, he dressed in an T-shirt, jacket, and jeans, before running out of his room screaming, "It's time! It's time!" His mom had already set his breakfast on the table, as was usual before she left in the morning. He quickly set to shoving it down his throat.
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Headphones' phone started to ring, and she grumbled as she lazily flopped her hand onto it, fumbled the buttons and brought it to her face with an mumbled, "Huh?"

It was her elder brother, "Dad told me to call you to wake you up. So, yeah, do that. You're finally doing what you've always wanted to do, so wake up. Okay kiddo?"

"She flipped so her face was upwards and she yawned with an, "Okay, love you bye."

"Okay, bye." And the click had signaled he had hung up. She slowly got out of bed, in no real rush and headed straight to the bathroom from her deep violet lit room and showered, brushing her teeth, taking care of what she needed to before heading back into her room and putting on her clothes, doing her hair and then finally putting on her trademarked headphones and starting up with a calm animus vox.

From their she went downstairs to find her mother sleeping on the couch in front of a lit tv. She grabbed her backpack from the closet, some gum from the drawer in the kitchen and some untoasted toaster pastries. She then turned off the tv and kissed her mom on the cheek before tying her shoes to her backpack, strapping on her rollerblades and leaving.
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Unlike most other people John was already eating breakfast while everybody else in town was waking up. After finishing his food John got dressed in a T-shirt, jeans and threw a jacket on, using it more like a cape. "The early Pidgey catches the Caterpie, or in this case the Pokemon." said John as he exited his house and made his way to the lab.
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On her way to Professor Oak's place, he could see John closer to the door than she. Even though she was much faster on her rollerblades, he probably woke up earlier. Still, he was closer, which meant his method was doing him better than hers. She waved to him, chewing on her toaster pastry, half hoping he would notice her.
John looked back and saw Headphones waving at him. He fixed up his black hair and waved back "So, looks like the early lead is superior to rushing. Or maybe you have a Slowpoke in your ancestry somewhere ?".
She pulled her headphones around her neck and smirked, saying, "Wow, even through dub step and soundproofing I can hear your snarky tone." When she reached him she ruffled his hair and commented, "Why fix it, you look the same either way."
John smirked "Perhaps to you it doesn't, but it could mean a world of difference to somebody else.". He then pushed Headphones forwards "So, you gunning for the Pokemon League ?".
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she rolled back after he pushed her and laughed before answering, "That's where I will naturally be led to, however, I guess I'm just going to go with the flow. Then I'll figure it out as I go."
John laughed in return "Good, that means I won't crush your dreams when I win it.". When he reached the door of Oak's Lab he held it open "I would say :"Ladies first.", but I doubt you would count as one.".
"Wow, how chivalrous," Rolling in and feigning pleasantry, "Now I know why you like pokemon more, 'cause they're the only ones that have the patience to not strangle you."
John walked in and smirked "Not my fault that pokemon can see my natural appeal. And by the way, you should take your skates off, if Oak found out about this you would hear his ranting all the way from Cinnibar Island.".
Rolling in, sat next to the door and switched out her blades for her shoes, saying, "Yeah, you're probably right. So, what pokemon are you hoping you might get, I wasn't told our options, so I just like to think of what options may be there for us." She tried making pleasent conversation with him, but he was notoriously hard to get along with, but that wouldn't stop her from being friendly.
John took a seat near the window and looked outside "I'm not worried, I'm gonna make the best choice possible, but personally I always liked Charmanders.".
"Really? I guess a lot of people like those. Like some kind of classic favorite, dragons are." Fitting on the shoes, standing up and brushing herself off, "Personally I don't think there is a best. Just favorites."
John smirked "Maybe you're right, but some pokemon are better than others. And I don't care that my choice is unoriginal, I just think they look neat, unlike your fashion sense.".
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"I will make you run home crying like I did Max, so you better just quit it, okay?" She said, prodding him with her finger in a serious manner. For a couple seconds she seemed serious before she smiled and continued, "Just try to be pleasant for once, at least while I have to put up with you." She didn't loose her cool much, but she was also known well for the few times that she did.
John looked surprised at her outburst "Okay I'll tone the snark down when talking to people here, and Max was a little crybaby so why should I care what you did to him ?".
"You shouldn't" She answered, turning away, "You should worry about what I might do to you." She answered with a giggle. She really just wanted to have a good time in general. Even around him, so she digressed, "I'm sorry, just try, okay." Getting a tad sentimental about it.
Rowdy had woken up late like always but he rushed to the pokemon lab amd still made it on time somehow. He opened the doors and entered to see Johnathon and Jacket waiting patiently. None of the other's had arrived yet. He wasn't even sure how many of the towns children would actually show up. Some of the kids had been afraid or disinterested in getting a pokemon. This was not uncommon as many children didn't want to leave their families at such a young age but Rowdy was willing and determind to begin his adventure. He greeted the other's as Headphones removed her roller skates. "Hey John. Hey Jacket. So who else are we waiting on?"
Erin ran out of his house coughing on the pancakes he just shoved down, his backpack trailing behind him in his hands. He somehow was later than the other children, he stuffed his face with pancakes as quick as he could. The others came into range as he was trying to fit the Backpack on his back, "Hey guys!" He waved at them, but then noticed Jonathan. He didn't hate Jonathan, they just never got along too well. He finally reached them, panting heavily, "You guys got here quick," He said, straightening himself out.
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Erin rushed into the lab out of breath catching Rowdy by surprise. Erinwas usually very punctual. "Relax friend. We don't seem to be starting yet." Rowdy was anxious to begin but didn't want to start the process until everyone had arrived.
"Let's see, i'm gonna a need some extra clothes, snacks, a map, and pajamas." Arin said as he was packing his backpack. "Maybe i should bring another pair of shoes..." He looks at the hanging clock on his wall and realizes he was late. "Whoops, I better hurry!" He puts on his backpack and quickly rushes outside, but not before saying good back to his mom and dad. He heads to the lab and sees some people there.
As people began to enter, all familiar faces, she would greet them all with hugs except for Arin, whom she only waved at.. To Rowdy's question she kicked at the floor and answered, "I don't really know, any number I guess."

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