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Fandom Poke Academy (A School for the Gifted)

Well that was certainly interesting Artemis thought. None of the people he had met so far were what regular humans would call normal. His roommate, for example, had silver hair that definetly wasn't dyed. And the boy he had met just now had red hair and radiated a peculiar aura of death. Granted Artemis wasn't normal either. He was the son of lugia, Gaurdian of the goddamned sea and lord of storms (also lord of deadbeat dads). He created winds when he was angry. It only made sence that he would make peculiar friends. Not that he considered anyone he'd met so far his friends. He didn't have time for friends anyways. He had work to do and all he needed was Athena. He looked around. "Ah ha!" He called. He had spotted what he was looking for. An door with a sign that said doormitory head on it. "There it is."
After almost a twenty minute read in her dorm room, Viola's eyes peel away from her book to find her Bisharp but mostly Zoroark agitated from being cooped up in the room. Usually back at home, Viola would take the liberty of waking up then have a little morning exercise routine to tire out her Pokemon and get them in tip top shape. Today she skipped all that because of school. The blue haired teen closes her book then stands up grabbing her Pokemon attention.

"Alright you three, what's say we go out and get some fresh air? Maybe explore on the way and finding a place to train hmm?" All three nod or give a cheerful cry in response. "Alright then let's go." The tall beauty leads the way making an echo of her heels tapping away behind her through the hallways. Viola Took the opportunity to admire the structure of the halls and occasional potted plants while leaving the dormatry.

Viola and her crew looked around in awe of the place searching for a training ground which she found perfectly with a bench under a shade of trees and a large dirt block specifically for training. "Ok guys ready for training? Let's start with some warm ups. Bisharp and against Zoroark! Get into position." Bisharp slide on over to the left suddenly and Zoroark across from the two.

"Ok Crogunk stand by for battle for now." Crogunk stood beside Viola croaking squat down and chilling in a nonchalant manner. "Bisharp use Metal claw! Zoroark keep dodging his attacks then counter attack with shadow claw!" Bisharp strikes first making a fast sprint toward Zoroark, his metal arms glow as he starts jabbing as fast as he can trying to land a hit on the Pokemon. Zoroark growls as Bisharp lunges toward her focusing all her attention on him. She starts dodging his constant jabs backing up little by little searching for an opening. Her eyes immediately widen finding one. Her right clawed arm glows a dark purple as she uses shadow claw and sending a surprised Bisharp flying back and making a explosion. A small gust of dust leaving a trail behind the Bisharp whom stands back up shaking off the after effects feeling pumped up. "You ready for the next part?" "Sharp!" There Pokemon responds. "Okay again!" Viola commands and both Pokemon continue the same routine unless otherwise told. The wind from the explosion blowing Violas hair away leaving big her and Crogunk unfazed.
From outside the hall, Leon heard Artemis' voice calling to him about finally having found something. The boy ran back to the hallway to see his roomate standing in front of a door excitedly. Leo ran off and clawed at the door, meowing loudly at it, probably thinking there was food inside or other Pokemon for him to play with. Rayah squealed a little and flew onto Leon's head, pecking at him impatiently, expecting something to happen soon. "We're about to meet one of the teachers here and I can't have you guys screwing around like this!" Leon popped out his pokeballs and returned both the Abra and Fletchling to their respective capsules, but when it was Leo's turn he whined and jumped at Leon, rubbing his head pleadingly on his legs. "Fine, you can remain out here but behave yourself ok?"

Almost as if the Luxio could speak English, he nodded his head and sat next to Leon obediently, making his best effort to keep a serious face on. "Well let's go then!" Leon walked up to the door and turned the knob, a little nervous to see which legendary Pokemon would take the position of "Head of Boys' Dormitory". Upon entering the room, Leon was surprised to see a tall, relatively young man sitting at his desk. "Hello sir, my friend here and I would like to have a battle and were wondering if you'd like to be the referee!" There was a palpable excitement in his voice, which was probably due to the kid's natural ability as an extrovert to speak to people. "Luxio!" Leo also seemed rather excited about the whole thing.

