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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Delphine continued humming. At a certain point, she stopped humming and giggled as she stopped walking.
"Something the matter ?" pyros asked with a look of confusion on his face as he also stopped walking.
"It's there," Delphine said. She knocked on the door.

Joshua went to open. "Hey!" he said with a smile.
Ray's heart skipped a beat, with incredible speed he put away his equipment without Delphine or her friend noticing. He liked to keep his talents hidden the only people who ever knew about these talents are people he can trust. He sat down on his bed sighing in relief.

@LyraDark ((I'm now considering changing my romance because it seems to me that when I'm online LovelyCrystal is not.))
Delphine smiled. "Hello!!" she said to Ray.

Joshua smiled. "I am Joshua," he said, extending his hand for a handshake.
Raven was now wondering the achool and lookong around for anythinf that might catch her eye. ' hmm....I should head back to my room....classes do start tomorrow....'she began to walk back to her dorm.

((I may change my romance partner to Delphine if that's okay with you Lyra))

Ray looked at Delphine and waved his hand hello. He got up and went to greet the other person of whom he didn't know. Extending his hand for a handshake "Hi I...... I'm Ray E............ Emerald."

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((dam it i wanted Delphine i was working towards that in the rp rather than just asking)) 
"I'm sorry to cut this meeting short but i feel tired all of a sudden so i am going to retire to my dorm" Pyros said swaying side to side like he was going to fall before quickly making his may down the hall to his dorm where he opened his rooms door and layed on his bed and muttered to himself "close one" and he just layed their in complete stillness.
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Ray went to go grab a water bottle and opened it up. He wanted to explore but he wasn't familiar with this dorm so he needed a guide but who could show him around. Confused he sat down on his bed thinking.

Ray was startled as he just remembered that there were people with him. He looked at Delphine and said "I w... Want to e..... Explore this place B..... But I'm not familiar to it........" He stuttered shyly.

"I will show you around then!" Delphine said with a smile. "I know the place like the back of my hand!"
Ray smiled and nodded his head in agreement, 'Well she's energetic.' Ray thought, Taking another drink from his water he walked to Delphine, the glowing lines on his hair and face were brighter than before but that just meant Ray was very happy.

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Raven got back to her dorm and sat in her bed. She sighed at what happened with the tree in the garden ' why do bad thing always happen around me?' She looned around the room and notice some head phones on delphines bed. 'Those dont looks like the ones she was using...' she went over to th and picked them up. She sniffed them and notice the scent " this belong to her brother..." she was then trying to decide if she should return them or let delphone do it.' Shw probably gonna keep them as a joke...' she sighed and left the room. She sniffed the air and followed the scent to joshua's room.

Delphine smiled. "Follow me!" she said and smiled. She started walking around.

Joshua was looking for his head phones. "Where in the hell I left them!" he said.
After a few mi utes of walking raven was standing in feont of joshua's door. She sighed and knocked on the door.

Ray walked along side Delphine taking in every detail of the dorm as he can while listening to her pointing out important spots in the dorm. Ray was enjoying his tour and it showed it on his face.

Pyros sat up feeling fine again he had no idea what had happened to him so he just sat on his bed for a bit thinking what caused it was it her he thought was she affecting his mental state with him being part psychic his mental state changing can affect him he didn't understand this feeling as he has never felt love towards another before he decided he was thinking to much and decided to go back to the dorm where Joshua and ray he believed he heard the other was called so he got up and walked over to his own door opened it and walked out into the corridor and to the Joshua and ray dorm he stopped as he saw somebody in front of the other dorm's door.
Joshua openned the door. "Hello!" he said.

Delphine was smiling and still walking around, saying some informations that could be usefull.
instead of going closer he just walked back to his dorm and sat down and picked up a novel he had just started reading and he began to read it

(this is it for me now night)
Raven patiently waited for him to open the door. When he opened the door and said hello to her happily. She starred at him for a bit not saying anything. She smiled little " hi...um...you left these in our dorm" she said handing him the headphones.

Ray and Delphine entered the Garden and Ray was amazed by how Beautiful it looked. He saw a broken branch beside a tree and wondered how that happened but his focus was stolen by singing birds in the tree. Ray was listening to them sing but they fluttered away as he got closer. He watched them fly away knowing they'll be back. The way Ray was acting made him look adorable because of his love animals and nature.


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