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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Ray nodded his head not saying another word, he was terribly nervous at the moment.
Pyros had just arrived on the school grounds with his suitcase and bag he decided to head to the area that looks like it could be a dorm area to see if anybody could inform in where he should go.
Delphine smiled. "You will see, he's a nice guy," she said before going back to her bed. "Joshua Black! Could you leave my phone alone???" she asked.

Joshua smiled at Delphine. "There," he handed her phone to her and hugged her. "See you later!" he said as he got out of the room.
Raven glanced at Joshua when he hugged delphine '...Must be nice to have siblings that are close...' she sighed and went back to her book ' I gotta stop thinking about the past....I came to this school to get away from it...'


walked slowly around campus. looking at all the beautiful thing they had. She quietly wondered to herself if shed meet anyone like her . Her shinny short dark hair glinting in the sunshine. Then the sun got covered by clouds and she decided to find the library.


Walked throw the dorm rooms wonder who she would be roomed with and if they would like her, or get along or even have anything in common. As she carried her stuff she felt a sneeze coming on and she panicked a little cause she hadn't learned how to control her lightning tweaks yet.
Pyros walked into the dorm area remembering that he already had his dorm assigned so he headed straight there when he got there he noticed that no one else was inside the room so he just put his bags down and decided to see if anybody was around.
Delphine started listening to her music and then she walked to the door of the room. "I will be around," she said and then started walking around after closing the door. She was smiling.

Walked into the library and went all the way to the back hopeing no one would find her.


"choo" a little spark went out and she dropped all her bags and looked around her."ooo good no one around" she bent down and started to pick up her things when she herd foot steps.
Raven nodded as she watched her leave. She put her book away and stared at the ceiling. She then took out a nintendo 3ds and started playing kid icarus. She smiled as she played.

Pyros walked out of his dorm and started to walk down the corridor and he see's the two girls one carrying some things and the other walking he decides to walk over to the one walking and greet her "hello" he says in a quite voice with a warm smile on his face.
Delphine took out her earphones and stood there. "Hello," she replied, smiling. "I am Delphine," she said.
"Pleasure to meet you Delphine i'm Pyros Blake" he said well extending his hand for a handshake.
Delphine shook his hand with another smile. "Are you new there?" she asked. The teen knew the place like the back of her hand.
Raven stopped playing after a while and sighed " as much as I wanna stay her. I should go out and explore a bit..." she got up and left the room ' maybe this place has a garden....' she began walking around the campus.

"Well if you want I can show you around!" Delphine said. "I know the place like the back of my hand!"

looks at the tall male with a charming smile walk over the girl who was next to her in the opposite side of the hall and decides to go find out what dorm room she was in.
"Okay! Let's go!" Delphine said with a wide smile. She started walking around and explaning that all elements had their own specific place.
"There is also a library, a cafeteria, a garden, a training ground... They have a lot of things here!" Delphine said.
"Indeed thank you for this by the way not many people would give a tour to a total stranger even if they are in the same school" Pyros said bowing in a thanking way.
Delphine smiled. "Well... I guess I am one of these persons who are nice like that," she said.
After about an hour raven finally found the garde. She smiled happily and walked in the garden and looked around. She saw that no one was around and started sing.


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