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Cobalion was sorting through paper work when the doorknob turned and two boys entered. One had silver hair and the others hair was so blonde it was almost white. Beside them were two Pokemon, a luxio and an umbreon. The boy with silver hair asked him to referee a battle. That was great. He loved a good battle. It was better than paperwork. "Of course I'll referee the battle. I am-" "cobalion." The bleach blonde boy interrupted him. "Legendary Pokemon, leader of the swords of justice, and apparently head of the boys dormitory. Or at least, that's what the pamphlet said, and the myths." "Yes of course." Cobalion replied. He didn't like this boys attitude. "Anyway I'll referee your battle. May I ask your names?" "Artemis." Replied the bleach blonde boy. "Sir." He added at cobalion a look.
"My name is Leon and this is Leo!" The boy pointed to his Luxio with a smile on his face. "So is there like a place designated for battles like an arena or field where this can go down?" He still didn't know the school all that well after only having spent about an hour there since he arrived earlier that day. "Since you only have Athena over there, then I'll only battle with Leo to keep things even!" "Luxio!" Leo was clearly excited to start the battle as it would actually be his first battle against a trainer ever since he spent most of his time training in the woods outside Leon's home with Palkia and Leon.

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Thirty minutes later later, after listening to some music and taking a shower to wash the blood off, Zael left the dormitory, hair still damp and sketchbook in hand. He had surprisingly gotten bored just laying there in his new room, and decided that he might as well do a little drawling and exploring of the grounds before it was overwhelmed with students who would no doubt be hurrying to classes the next day. Oh goody. Zach was still at his side, spinning and twirling every now and again. The pokemon looked up at him with a somewhat concerned expression as it no doubt sensed its trainer's distaste. "Kirl?"

Zael shook his head. "It's nothing Zach. I'm just not looking forward to this. I mean, I know I'm doing this so Mom doesn't need to worry as much, but it doesn't make it easy all the same, you know?"

"Kirl." The pokemon nodded in understanding. The two were then silent as they walked through the campus, eventually coming upon a battle between pokemon, with a young woman, judging by the blue locks on the back of the person's head, commanding the pokemon as they sat on a bench. Must be training. Zael thought as he found himself watching despite himself. He crossed his arms, leaning against a tree some distance away, doodling every once in a while when he wasn't observing the fight.

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"Why yes we have a field designated specifically for training and battles!" Cobalion said. I'll lead you too there. He got up and exited his office rather giddy. He couldn't wait to see the first trainer battle of the school year. Not checking to see if the boys and Pokemon were following him he set off for the training course.

Following Cobalion Artemis took some time to think of some strategy before the battle. It was most likely the luxio's would move first, given what Artemis had observed of it, so he needed to be ready to counter it's attacks. As he was thinking of ways to do that they arrived at the battle field to the sight of someone already there, training they're Pokemon.

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Leon skipped behind Cobalion with Leo following close behind, anxious to start fighting as soon as possible. Throughout the way there, the only thought on Leon's mind was to have fun in his first real trainer battle and give his Luxio some real battling experience in the process. Since he was a relative novice to this, Leon's grand strategy was simply to take advantage of speed and mobility to connect clean and quick hits on Umbreon. Once they arrived at the battle area, there was a trainer that Leon spotted training some highly evolved Pokemon. He marveled at the moves that those Pokemon did and the show they put on while battling each other in front of their trainer.

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Crogunk watched his comrades battle when his eyes shift over to a redhead under a tree sketching. His eye sight then shift over to a group following behind a taller person.

"Crogunk go help." Viola a ordered. Crogunk croaks and sprints over to Bisharps help. He notices Bisharp taking a hit to the ground by Zoroarks shadow claw; as the dust clouds Bisharps body, the sneaky Crogunk takes the chance to hide in the dust and hop from Bisharps back and use poison jab on Zoroark which becomes a critical hit from the surprise attack. Zoroark steps back a few feet away flinching and holding her gut. She was strong enough to keep standing but for a limited time. Zoroark growls while Crogunk lands before Bisharp and talking to him in response as if saying, "My turn." Bisharp grunts holding his gut and forcing himself back up. He was injured but not as much as one thought. All those days of training and getting them in shape everyday caused them to endure the pain for a small amount of time.

"Excellent sneak attack Croagunk. Now use poison sting." Croagunk hops high and spews poisonous stingers which glowed purple towards Zoroark. "Zoroark use Night Daze." (not sure if this is the illusion move) Zoroark eyes glow for a moment causing Zoroark or it's illusion to get attacked. Dust clouding Zoroark causing Bisharp to take this chance and make a move but before they could do anything else, Zoroark appears behind the two. "Dark pulse."

Zoroark slams both her glowing claws to the ground causing a big, dark red wave of energy to whisk away Croagunk and Bisharp away and slam into the gravel. The two trying to catch their breath as Zoroark peers as both her comrades with fire in her eyes ready for the next command.

Viola turns and notices a group watching her battle. "Apologies did you wish to use the field? I think my Pokemon are done for now." The teen looks at her Pokemon. "Ok guys that will be all for today. Take a rest you did great." All three of her Pokemon retreat and walk over to her where she smiles and pets them all as a reward for their cooperation.

Viola sits on the bench with her Pokemon resting on the grass. Viola looks at them all noticing she was the only girl. She sensed a familiar presence that her father Dialga warned her. It felt familiar like space distortion, Death and one was of a cool weather feel. "Which one of you is related to Palkia?" She starts.

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Leon's smile faded as he felt the energy coming from the girl on the bench, it was as if a piece of time itself was staring back at him from there. He knew that it was the offspring of Dialga that sat on the bench with all those strong Pokemon training in front of her and got slightly worried, unsure of what would happen next between the two. As soon as she mentioned Palkia, he knew that she had also felt his energy the same way that he had. Palkia never quite liked Dialga, but Leon was never told to attack anything related to Dialga or become hostile. He wasn't so sure that Dialga hadn't said something like that so he half-expected to get jumped by the girl on the bench.

"That'd be me, and I presume you're Dialga's kid." Leon didn't display any hostility in his voice or manner of speaking, it was more caution than anything as he forgot about his upcoming fight for a moment. Even though Leon could feel a power from Artemis, it wasn't recognizable or quite as primal as that of Dialga's control of time itself. "We were actually just about to have a Pokemon battle so I appreciate you giving us the space..." The boy tried to establish somewhat friendly contact but his worry didn't fade from him for a single second.

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Viola's glare turns over to a silver haired boy. She stands and approaches him and nears her face on the boy as if trying to observe his motives and figure. Her eyes soften at the sight of him and a sweet smile crept on her lips. He didn't seem that bad or display anything negative like her father had warned her in fact he gave her a very relaxing vibe from him. His words seemed genuine and formal. "Father depicted you all wrong. You seem to have manners and no sign of being aggressive like father said." She blushes meeting his eyes noticing she was too close and possibly making him nervous. She pulls away and steps away. "My bad. Where are my manners that was quite rude. My name is Viola Keepers like Time Keeper ironically. Get it?" She starts laughing at her own pun and wipes a tear away. "Sorry was that too cheesy?" She asked curiously.

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Scout finally woke up from his nap due Sir patting his face. He sat up, sending his Sableye sprawling on the floor. "Oh, sorry Sir." The Sableye's glare only lasted a short time as Scout had pet him on the head and placed him on his shoulder. "I guess we can go explore now." He stood up and dragged himself on top of Mister, where Captain had once again perched himself. There they set off, with Mister having to duck his head again to prevent hitting the doorway. The small band marched through the halls, passing by a pair of students and their Pokémon that stood in the doorway of the the dorm head's office, although they left soon after.

Another thing that happened was Scout taking yet another nap. He would've fallen back off of Mister if Captain hadn't been their to grab his hair in his talons and steer him back towards Mister's neck. With no specific way to go, Mister carried them back outside, ending up near a battle arena. There he spotted the two boys again and stopped near the arena and lied down. Sir climbed off of Scout's shoulder and crawled up Mister's neck and sat on his head. There he rubbed the soft, smooth surface of Mister's sail-like ears, a way to relax him. Captain perched himself on Scout's back.

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Leon noticeable got flustered when Viola approached him, it seemed very odd to him for a girl, the daughter of Dialga no less, to just get all close to him like that. "I, uh..." His voice quivered a little but his usual friendly tone returned to him as he finally got a chance to relax. "Yeah, uh, you aren't as bad as Mother says either, hehe..." Somehow, through all the nervousness, Leon managed to curl his lips into a smile as his eyes gleamed a little. All traces of nervousness vanished as she made a pun about her last name being Keeper, though, and Leon burst out laughing. "It's way beyond too corny, but it's still funny!" "My name is Leon Rhine, it's very nice to meet you!" Leo then meowed and jumped forward, looking at Viola with an intimidating face and trying his best to scare the girl, noticeable more calm than when he met Artemis and Athena. "That little guy is Leo, my best friend from home" Leon laughed a little at his Luxio, still unable to get over how tough he always tried to be.

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Viola smiles at the boy hearing him out. "Leon and Leo huh? How cute you match names. I find that to be quite beautiful and a sign of bondage. You truly must care for your pokemon." Meanwhile, all three of her pokemon stop behind and glare at Leo for trying to act tough. Croagunk pretends to pop his knuckles giving Leo a mug as if to warn him not to be mean to their trainer. Zoroark growls while Bisharp simply bumped his hands together also giving Leo a glare. Viola notices and huffs. "Now you three settle down and behave yourself these are friends not enemies. These three are my pokemon. Bisharp, Zoroark and Croagunk. Zoroark is always pushed hard because of how cocky and wild she can be. She was hard to tame when I first met her. Bisharp and Crogunk I rescued from a bunch of thugs who abandoned them for being weak and they work better as partners. You could say they were all part of a bad crowd. So their hard to tame and I must always tire them out to keep them in control." RoninN7 RoninN7
Kaida hummed quietly as she sat on her Absol's back. The dark type didn't seem to mind. It was a normal occurrence after all. She planned on letting her Zweilous and Chandelure out later, once she had her things set up. "I wonder who we'll be bunking with, Pandora. I hope whoever it is is friendly." The Absol let out a noise in response and soon topped, signaling they had reached their destination. "Room 2...This is right. Thank you, my friend." Quietly, she got off of Pandora's back and headed inside the room. "It looks like our roommate beat us here. I wonder what she's like..." She shook her head before setting her things down on her bed. "Well. We won't get anywhere just sitting here. Why don't we go outside and let the others out to stretch?" Pandora let out a noise and started walking with Kaida trailing behind here.

As soon as she was outside, she pulled out two pokeballs and threw them into the air. "Come on out you two!" Out of the pokeballs came her Zweilous and Chandelure, who seemed happy to be out for a while "Hey Phantom, Hydra. How about we find somewhere quiet to sit? I know you want to enjoy the fresh air as much as I do." Phantom and Hydra both let out a cry and the four quickly started walking in a random direction, or in Phantom's case, floating.
Artemis watched the entire scene, amused. He knew he should probably introduce himself. It was the polite thing to do. "I should probably introduce myself too. My names Artemis and this is Athena." When he said Athena's name he pointed to her. "If we're all admitting our parentage then I might as well tell you I'm the son of lugia, who is the worst dad ever. Now I think we were going to have a battle."

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Tyra chuckled as she stood outside watching her Togekiss give her Pikachu a ride in the sky. "Hey! I'm next after Chee-Chee, Toby!" Toby gave a nod before continuing to fly through the air with the Pikachu on his back. The red haired girl smiled at the site she was witnessing above. Glancing at Coal her smile changed to a grin, "I'm glad that they're having fun." The taller Pokémon nodded in agreement as he watched to. Placing a hand on his trainer's head he ruffled her hair a little bit. "Hey," she giggled, "Don't let me lose my Keystone." The hairclip stayed in place while Coal gave a deep chuckle.
"Yeah, well this was my first Pokemon ever so he has a special place in my heart." Leon felt relieved that she wasn't as bad as his mother told him Dialga was and thought that they might even become friends. It was a nice thought that ran through his mind for a bit until it was cut off by her Pokemon getting all tough behind her. The boy couldn't help but laugh a little at the scene in front of him, feeling a little sense of familiarity with his own Luxio. "What do you mean they were too weak? They're little tough guys though." The words came out of Leon's mouth part serious part mockingly in a playful and friendly kind of way. As soon as Artemis introduced himself Leon remembered their impending battle. "Oh yeah, we should get this show on the road, I'm hungry!" Leon really was hungry so he wanted to get the battle started as soon as possible, besides, it wouldn't last long since it would only be one on one instead of a full team battle.

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"All right then." Cobalion said. "Trainers take your places. The battle between Leon and Artemis is about to begin. Each trainer will be allowed one Pokemon each. There will be no substituting. Battle begin!"
Once Cobalion announced the battle, Leon's attention turned away from Viola and towards Artemis and Athena, who were standing in front of him. "Okay then Leo, are you ready?" "Luxioo!" Leo jumped up and down a bit, clearly excited for his first battle against a trainer Pokemon. Leon himself was also excited because his Luxio knew a special move thanks to some good genetics that his parents had passed onto him. "Leo, use Charge!" Leo turned bright yellow as he started storing energy in him; it was, admittedly, an odd choice to start with considering Luxio's speed and potential for instant attack, but Leon wanted to try and strategize for once.

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Leon had gone first, just as Artemis had predicted. Pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose Artemis shouted "Alright Athena dodge and use confuse Ray." "Umbree!" Athena shouted. She jumped up and fired off multi colored balls that swarmed around the luxio. She then fell on top of the luxio taking less damage then she would have is she had been hit head on but taking damage none the less.
The confuse ray made Luxio unaware of what was going on around him and he stared angrily in all directions, unsure of where to attack anymore. As soon as Leon saw that the Umbreon landed on top of Leo, he decided to take a chance and immediately attack. "Use Shockwave!" The Luxio roared angrily as electricity discharged from his body in all directions. He also cried out in pain as, in flailing, Luxio had hit his head on the ground at the same time as he attacked.
Athena was knocked clean of Leo. That shockwave had done a lot of damage. Artemis cringed at the sound of Athena hitting the ground. "We're not done yet!" He shouted. "Athena use payback!"
Leon smiled as he saw that he had caused serious damage, but at the same time he felt a sense of worry when he considered that Leo had also taken damage and was still confused. That's when the Umbreon hit Leo with a clean hit using Payback, knocking the Luxio down from all the damage that comes from attacking after your opponent. "Leo, use Double Kick!" The Luxio got off the ground and tried attacking Umbreon, but the confusion still hadn't worn off and he crashed into the ground yet again. Leon winced a little, as if he had felt Leo's pain himself. "Leo are you all right?" The Luxio didn't respond, he was probably out of it now, having dealt too much damage to himself layered on to the damage the Umbreon dealt. "Come on, let's go heal you up and grab a bite to eat." Leon pulled the Luxio back into his pokeball. "That was a good battle, thanks for that!" He spoke to Artemis happily, excited that he had finally had a real Pokemon battle.

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Artemis didn't believe it. He had one the battle. He wasn't actually that good at battling. Of course he didn't really battle much since he lived in lumios city. "Agreed." Artemis said to Leon. "It's lunch time isn't it? I wonder where the mess hall is." With that Artemis headed off, planning to get lunch and eat it in room one so that he could get some work done.

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